Chapter 8

s you walked onto the streets you heard gunfire and clung to Daryl's side even harder. He tried to whisper words into your ear to make you less scared but it didn't work. You and the rest of the group ran across the road trying not to get shot. You made it to an old bus parked in the middle of the road.(The one inmate from the prison...i forgot his name.) lifted you up onto the top of the bus but suddenly got shot. He fell to the ground and died almost instantly. You saw Daryl shoot a guy with his gun pointed at Rick and he then climbed up to you on the bus. He hugged you and turned around to get you and the group out of Woodbury. but just before you were about to op off the bus. You felt a bullet go through you shoulder and screamed in pain. You faintly heard Daryl say your name. Why does he seem so far away? You thought. then the world went black...

