Atlanta or Miami?

I've been up all night looking at the college offers and scholarships I received. There were a lot of offers but I was only specifically looking for 4 universities. 

Harvard, Stanford, Yale, and Princeton

I started checking my emails and noticed that they all rejected me. I was highly confused considering I had a 4.0 GPA, graduated high school early, and was valedictorian. I stormed down the stairs angry feeling like I wasn't good enough. I went into the kitchen and grabbed an apple out of the fruit bowl and started chewing the hell out of it while deep in my thoughts.

"Damn, what did that apple ever do to you," my brother Zion said walking into the kitchen. I stopped chopping on the apple and started telling him about the rejection letters.

"Am I not good enough even though I worked my hardest?" I said slumping over the counter.

"It has nothing to do with how hard you worked besides you have to have like a 4.16 GPA to get into an Ivy League school and that's insane," He added. 

"You should think about attending an HBCU anyway"my mom interrupted.

"Hmm, I'll think about it" I mumbled. 

I then went to my room and looked at the universities that I did get accepted into. One college caught my eye, Spelman College, an HBCU. I started looking into their program and I decided to send in my acceptance letter, deposit, and separate acceptance letter for financial aid if required. I only had about one week left to choose a college because I'd been procrastinating opening my email because I was scared about getting rejected, which I did.


Dakari was currently in my room sitting in a chair while I was eating pizza on my bed.

"Bambi, I got a basketball scholarship," He announced as cheese drizzled off his bottom lip.

"I forgot you on the basketball team, anyway I'm proud of you." I gushed while smiling.

"but it's in Florida, Miami to be exact," He said slowly.

"But I'm going to college here, In Atlanta" I cautioned.

"Yea, so we can do long distance" he murmured while scratching his head.

"What the fuck, we all know how long distance works" I blurted out.

"So you can just go to school in Miami," He said in a duh tone.

"I really really want to go to Spelman and not some school in Miami" I expressed.

"It's fine we'll just figure something out, I don't want us to break up" 

I then grabbed a fruit rollup off my nightstand and as I was chewing I got a random idea.

"Karii, can I eat a fruit rollup off your dick" I beamed while looking at him.

"okay bet" Dakari chuckled while standing up.

"Noo, I was just playing," I said while backing up and smiling.

"You scary," He said throwing a pillow at me.


For the past hour, I've been looking up different colleges in Miami and Atlanta while Dakari was slumped down in the chair sleeping.  

I then looked down at saw my phone ringing as the name Khylee slid across the screen. 

"Wassup Lee," I said while looking at the phone. 

"Umm meet me at my house" She whispered fidgeting with her hair.

"ohh okay," I said noticing she was acting weird.

I tapped Kari's shoulder waking him up, and telling him I was heading out to Khylee's house.

I slid into my slides and grabbed my keys and started driving to her house quickly noticing she was nervous about something.

I had on this white v-neck button-down shirt with blue pajama pants and yellow slides with my black hair straightened.

Once I got to Khylee's house I walked up to the door but before I could knock the door swung open. I walked inside and saw Aaliyah standing before she gave me a confused look. It seems we both didn't know what the hell was going on with Khylee. I looked around and the house was a complete mess, It looked like somebody robbed the place, it was so empty.

"So I didn't know how or when to tell you but I can't wait any longer" Khylee announced with her hands behind her back.

"I'mmovingtoCaliforniatolivewithmygrandparents," she said real fast.

"What, girl slow down" Aaliyah giggled.

"I'm moving to California with my grandparents"

"When," I asked confused

"Tomorrow, she said looking down.

"Why didn't you tell us," Aaliyah said while walking up to Khylee.

"I just didn't know how to, and besides I just thought my mom would change her mind"

Khylee's dad is currently in prison for selling drugs, he used to be the neighborhood drug dealer. Khylee's mom is a drug addict, that's actually how her parents met. She has three younger siblings ranging in age from 7-11. Ever since Khylee's dad has been incarcerated she's been trying to convince her mom to go to rehab and one day her mom finally agreed. What Khylee didn't know is that if her mom goes to rehab she and her siblings have to move to California to live with her grandparents.

"I told my mom I can take care of my siblings because it's what I do when she's too busy doing drugs anyway," She said with an attitude.

"You don't deserve to have to be stuck at home because you're too busy taking care of somebody else's kids. You should be enjoying your life as a young adult" I responded trying to be helpful.

"You're right, maybe it won't be so bad. I heard Cali has really cute girls there too" Khylee laughed sticking her tongue out.

"We're going to miss you"Aaliyah added while we all hugged each together in a group hug.

           To be contined

 I've been having writers' block but Imma try and do better-Lonii
