Just Breathin

Author/Loni's Note⚠️⚠️: (She only gon be in middle school for like 2 chapters. i jus think Jayda was so cute as a kid so i wanted to use some old pictures and start the book off with her in middle school.)

 Quote of the Day- "Whole lotta motherfuckers speaking on me that ain't done shit"-Latto

Xylia Chanel Almanzar

I wake up early in the morning, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness for the day ahead. I had on a red "just do it " Nike shirt, camo pants and some old tennis shoes. I begged my momma to let me straighten my hair the night before and I had some big ole gold hoops on that looked like I came straight out of the bay area.

I packed my bag quickly and ran downstairs tot he kitchen. As I walk to the kitchen, I see my scrawny big brother, Zion already sitting at the table, his eyes still sleepy. My mom is cooking up some flapjacks on the stove, and the smell hits the spot.

Good morning, sleepyhead," I say to my brother as I sit down next to him. "Are you ready for your first day of school?"

He nods, and my mom places a plate of warm pancakes in front of us. We both pour maple syrup on them and start chowing down.

"My babies are growing up so fast. What yall most excited for today?" my mom asks.

"I can't wait to meet my new teacher and see my homies," Zion big headed self responded being a fool like always. "And I'm hyped to see some new broads."

I laughed as momma came over behind me and popped him in the back of his head.

I stayed silent because this year I was going to a new school and finally starting middle school.

My mom smiles, "Boy focus, I'm sure you'll both have a good day. Just remember to be chill and helpful to everyone you meet."

As we finish our breakfast and get ready for school, my momma forced me to take a picture wit my little cousins Jontrell & Dontrell that lived down the street at my aunt Pam's house. 

Zion had already took off and catched up with the bus but i felt special because mom was dropping me off.

I walked into Cedar Northwest Middle School. I looked around getting used to my surroundings and scoping the scenery out.

My mom had signed me & my brother up for school late so everybody else had already been in school for 2 weeks before us. Zion was at a completely different school since he was in high school and I was just starting the 6th grade.

When I walked into the classroom I scrunched my nose up because it was 9:00 in the morning and it already smells like a can of bounce that ass.

I looked around the room and already felt a headache coming on. It's going to be a long year.

There was a group of boys shadowboxing while another group was too busy rating girl's looks based on Instagram Highlights.

A/N- shadow boxin era was funny asl & side opinion ion like when people randomly call people ugly or choose to hate. 

 On the other side of the room were girls replying their lipgloss for the 30th time that morning looking like chicken grease was smeared all over their lips but they was definitely cute. The girls all had cute purses like Telfar or a Marc Jacobs Tote Bag. 

Then right in the middle of the room, there were the kids who were just chilling and were either on their phones or talking to another student. I decided to sit in the middle and immediately put my head down. I could tell just by looking around that I didn't fit in and never was going to.

A tallish man about 5'8 with a crooked hairline and a non-connecting beard walked inside the room walking on his tippy toes.

I watched him walk to the front of the room, up and down, up and down. The rest of the period went by very quickly. So far I heard gossip about this girl named Mya allegedly messing with this boy named Isiah who so happens to be Chloe's "boyfriend." And I guess Chloe was planning to fight Mya at lunch.

I dragged my feet outside of the class as the bell finally rang. I walked to the bathroom to adjust myself before I killed myself from boredom.

All the girls had on crop tops, mini skirts, or some tight jeans that were all up in their asses. Everybody had a fake weave or colorful braids in their head that was carefully parted and braided.  I'm not gon front, they looked good and really cute, I'm kinda jealous. I stared in awe as I looked at the girls standing at the mirror. 

They were all so pretty, they were all different shades of melanin and their bodies were completely different sizes and looked different. The only that wasn't different though was that they all had boobs or at least more than me. I looked down at my little A cup that made me look like a little boy and stared back at the girls wanting to cry. I played with the puff ball on top of my head suddenly feeling nervous.

"Damn, I know I look good but you don't have to stare." The girl could pass as brown skin or dark skin, she had knotless braids that reached the end of her butt and had a bright pop of the color of pink sticking out in the back. She had on an orange sweater that zipped up and some light-colored shorts with some orange Jordans on her feet to match. She looked clean and she looked like she smelled good.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare," I sniffled feeling embarrassed.

