Chapter 6

(timeskip to prison)

As I contemplated which cell to occupy, a pair of sturdy hands grabbed my waist.

"Wanna be cellmates?"

"No, Daryl, I was planning to room with Carl," I quipped, playfully.

"That little pipsqueak better keep his hands off ya."

A chuckle escaped me as I made my cell selection.

With that settled, I decided to check on Carl. Discovering him in Beth's cell, meticulously inspecting the top bunk's mattress, I casually greeted him.

"Sup, Carl? Whatcha doing?"

"O-oh, nothing!" He said jumping back, " I was just making sure B-Beth was safe," Carl stammered.

Suppressing a snicker, I bit my tongue, not wanting to embarrass him.

Exiting the prison, I headed towards the bus, trying to find a moment of solitude. It's been a hard while, constantly moving. I was optimistic about the prison, hoping it would be a little bit longer of a stay this time around.

Lost in my thoughts, a sudden encounter disrupted my peace. A stranger leaped out, swiftly placing a bag over my head, before I could see their face, I was plunged into darkness....
