Finally Home

    Daisy and the team spent the rest of the evening catching up. Everyone was beyond ecstatic to have the girl back home. Thor, Pietro, Wanda and Tony made sure to keep an eye on her so she didn't injure herself more. After dinner, she had fallen asleep with her head on Thor's shoulder half-way through the movie that Clint decided to put on. Thor—not wanting to disturb his cousin's slumber—had Pietro drape a blanket over her. Everyone spent the night in the common room, having a family slumber party to celebrate Daisy's return.

     So, that's how Daisy woke up the next morning; her head on her older cousin's shoulder (who was snoring quite loudly), with her family sleeping around her on chairs, couches, and mattresses that had apparently been brought into the room. She shook her head in amusement with a smile on her face before carefully getting up and tiptoeing around the bodies of her sleeping teammates/family. Once she was past the obstacle course of sleeping Avengers, she silently made her way to the kitchen and started making coffee. 

"Morning, doll." Bucky Barnes yawned as he made his way into the kitchen a few minutes later. Daisy smiled as she poured the coffee into two mugs and handed one over to the super soldier. "Morning, James. Sleep okay?"

"Yeah, thanks. They still happen sometimes, but the nightmares have gotten less frequent." He says, pulling Daisy in for a hug before preparing his coffee. 

"That's good. Morning, Steve." Daisy says as she pours another mug of coffee and hands it to the blond super soldier. 

"Morning, Daisy. Thank you." He says as he takes the mug and starts to prepare it. The brunette woman nods before finally pouring herself a cup of caffeine. She pours in one packet of sugar and stirs it before taking a sip and sighing in contentment. 

     Bruce, Natasha and Sam all filter into the kitchen together and head straight for the coffee pot like a herd of zombies. "This is why Daisy is everyone's favorite." Sam says tiredly as he nurses his coffee. 

     All the early risers of the Avengers chuckle quietly as Daisy goes to make another two pots of coffee, one of them being decaf for Pietro and Thor. Rao only knows how those two always have so much energy when they wake up. Bruce slides past the two super soldiers who are both sat at the island, reading the paper like they used to in the forties. No one questions where Banner is going as he exits the kitchen.

"Does anyone have plans today?" Natasha asks. 

"Bucky, Sam and I are gonna go on a run like usual, but other than that, I'm free all day." Steve says, not looking up from the paper.

"Hey, Daisy should come with us." Bucky suggests, discreetly eyeing the brunette from his seat at the island. 

"I don't know... I'm not exactly popular right now." Daisy says as she nurses her mug. 

"No, Bucky's right. The last time you were in the public eye was over a year and a half ago. You've been laying low, and no one's gonna come after you if you're with us." Sam says. 

"I really don't think it's a good idea, guys." She tries to protest.

"No, come on! It's not like you robbed a bank or anything. You became a vigilante that the feds got annoyed by because they couldn't catch you." Bucky protests as he puts his newspaper down.

"Guys, stop. I don't wanna risk anything. If word somehow gets out that I'm Stark's daughter, it'll be nothing but trouble for the team." Daisy says in a more stern tone. 

"Daisy's right." Bruce says as he walks back into the room. "Not only that, but she's still healing. She shouldn't be overexerting herself with running or anything for the next day or two. Here." He opens a pill bottle and dumps two into his hand before handing them to Daisy.

"Thanks." She mumbles as she swallows the medicine. Bruce nods before moving over to grab his coffee. Pepper Potts then comes into the kitchen, fully dressed in a pant suit and heels. 

"Morning, Pepp." Daisy says as she hands Pepper an already made coffee in a to-go cup.

"Morning, sweetheart." Pepper says as she kisses the side of Daisy's head in a motherly manner. 

"Ms. Potts, you have a meeting on the 43rd floor in approximately 15 minutes. Ms. Johnson made sure to call ahead last night and ensure there is food ready to serve for everyone in case they haven't eaten breakfast." F.R.I.D.A.Y. says.

     Everyone looks over to Daisy in shock as she sips her coffee. "I forgot how prepared you always are." Natasha says, shaking her head.

"I made sure the food was something all of the attendees can eat, so if anyone asks any questions about allergies, you'll be okay. I also had Gina make sure all of the papers and everything you would need are sorted according to when you would need them in a binder at the head of the table." Daisy says as she puts her coffee on the counter behind her, knowing that Pepper was about to give her a hug. 

"It's good to have you back." Pepper laughs as she gently hugs the brunette, just as predicted. Daisy chuckles before pulling out of the hug.

"Who do you think will wake up next?" Bucky asks the group.

"Clint." Everyone except Daisy says.

"Usually I'd agree, but I'm betting on Pietro. He was way too hyper last night." She says.

"Who said my name?" Pietro asks as he walks into the room.

