Chapter 3

TW!!: Se*ual As*u*t

(In this chapter, Shane gets a little aggressive with the reader, may be triggering to some people!)

The next morning, I woke up with Beth, Glenn, and Maggie, staring at me and smirking.

"What do you guys want?? why are you staring at me like that?"

Then, I realized Daryl had cuddled up and wrapped his arm around me sometime in the night. I threw his hand off of me and hid my face in my hands, waking him up in the process.

 "I didn't know Daryl was a cuddler," Beth said mockingly, trying to stifle a laugh.

 "Leave us alone, s'none of your damn business," Daryl said, and with that everyone left.

 I chuckled to myself and got up quickly, not acknowledging the cuddling that went on in my bed.

 "c'mon Daryl, let's go get breakfast, do you need any help getting up?" he grunted and sat up before I could help him, got up, and walked to the stairs.

"I guess not" I shrugged, following him to the dining table.

 We were the last ones, of course. We sat at the table with everyone for our routine breakfast and meeting.

 "Mornin' you two," Rick said, I blushed and looked down while Daryl rolled his eyes, not allowing his eyes to meet mine, brushing off Rick's comment.

~Timeskip brought to you by Lori's attitude~

After breakfast, we all got to work on our respective jobs, Mine and Carls were to feed the animals. Daryl's was to clean the stables and groom the horses.

After I was done, I was walking to the stables to go ask Daryl If he needed any help, and Shane grabbed my wrist.

 "Hey (y/n), watcha doin'?" he asked me, I just ignored him and tried to keep walking, but he squeezed my wrist tighter.

"what's your problem with me?" he asked, "You look at me like I'm a villain"

"I Just don't wanna talk to you Shane, now please, leave me alone." I spat at him, Otis never came back from when Shane And Rick went with him, and I don't believe it was an accident.

 He smirked at me, then forced me closer until we were chest-to-chest. "what, you think I killed your friend Otis huh? that's personal business, so don't go blabbing to anyone" he whispered in my ear.

 I kept struggling against his grip but to no use, he was a lot stronger than me.

"fuck off Shane!" I yelled at him, hoping someone would hear me. He turned me around and grabbed my mouth so I couldn't make noise.

What's gonna happen to me?

Is he gonna?-

My thought was cut off by Daryl punching him in the face. Shane dropped me and I fell to the ground, Daryl continued to beat on Shane until he was begging for Daryl to stop. and when he did, Shane's face looked like a squished tomato.

Daryl turned towards me as I huddled on the ground, shocked by what had happened,  he extended his hand out to me and helped me up.

"you good?" he asked with such a sincere face, I didn't know it was possible for Daryl. 

"Yeah, thanks," I replied, looking into his eyes.

He walked me back to the house while I told him about what happened, when he opened the door, my dad ran over to me.

 "Who did this to my daughter!?" my dad said with clenched teeth

 "Shane," said Daryl, "he threatened her to not tell anyone, but he implied that he killed Otis."

"and where is he now?" My dad inquired, wanting to inflict his own wrath on Shane.

"laying in the field, I took care of it," Daryl said cooly, but I could tell he was seething at Shane. My dad cleaned up my bruises and Daryl stayed with me up in my room.

"thank you for saving me, I don't even want to imagine what would've happened if you weren't there," I said.

"no problem" Daryl responded, shortly, as always.

how am I supposed to get close to Daryl if he's so closed off?? There's so much awkward silence between us.

"what's your problem dude??" I exclaimed at Daryl.

"huh?" He was confused, staring at me with a shocked expression.

"We were cuddling this morning, and now you won't even give me the time of day!"

Daryl just looked at me, and like always, I couldn't tell a damn thing he was thinking.

and before I could say anything else, he said something I was hoping would never come up.

"I'm worried you're just too young for an old bastard like me."

feeling hurt, I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs, leaving Daryl alone in my room.

Shortly after, my dad called all of us to the dining room. I made eye contact with Daryl and he made his way over to the seat to my right, but I wasn't going to acknowledge him, I won't give him the satisfaction.  "I have asked everyone but Shane to come here Because he hurt and threatened my daughter, (y/n), I want him gone."

"It is either Shane...or all of you." 
