
    After the heartwarming confession that Daisy made to Tony, they spent the rest of the day catching each other up on the last five years of their lives. Well... Daisy caught Tony up on her life. She kept tabs on everyone she knows, so she knew exactly what had happened in his life since she left.

     Tony had been pretty quick to forgive his daughter for her absence. Not long after the father-daughter duo had finished their discussion, Pepper Potts came running into the room. The ginger CEO stared wide-eyed as she panted for breath from running up two flights of stairs and through multiple hallways in heels. "Daisy! Oh my god!" She ran over to the brunette and pulled her into a hug. 

"Hi, Pepper." Daisy said with a small smile, trying not to grimace at the pain erupting in her arms and shoulders from the sudden contact.

     Pepper pulled out of the hug and whacked Daisy's shoulder as her happy, relieved expression quickly turned to one of maternal-like rage. "Where the hell have you been, young lady?" Tony and Daisy both looked at each other with a glint of panic in their eyes before looking back to the  former P.A..

      Daisy winced slightly as Pepper whacked her once again, causing Tony to stand up and look at her in concern. Daisy never winces when Pepper whacks her. "Kid, are you okay?" 

"Yeah, why?" She tries to play it off as though everything is fine, pretending she's confused why her dad would be asking her that question. 

"Take your jacket off." Pepper demands, suddenly having the same suspicions as her fiancé. 

"I think I'll pass, it's kinda cold in here." Daisy says without missing a beat, mentally cursing herself for overexerting her powers last week.

"It's 70 degrees in here and you're immune to cold temperatures. Take off your jacket." Tony says as he crosses his arms.

"No." Daisy says bluntly as she looks Tony straight in the eyes, silently telling him to back down.

"Excuse me?" Pepper's glare worsened. 

"You're excused." Daisy fought a smile as Tony snorted, Pepper's gaze then turning to him.

     The billionaire cleared his throat and stood up straighter, trying to make himself seem more disciplinary next to his fiancée. "Daisy Clarke Johnson-Stark, we're not going to tell you again." Pepper warned.

    Daisy sighs, knowing that Tony will help Pepper do something about her defiance if she doesn't listen. She tenses as her fingers come in contact with the skin of her arms, causing sharp pain to travel all the way up to her shoulders. She slowly takes her jacket off, revealing skin that's littered with pretty much all colors of the rainbow. Bruises, ranging in severity, cover every inch of her arms, traveling all the way up to her shoulders. "F.R.I.D.A.Y., tell Bruce to get to the med bay ASAP." Pepper says.

"Right away, Ms. Potts."  The A.I. replies to the CEO in her Irish accent. 

     A couple minutes later, Dr. Bruce Banner comes rushing into the room. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. said you needed me. What's going on?" 

"Hey, Bruce." Daisy speaks up from her horizontal position on the bed. Tony and Pepper had forced her to go back under the sun lamp and then opened all the curtains and windows as soon as they saw her arms, trying to expose her to as much sunlight as possible without having to take her outside. 

"Daisy... what happened?" The doctor asks as he grabs a bunch of equipment to start scanning Daisy.

"Ran out of meds a few weeks ago. ...Haven't been able to get more yet." She sighs.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., start Daisy's usual medical exams." Bruce says as he grabs a tablet.

"Scanning Miss Johnson for any injuries or illnesses." 

     Information begins appearing on the screen of Bruce's tablet, displaying x-rays of Daisy's arms. "You have dozens of hairline fractures going all the way up both arms, four broken ribs, a dislocated wrist and shoulder, two infected stab wounds, three cauterized GSW's and a sprained ankle. And you're- that can't be right." Bruce sighs as he takes his glasses off and looks at the readings closer.

"What? Bruce, what's going on?" Tony asks.

"The scans say she's malnourished, dehydrated, and sleep deprived." Bruce says as he looks over to Daisy with furrowed brows.

"What?" Pepper steps towards Bruce

"Daisy, you wanna talk to us?" Tony asks as he sits next to his daughter on the bed. She looks over to him with a frown, knowing she's about to be in for an earful. 

"Not really." She mumbles as she looks away from her dad. Tony sighs as he looks at his feet. "D, please tell us you didn't do this to yourself."

     Daisy continues to avoid eye contact as her dad places his calloused hand on top of hers. "What happened?" He asks quietly. Daisy clenches her eyes shut as she gets dizzy from turning her head too fast. Once the disorientation subsides, she starts to explain why she's malnourished, dehydrated, and deprived of sleep. 

"I got caught, about three months ago. They set up a fake meetup for a weapons delivery, and I went, thinking I would be able to stop it and take them down." She sighs as she rethinks her stupidity. "They had enhanced people working for them. They slapped power dampening cuffs on me and... questioned me." She tries to reword her thoughts so they don't get on her more than they already are. 

"Questioned you? That's all  they did?" Pepper asks with a quirked brow, silently referring to the list of injuries Bruce just went over. Daisy looks over to the ginger. "...They fed me a single piece of bread once a day and gave me a single glass of water that had to last two days before they gave me another one." She pauses.