     Everyone points to Daisy, who then gets tackled in a hug by the speedster. "Woah! Good morning to you too." She chuckles as she ignores the pain erupting in her arms.

"You okay?" He asks her. She furrows her brows to feign confusion. "I'm fine. Why?" 

"Your arms are still healing. I didn't know if I went too hard on the hug or-" Daisy cuts him off.

"Piet, I'm okay." She says as she gives him another hug. 

"I still don't understand how sunlight can heal any injuries you get except your arms..." Sam says as he takes a bite of cereal that he had made for himself.

"The sun can help heal my arms depending on the context of the injury. These are self inflicted by my inhuman powers, so they take more time to heal. The sun does help though." Daisy explains.

"Might as well save your energy from trying to explain, doll. Sam's bird brain doesn't function until at least noon." Bucky says, making everyone chuckle while Sam groans in annoyance. 

"Morning, guys." Daisy says as both Clint and Wanda walk into the kitchen. 

     Clint groans as he heads straight for the coffee pot, while Wanda walks over to Daisy and gives her a gentle hug. "Good morning, sora." The auburn haired Maximoff says.  (sister)

"What about me? I don't get a good morning?" Pietro teases his sister.

"No, esti un idiot." Wanda deadpans. (you're an idiot)

"Hey! Fii bun cu bietul prost. A fi mai în vârstă nu îl face mai inteligent." Daisy says teasingly, making Pietro gape at her in mock offence. (Be nice to the poor fool. Being older doesn't make him smarter.) 

"Oi!" The speedster shouts as Daisy and his younger twin laugh.

     Pepper Potts walks over to Bruce and puts a hand on his shoulder before whispering in his ear. Bruce nods in response before Pepper straightens up and heads towards the entryway of the kitchen. 

"Well, I've gotta get upstairs for the meeting. I'll see you all at dinner." The strawberry blonde says.

"Have a good day, Pepper." Daisy smiles as she takes another sip of her coffee.

"You too!" The CEO calls over her shoulder as she makes her way to the elevator.

"So... since you can't train or anything, what are you gonna do today?" Sam asks Daisy.

     Said woman blows a raspberry before shrugging. "Hijack dad's lab?" She suggests with a mischievous smirk. 

"No!" Steve and Bruce shout simultaneously. "You just got back, you're not starting a prank war already." The super soldier continues.

"Whatever, gramps." Daisy rolls her eyes at the now glaring blond.

"Definitely Stark's daughter." Clint mumbles with a roll of his eyes, making everyone laugh. 

"Speaking of—I'm gonna go wake him up." Daisy says as she sets her mug on the counter before leaving the kitchen.

     The brunette woman makes her way back into the living room, where she finds her adoptive father sprawled across the floor. She shakes her head in amusement as she spots the trail of drool at the corner of his mouth. Squatting down to his level, she shakes his shoulder gently. "Dad, wake up." 

     The billionaire groans before rolling over onto his side, away from his daughter. "Dad, come on. I made coffee..." Daisy trails off in a teasing manner, hoping to catch his attention.

"Coffee?" Tony grumbles, still half asleep, as he sits up next to his daughter. She chuckles lightly at him as she nods her head. "Yeah, you and Thor are the last ones up. Pepper's already upstairs in her meeting. "

"You're my favorite child." Tony says as he kisses his daughter's temple, making her laugh. 

"I'm your only child." She pauses, briefly quirking a brow. "Legally, at least." She shrugs as she pushes herself up from her squatting position. 

     Tony rolls his eyes at his daughter's comment before heading into the kitchen with the rest of the team. Daisy steps over the blankets and pillows strewn across the floor as she makes her way over to the couch to wake her cousin. She lightly shakes his arm, stirring the blond god awake. He groans a little as he slowly blinks his eyes, trying to let them adjust to the artificial lighting of the room. "Daisy?" He mumbles.

"Morning." She says with a soft smile as her cousin immediately sits up and pulls her in for a hug. 

"You're really here. I thought it was a dream." He mumbles into her hair, causing her eyes to tear up. 

"I'm here, Thor. This is real. I'm sorry." She says as she closes her eyes, relishing in the embrace of one of her only remaining biological family members. 

     After a minute, she blinks away the tears that threaten to fall before pulling away from her cousin's arms. "C'mon you big lug, you gotta get your daily dose of pop-tarts." She smiles. 

"POP-TARTS!" The blond god shouts in glee as he scrambles to get up and run into the kitchen. Daisy laughs as she watches Thor trip over multiple pillows and blankets, somehow managing to stay on his feet. She then trails after him where she sees Natasha and Steve making breakfast for everyone. 

"Smells good guys." The brunette says as she looks over Natasha's shoulder to see the redhead scrambling some eggs. 

"Jeez! Don't sneak up like that, Daisy!" Steve shouts as he jumps. 

