
Five Years.

     That's how long it's been since she's felt anything besides anger, sadness or pain.

     She doesn't even recognize herself anymore. She used to be happy. Before everything happened. She was a sweet girl who had everything she could ever hope for. Family, friends, an amazing home. But the universe finds humor in killing everything you care about. At least that's what it seemed like to Daisy.

Daisy Clarke Johnson. 

     Some hear the name and shrug it off. Some shiver in fear or gasp in awe. But at the end of the day, she's the same person who seems to lose everything she ever cares about.

She's heard it before: wherever she goes... death follows.

     The first time she ever heard those words said about her, she realized just how drenched her ledger was. It was basically nonexistent; it had seen so much blood and carnage that the crimson liquid that created it, also dissolved it. Now all that remained of the once blank parchment was a red sea. The names and words of her victims floating aimlessly in her dreams, screaming out to her for mercy every time she closes her eyes.

     What she would give to go back in time and find a way to somehow prevent all of the grief and despair. But the world doesn't work that way. Johnson learned at the tender age of 12 that the universe was out to get her. She lost everything that day.

But as they say: One door closes and another one opens.

Or in Daisy's case, several opened.

     Those doors led her to where she is today: walking the streets of the city that never sleeps. Fighting an internal war on whether she was making the right decision. The decision to possibly endanger those she cherishes with her whole being once again. The ones that were left anyway...
