You'll be the death of me

Xylia POV

I just finished doing a client's hair at my apartment. Ever since Dakari and I broke up he started showing up to the salon and I didn't feel like seeing him every day so I decided to take house calls or do hair at my apartment.

I cleaned up my area and vacuumed the remaining hair on the kitchen floor. My client let me keep the braiding hair and the hairstyle came out bomb asf so I'm in a happy mood.

I filled up Luna's food bowl and petted her behind her ears as she chased her tail.

After I lost the baby due to miscarriage I went to the apartment Dakari and I shared and started packing. I had about 2 months to get all my shit since he was still on tour.

I cut all ties to him and I rarely hang out with Damya or Aaliyah anymore because they're always around him. I have no problem with them still hanging out with Dakari since Sossa is their boyfriend but I just don't want to be around my ex specifically the one who cheated on me.

I go into my bathroom and start washing up since I've been braiding for about 7 hours.

I lathered the dove body wash on my loofah and started washing my ears and my neck until I got to the bottom of my body. I switch towels and use a completely separate towel for my coochie and booty hole.

I then switched towels back and started washing my feet while almost falling. I don't care what nobody says but if you don't wash your feet then you're nasty!

I rinsed off my body as I stepped out of the shower before drying my feet and taking off my shower cap.

I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and did my edges since I had freshly done braids. I looked in the mirror proud of how good my hair looked, considering I did it myself.

I rubbed cocoa butter on my smooth and soft skin as I grabbed the blue rainbow-colored bodycon dress off my bed and threw the dress on.

I snapped about two pictures and decided to post one on my Instagram. I disabled the comments because there are always thirsty niggas in my comments and Dakari's private accounts in my comments. He always creates new accounts to spy on me and he sometimes goes on live telling his fans to send me messages about taking him back.


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I made sure to analyze the background and see if there was anything that Dakari could use to find my location. One time I was at the grocery store and he popped up all because of a nearby store he saw in the background of the photo.

He also told the internet that I'm pregnant with his baby and some other shit. He found the 5 pregnancy tests in the trash when he got home from his tour and won't let go of them. I've heard many rumors about myself on TheShadeRoom that I had an abortion but I just ignore them.

I miss the relationship that we had but I have to put myself first. Growing up I always saw shit of the woman staying with the man after he cheated and I never wanted that to be me. Baby or not, I'm going to focus on myself and work on my dreams and achievements.

I got in my black Lexus because I didn't want to draw any attention while I was out and I knew my Jeep and Range Rover is way too flashy for today.

I was going to a local pet store called Tagworks to get a new dog. Dakari has been pissing me off because he's trying to say I stole his dog even though he never takes care of her.

After the miscarriage, I went into a deep depression and the only thing that helped me was taking care of Luna. Taking care of dogs is alot of work and they're basically like taking care of children. Being able to step up and take care of Luna responsibly helped me heal when I lost the baby, it made me feel like a mother.

As I walked into the Pet Store I saw many different kinds of animals including a blonde honey-colored baby poodle. I immediately fell in love with her while looking into her big puppy dog eyes.

"We just got her yesterday, she comes from an abusive home so she needs a lot of healing," A tall white middle-aged man said with a warm smile.

The dog looked so fragile and broken just like how I did a month ago. I felt an emotional pull drawn to her and knew she was the one.

"I'll take her," I smiled as the same man picked her up and walked to the register.

"She just got all her shots she needs and vaccinations," He said typing on the register.

I handed him $300 and grabbed more dog food. I had extra dog bowls at home and she could use Luna's old doggy bed.

As I drove I decided I wanted to name her Chanel. It's crazy how a dog reminds me of myself so much.

As I headed into my car I noticed a back jeep wagoneer and 2 men in the front seats. I then turned to the side and saw Dakari's face. 

I slowly backed up and prayed they didn't see me. The truck immediately spun around fast chasing after me.

I floored the car accelerating to 100 mph, the car right on my tail, I began maneuvering to the far right as I made a mad dash to the nearest exit.

 I didn't see the car in sight which meant I had lost them. I felt myself sweat in places I didn't even know was possible.

How the fuck did he find me?

Why can't he just leave me alone, he's the one who cheated. 

I didn't feel safe going home so I decided to call one of my new friends, Kendall. Her house was the closest to the area I was in and she had so far made me feel safe.

Kendall and I recently became close when I started doing her hair. She came to my house and was really good at conversation and a major extrovert! She seemed like she was always trying to get to know me and she is a very good listener.

The first hairstyle I ever did on her is Knotless Jumbo braids she was very patient with me and our relationship was more like friends instead of hairstylist and client.

"Girl, my cousin on my daddy's side having a party, you wanna come?" She asked sipping her red wine out of the glass.

"o-oh well, I don't want to intrude if I wasn't invited," I stated stammering on my words a little.

"Girl you'll be fine, you can wear something from out my closet," She said holding my hand and letting me to her room.


We have been at the party for about 4 hours and I'm hella drunk. I didn't want Dakari to possibly find out where I am, even though I'm halfway across town, so I waited to post our pictures until after we left the house.


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RandomNigga ❤️❤️

Iluvpinktips 😘😘😘

As I kept on looking at Kendall she looked so familiar, I just couldn't put my finger on it. 

It was almost like we met before.

"Hey, girl have we met before," I smiled jokingly.

I saw a slight wave of panic on her face before she said " Maybe we're just soulmates,".

"Aww, you'll be the death of me,". I said sipping the Hennesy in my red cup.




Dakari chasing Xylia?

Bella Amour?