"Sorry, Cap." She smirks mischievously before ruffling through the cupboards to find ingredients for her favorite smoothie.  She furrows her brows as she looks around for something. Bucky comes up behind her and hands her the banana she was looking for. "Here, doll." 

     Daisy smiles as she takes the yellow fruit. "Thanks." She then turns towards the counter where the blender sits, waiting to be used. She quickly throws all of the ingredients into the blender and blends them together to make her smoothie.

     When she's satisfied with the thickness of her breakfast, Daisy turns off the blender and pours her smoothie into a glass, which Pietro tops off with a straw for her. "Thanks, Piet." She says as the silver-haired speedster smiles at her. 

     Daisy walks out of the room and brings her bag back in with her. She pulls out her laptop and starts looking something up. "Whatcha doin', D?" Tony asks his daughter as he sips his coffee.

"Are you looking yourself up?" Sam asks with a chuckle as he looks at her screen over her shoulder.

"I'm trying to see if there are any new articles or anything about me. I check every morning before I go anywhere." Daisy says as her eyes skim over articles involving the infamous Quake. 

"Looks like the last one was over a year ago, just like Sam said." Steve says.

"I still don't understand how you can just disappear like that." Bruce joins the conversation as he looks over some of his recent lab reports. 

"I've been doing it since I was 8." Daisy mumbles without thinking as she switches tabs and begins hacking any and all street cams and surveillance footage that could have possibly spotted her on her way to the tower. 

     Luckily enough for her, she was smart enough to keep her head down when she got off of the subway, and the cab driver didn't seem to recognize her. Either that or he just didn't get a good look at her face. Either way, it worked in her favor. So, with those details in mind, she set up a new file on the cab driver. Using a facial recognition software that she created, she gathered as much information as she could on the man, just in case he did recognize her. Once that was set up, she began to keep tabs on the man. This way, she would know if he decided to tell anyone about his interaction with her. Seeing as though, if he did talk about her to anyone, government agencies could find her location and hunt her down. She could never be too careful. 

"-like she doesn't even hear us. Daisy!" The brunette looks up to see everyone staring at her incredulously. "Yeah?" 

"We've been trying to get your attention for 10 minutes, doll." Bucky says softly as he sees the crease in her brows. 

"Sorry, I'm trying to finish something. Once this is done, you'll have my full, undivided attention." She says before going back to staring at the pixels of her screen. 

"What could she possibly be working on that takes that much attention?" Clint asks, shaking his head in disbelief. 

"It appears as though Miss Johnson is setting up a tab on someone."  Friday speaks from the ceiling. 

"Who?" Natasha asks with furrowed brows. 

     Everyone's gaze travels towards the woman of interest as she closes her laptop. "Cab driver. In case he recognized me. Now I'll know if he decides to tell someone about me. What do you need?" 

"We need you to rest. You look like you're about to pass out on us." Steve says.

"I am resting. It's not like I'm running a marathon or anything." Daisy says as she lets out a breathless chuckle. 

"Daisy, when I said rest, it means relaxing. Not worrying about if a cab driver is gonna gossip about you to his friends." Bruce sighs, knowing he's about to lose brain cells from trying to argue with her. 

"I swear to Rao, if you try to put me on bed rest-!" She starts to go off on a rant, not noticing the looks being passed back and forth by the team. "-lot worse than this! You know what? I think I'll go roof jumping! Yeah, that sounds fun! that way I can show you that I'm completely fine and that you don't need to coddle me like a todDLER- PIETRO!" The team laughs as the silver-haired speedster ends Daisy's rant by zooming her into the living room and setting her on the couch. 

     The rest of the team walks into the room to see Pietro struggling to hold Daisy down to the couch as she fights to get up. "None of us really have anything to do today, do we?" Natasha asks as Pietro grunts in the background. 

"No. We can skip our run today." Steve says as he looks to his two best friends, both of which nod in agreement. 

"All I have to do is work on lab reports. I can do that here." Bruce says with a shrug before going to sit in his favorite armchair. 

"I have no clue why you're all looking at me. You should know by now that I do what I want, when I want." Tony says as he hops over the back of the couch to sit next to his daughter. 

"Except when your fiancée's involved." Sam snickers under his breath, making the rest of the team chuckle. 

"Okay, that's settled then. We're all relaxing today." Clint says as he gladly goes to sit down. 

     Daisy stops fighting the speedster as she notices everyone joining them in the living room. She sighs in defeat as she makes herself comfortable. Bucky sits on her right, Tony on her left. Thor and Pietro both sit on the floor in front of her with their back leaning against the couch. She smiles at the two puppy-like men as she leans into Bucky. The brunet super soldier wraps his flesh arm around her shoulders as she lays her head on his shoulder, just like she used to do. He looks down at her fondly before turning his attention to the TV, which is now playing Disney movies. 

     Daisy's last thought before she drifts off into slumber: I'm finally home.