"I was there for a couple weeks. After a few days of neglect, they started saying shit. I shouldn't have let it get to me... When I got out I stopped eating lunch. Barely ate breakfast. Being kept in the cell reminded me of-... I couldn't sleep, no matter how hard I tried. Too many nightmares." She finishes. 

"You know, whatever those assholes said isn't true?" Tony says as he takes her hand in his. 

"I know... I don't know why I let them get to me." She says as she clenches her eyes shut in frustration. 

"Don't be too hard on yourself, Daisy. There are just some things we can't control." Bruce says as he hands her a few pills and a cup of water. 

"Thanks, Bruce." She smiles tiredly as she takes the meds and water from her 'uncle'. Bruce nods before walking across the room to a drawer where he takes out a pair of black sleeves. He walks back over to Daisy and starts to put the gloves around her arms, strapping them on to make sure they're secure. 

"There. Tony and I made these before you left. They're based on the designs of the ones your S.H.I.E.L.D. friends created. They have the same healing technology and they're padded, so if you bump into anything, they'll take the hit for you and it won't hurt as much. You need to keep them on until your arms are healed. Except for when you shower." Bruce explains. 

"Thanks guys. It means a lot." Daisy says with a grateful gleam in her eyes. 

"As for all the other injuries, you should be good to go in an hour or two as long as you don't strain yourself. You can leave the med bay. Just make sure you soak up as much sunshine as you can. Stay hydrated and ease yourself back into eating full meals. Your stomach probably shrunk from not eating properly, so don't eat too fast. Even if it's just a snack. You should start with soft foods and build your way back up to solids. "

"Thank you, Bruce." Daisy says as she struggles to sit up and hug her 'uncle'. Bruce meets her half way and helps her stand, making sure to hold her weight on the side of her sprained ankle. "I'm always here, Daisy. Whenever you need me." He smiles as he hugs the young brunette. 

"Alright! Let's get you out of here before you go stir crazy." Tony says as he puts his arm under Daisy's and helps her walk out of the med bay. "I can walk just fine on my own, you know?" She huffs out a breath of laughter.

"Yeah, but then I wouldn't be able to do this." Tony looks at his daughter with a suggestive smirk before he puts his arms under her knees and lifts her into his arms. 

"Wha-! Dad, put me down!" Daisy squeals as Tony sprints down the halls of Avengers Tower until they reach the living room. 

"Pepper! Bruce! A little help!" Daisy yells over Tony's shoulder as they reach the common room of the floor. Everyone in the room who had been conversing goes quiet at the sight of the brunette being carried by her adoptive father. 

"What happened?" Steve and Bucky, being the gentlemen they are, immediately rush over to help.

"Put me down!" Daisy demands as she smacks Tony's shoulder repeatedly. Her eyes light up as she sees a certain speedster enter the room with a sandwich in his hands. "Piet! Un mic ajutor aici!?"  (Piet! A little help here!?)

     The silver-haired Maximoff looks up with wide eyes and smiles at the sight of his friend. He had heard the team whispering that she was back, but he didn't fully believe it. A flash of silver and blue streaks can be seen before Pietro has Daisy in his arms, rocking side to side as he smiles into her hair. Ever since Daisy had saved him in Sokovia, the twins and her have had a bond similar to how his and Wanda's was before. They viewed Daisy as a big sister, so when she disappeared without notice, the twins, Tony and Thor were affected the greatest. 

"Ce sa întâmplat, soră?" He asks, noticing how she winces slightly at the contact to her arms. She pulls away from the hug and looks into his worried blue eyes. (What happened, sister?)

"I'm fine, Piet. Just a few scratches here and there. Nothing I can't handle." She shrugs.

"She's supposed to take it easy for the next couple hours." Tony says with a stern look, noticing how Daisy is putting weight on her sprained ankle.

     Another flash of blue and silver and Daisy is suddenly sitting on the corner of the couch closest to the window, which had suddenly been opened. Her foot and ankle were now propped up on a pillow. Wanda walked into the room with a glass of water and a smoothie and handed them to the now relaxing Inhuman. 

"What all did you do this time?" Clint sighs. 

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., if you would?" Tony speaks to the AI, who proceeds to list all of the injuries Daisy has to the team, as well as the fact that she's malnourished, dehydrated and sleep deprived. 

"Thank God for whatever bond you and the twins share." Tony sighs in relief as Pepper and Bruce walk into the room. Pepper walks over to her fiancé and gives him a hug as they watch Daisy interact with the team.

"Good, you're already resting." Bruce says as he walks past Daisy. 

"Didn't have much of a choice!" She shouts over her shoulder, making everyone chuckle. 

     Everyone falls silent as Thor steps into the room. His eyes immediately meet Daisy's and he practically sprints over to the brunette. He sits down beside her and pulls her into a gentle hug. "I missed you too, you big lug." Daisy chuckles as she blinks back tears of joy and relief. 

     Thor smiles as he pulls from the hug and wraps his arm around her shoulders. "It's good to have you back, cousin." 


At this point I'm practically rewriting half the plot...

I'm gonna keep the same storyline, just changing how we get to some things. 

Have a great day or night depending on time zone!
