Chapter 2

A. Go to school despite being sick 

B. Stay home and recover <---Option chosen


Bakugou agreed to what Masaru suggested and ate the soup slowly, Mitsuki sighed relieved, "Alright, that's for the best. Thank god you still can think rationally." She lightly teased and gently ruffled Bakugou's strangely soft hair despite looking so sharp, Bakugou glared at her for a while and Mitsuki just laughed at that.

Before Bakugou's parent's left, they quickly helped him change into comfy clothes. A gray loose sweater that belonged to Masaru that made Bakugou appear smaller and cute, lavender colored pajama pants that Mitsuki often wears which Bakugou was against wearing because of that reason but the power of a mother was too strong for Bakugou so he had to wear it, and he ended up looking rather cute.

After dealing with Bakugou's attire, they made him lie down at his bed to rest then they went out of his room to leave him be to do their designer work which required them to leave him alone, they offered to a hire a babysitter but Bakugou immediately shut down that idea.

The day went by pretty quick and uneventful, but Bakugou rather enjoyed that, just lying down at his bed, relaxing, not caring about anything and just lazing around in general, but it'd be a better day if he isn't feeling a killer headache though.

He twisted and turned around his bed and his blurry vision was getting more and more troublesome. 'Thirsty...' He thought, so with an objective in mind, he got up and off his bed a bit wobbly, he got out his room trying his best to not fall down, especially when he went down the stairs.

He walked to the kitchen coughing quietly and successfully was able to drink water, but was interrupted when a knock from the door caught his attention, "Who is it!?" He shouted his voice coming out a bit dry and hoarse, he opened the door a bit annoyed but was surprised to see  familiar green colored curly hair.

Midoriya stood there awkwardly smiling and waving his hand wearing UA's uniform carrying with him his bag and a plastic bag carrying who knows what, it's pretty obvious how he rushed here with how messy his uniform looked when it usually would be clean and neat.

"Hi Kaccha-eeyhh! Don't close the door!" Midoriya tried to stop Bakugou who was trying to close the door by pulling the knob and with Bakugou pulling it on his side to close it, it was a bit of a challenge for the shorter boy, "I came to check on you since Mam Mitsuki asked me to!" Midoriya actually tried to start a conversation while trying to prevent Bakugou from closing the door on him.

"I DON'T NEED YOU 'WORRYING' ABOUT ME! LEAVE ME AL-cough-ALONE!" Bakugou shouted and couldn't help but cough and let go of the doorknob swinging the door wide open and almost letting Midoriya fall backward, "Ah! Kacchan! Are you OK?" Midoriya asked worried about Bakugou.

Bakugou couldn't respond with him coughing and all, "See? I told you you'd get sick!" Midoriya scolded sighing which pissed Bakugou beyond words, he punched Midoriya's chest but it was pretty weak and didn't hurt at all, it just felt like a kittens soft paw touching your skin and it was quite weird for Midoriya to see Bakugou so weak like this but he didn't dislike it, he actually found Bakugou a bit cute.

Midoriya got inside of Bakugou's home and directed Bakugou to sit down at his couch while Bakugou kept on weakly punching Midoriya's head of course not able to shout out a single sentence with his coughing fit that just wouldn't stop.

"Calm down Kacchan! I'm just tr-trying to help!" Midoriya said as he closed the door and got back to Bakugou and sat next to him and checked the ashy-blonde's temperature by placing a hand at his forehead startling Bakugou to the point where he actually stopped coughing.

"DON'T TOUCH ME SHITTY NERD!" Bakugou yelled his voice a bit high-pitched and slightly shaking, Midoriya did what he was told not really afraid with Bakugou's sudden outburst and only showed a crooked forced smile, "Mam Mitsuki asked me to take care of you, so I'll have to take ca-care of you instead." Midoriya awkwardly said.

Bakugou clicked his tongue displeased, knowing his mom, she probably did ask Midoriya to take care of him when he denied the babysitter option, he should have accepted and just let a stranger take care of him, 'That'd be way better than Deku taking care of me...' He thought feeling regret.