"Girl I was jus messing wit you, no need to apologize," She said as her friends stared at me like some charity case that needed fixing.

"I'm London but everybody calls me Lon Lon," She smiled showing her perfect set of white pearly teeth.

"Girl stop lying, nobody calls you that," A light-skinned girl with her hair straightened blurted out laughing.

"Khylee why you always hating, let a sista live," London joked with her hands on her hips before all the girls busted out laughing.

"Oh, well I'm Xylia but call me Lia," I gulped as my throat suddenly felt dry.

"Cool," The girls said in unison.

"Girl no offense but you need a makeover," Khylee mumbled looking me up and down.

"We got about 5 minutes before we gotta get to class, let's fix her up," A dark skin girl with locs said smirking while washing her hands.

Before I knew it they were doing my edges, putting lip gloss on me, and tryna make my clothes look cuter.

I had on a plain white t-shirt, a zip-up grey hoodie, and some grey jeans that I matched up with some white vans. They tied up my shirt in the back and put my jacket around my waist.

One of the girls put some mascara on me, and I looked cute before I knew it.

"Yesss Bitch," Khylee cheered bending over and twerking in the mirror with her tongue sticking out.

"Girl you look good, but we gotta go before we're late," London laughed looking at me while smacking Khylee's butt.

"Yea, we all know Mr. Hunt be tripping," The dark skin girl with locs, whose name I found out was Niyahh said.

We all rushed out of the bathroom as we heard a hall monitor and keys jingling near the bathroom.

When I walked into my second period I couldn't help but notice a boy I went to elementary with.

"Was good Xylia, you look the same but different at the same time," The boy named Landon said.

" Yeah, it's good that we have this class together so at least I'll know some people," I replied smiling.

He told me that there was an empty seat next to him and said I could sit there if I wanted to. I walked to the seat and saw this pretty girl with long braids in her head that seemed to rub against the back of her chair.

 I remembered her we were friends in elementary school but we would rarely talk. The most we would interact with one another is by playing with each other at recess on the playground or drawing together.

"Hey Aaliyah," I casually smiled as she turned around and we started talking about random shit while she caught me up with all the drama and gossip going on in the school.

(Time Skip)

It was lunchtime and Aaliyah and I sat with some girls that were in our class. Aaliyah has always been social, but I've always been the complete opposite. I guess you could say I'm antisocial when I want to be and I'm a extrovert when I'm around the right people.

The girls talked and I noticed Khylee (the girl from the bathroom), and Niyahh walking up to our table and sitting down.

There was a thicker dark-skinned girl who was sitting next to Khylee who I assumed was her friend and had her hair in a low ponytail with dramatic edges. Listening more to the conversation I heard her name was De'Asia.

And there was this girl who kept interrupting Aaliyah while she was talking to always say some negative shit like " This food is nasty, mfs don't know how to cook,". She was tall, skinny, with brown skin, and had two short puffballs in her head.

The more the girl named "Kyndal" talked I realized that I didn't like her, and she was definitely going to be a problem in the future. I rolled my eyes as Kyndal kept on running her mouth about unimportant shit that nobody cares about. 

Everybody in the cafeteria stayed anxious with their phones out waiting for a fight to break out. The girls pointed to who Mya, Chloe, and Isiah were and they all had different vibes.

 Mya seemed unbothered and laid back while Chloe had lashes so long she looked like if she blinked too hard she would fly away, a long leave out that was stiff, and a bodysuit on that definitely wasn't appropriate for school. I'm not one to judge but she seemed very grown up, considering we are only in middle school.

 She looked grown especially while she was rubbing up on the boy Isiah's thigh. "Chloe watched Mya walk by and ain't do shit," Aaliyah said making the table full of girls laugh.

"I guess the rumors are true then, Chloe got all bark but no bite," Khylee shouted loud enough for Chloe to hear her. All Chloe did was look at her before quickly turning away noticing that our whole table was looking her up and down.

The whole lunch I just listened to the girls talk, and I decided they all seemed cool, and I liked them so far. 

I guess school won't be so bad.


Author/Loni's Note

Stay tuned cause it's popping off!

Did I do good writing this chapter ?

How yall feel about Khylee?

Thoughts on Aaliyah?

And ofccccc mf thoughts of Xylia.