"Just leave me alone, I can tak-cough-e care of myself..." Bakugou grumbled and was planning on standing up to go to his room but the moment he did so, his legs just gave up on him causing him to nearly fall but luckily Midoriya was able to grab Bakugou's slim waist preventing him from falling.

It honestly shocked Bakugou on how Midoriya was even able to stop him from falling when he was taller than Midoriya, but just because your taller doesn't mean your buffer and considering Midoriya's training...Bakugou wasn't so shocked anymore.

"Let go De-Deku!" Bakugou yelped when Midoriya's grip on his waist suddenly got tighter and Midoriya did what he was told a bit surprised, "So-Sorry Kacchan..." He apologized smiling apologetically, pissing Bakugou off, "Whatever, just take me to my room..." Bakugou murmured feeling embarrassed that he asked for something from Midoriya.

Midoriya seemed surprised at his request at first but he accepted anyway and helped Bakugou walk up the stairs since Bakugou's legs were being annoying and wouldn't stop shaking, 'he's probably cold...' Midoriya thought as he observed Bakugou's manners.

It didn't take long for the two childhood friends to arrive inside Bakugou's room and of course with Midoriya admiring Bakugou's room since this is the first time he has seen Bakugou's room in years, Bakugou actually could tell that Midoriya was admiring his room but he kept quiet, it'd be too awkward for him to bare, as if it isn't awkward enough.

Bakugou lied down at his bed falling flat on his face and stomach while Midoriya sat down at the floor putting down his bag and the plastic bag he was carrying, "What time is it anyway?" Bakugou asked his voice coming out a bit muffled because of his face being covered by his pillow, "Oh, around 2:23 PM, did you eat lunch?" Midoriya said with a smile at his face and grabbing a container that was inside the plastic bag.

Bakugou hummed while shaking his head, he didn't notice Midoriya opening the container releasing a smell that Bakugou especially likes, spice. He took a peak and almost drooled, it was a small amount of curry with rice and when it's curry, it's spicy.

"Luckily, some lady was selling curry on my way here." Midoriya explained with a big smile, Bakugou could care less why he had curry in the first place, he's just hungry and wants something to eat, he grabs the container careful to not spill any and grabbed the spoon that was at Midoriya's hand then started to eat enjoying the sensations on his mouth.

Midoriya grabbed a water bottle also inside the plastic bag and handed it to Bakugou who took it swiftly and drank it, "You should eat more slowly so you won't choke." Midoriya suggested but Bakugou just rolled his eyes and proceeded to eat.

It was really awkward...But Midoriya skipped school just to take care of Bakugou so he won't turn tail and leave Bakugou alone. Bakugou finally finished eating and was pretty satisfied. Midoriya then gave Bakugou his medicine that Mitsuki specifically prescribed.

Soon after eating the pill, Bakugou started to get dizzy and drowsy which Midoriya noticed, he smiled gently, "Go ahead and rest Bakugou, I'll stay for a while to keep watch and be gone the moment you wake up..." Midoriya said a strange look at his eyes...but not the bad strange...just strange...

Bakugou looked at Midoriya's smile with half-open eyes, remembering the time when they were kids. Midoriya always smiled at Bakugou, always. Even after they got into middle school and with Bakugou doing all those mean things to Midoriya, the green haired boy would always seem to smile at Bakugou. 

And it confused him to no end.


Like Midoriya promised, he was gone when Bakugou woke up again and the person next to him instead was his Mother, Mitsuki. "Oh good! You're awake!" Mitsuki cheered but in a quiet voice, "Looks like your fever's gone down so you can go to school tomorrow." She added in which Bakugou just hummed as a response.

"And hopefully you'll finish school tomorrow because there's a client meeting with a top hero and I was planning on bringing you with me to gain some experience with other people, cause you really need it..." Mitsuki said and again ruffled Bakugou's hair.

"Of course you can refuse if you want." Mitsuki lastly said,

(Choosing time!)

A. Go to the client meeting with his parents

B. Refuse and stay home

C. Refuse and stroll outside after school
