Chapter 6

A. Tell Ashido to take Kirishima home <---3 votes

B. Take Kirishima home himself

C. Continue tutoring them both...


"I don't want to teach someone who can't listen properly." Bakugou said firmly, 'I'd rather not teach anyone at all...' He thought, "Raccoon Eyes, take Shitty hair home." He commanded, Ashido pouted and crossed her arms, "But you're supposed to teach me!" She argued.

"You're a lost cause." Bakugou stated as if it's a fact and stood up from his seat and walked out of the classroom, not sparing Ashido and Kirishima a glance, but did shout, "Get well!" to who? Most likely Kirishima and that was enough to get the red-head to smile brilliantly and shouted a sincere thanks, even though he wasn't really sick.

Bakugou walked along the school halls almost cringing at how quiet and empty it was but he'd definitely prefer this environment than a room filled with annoying loud students.

The exit was still pretty far and Bakugou wasn't in a hurry, so he took slow and quiet steps to just think about things on what to do, the quiz won't be a problem for him so he wasn't really worried about that.

"Bakugou, my boy!" A voice that Bakugou knew all too well made his head basically snap at the source of the voice with a surprised (and low-key nervous) look, he didn't expect for All Might to still be at school.

All might wasn't in his muscle form and was that skeleton looking thing but that didn't make Bakugou respect him any less. Bakugou was too stimulated to move and stayed still for a few seconds and looked at All Might like a deer would do to a car that's about to hit it.

That sort of reaction made All Might laugh to himself in his head but of course didn't laugh out loud, who knows what Bakugou would do to him if he did. "Don't be nervous, I just need help for some papers." All might reassured showing a smile, which did snap Bakugou back to reality.

Since he had nothing to do after school today, he didn't really have an excuse to refuse, "What should I do?" Bakugou asked All Might. "Nothing much, just carry a few stacks of test papers to the homeroom classroom for the tests tomorrow." All Might responded and gestured to the papers at his desk from the teacher's office.

"Alright..." Bakugou said and walked to the teachers office and grabbed the stacked papers at the table rather absentmindedly, "Hi Kacch-" "!!!" Bakugou dropped the papers by surprised because of the sudden voice and looked at Midoriya who was sitting down at a couch with an arm cast at his right arm that Bakugou gives no sh#t about.

"WHAT ARE YOU DO-Hmmpph!" Before Bakugou could even continue his usual screams, Midoriya was fast enough to stand up and cover Bakugou's mouth with his left hand, "Shh...You'll worry All Might!" He scolded which to be honest, left Bakugou confused for a few seconds.

After Bakugou blankly staring at Midoriya, Midoriya finally got rid of his left hand away from Bakugou's mouth, "Sorry for surprising you..." Midoriya apologized smiling shyly and rubbing the back of his head, "I'll help you pick up the papers." He offered and crouched down, grabbing the test papers with ease despite only using one arm.

What Midoriya did seemed to have snapped Bakugou out of his trance and crouched down as well and started to grab the papers at a much more faster pace than Midoriya, he didn't want to lose to the green-haired boy even if it's about something as simple as picking up paper.

The two students' stood up at the same time and with Bakugou swiftly grabbing the papers in Midoriya's arm away and stacking them back together, "I don't need your help, yo-" "Are you done Baku-oh, Midoriya, I forgot you were still here!" All Might entered the room holding his phone and looking surprised,

"I'm sorry Midoriya, But I can't take you home because there's a meeting I need to attend to." All Might apologized sincerely, "Ah yes! Bakugou, you're childhood friends with Midoriya right? Can you take Midoriya home after you put the test papers at the classroom? That would be a big help!" All Might asked with hope sparkling at his eyes and full trust about Bakugou's answer and that made it hard for Bakugou to refuse even though he so desperately wanted to say no.

He meekly nodded his head, the grip on the test papers he was holding visibly tightening which was noticed by Midoriya, "Al-All Might, I can go home myse-" "NONSENSE! Now carry on! Do what I asked, it's getting late." All Might instructed with no room for an argument and basically shoved the two students' out the office.

Bakugou and Midoriya stood there at hallways quietly creating a heavy and awkward atmosphere that the two of them both loathed. Bakugou started to walk away and heading to the homeroom classroom holding the stacked test papers carefully not wanting them to fall, Midoriya panicked a bit by the sudden action but shortly followed quietly behind Bakugou.

Any stranger could probably tell that there was an awkward and stiff atmosphere that surrounded the two of them as they walked, It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive at their desired location, which felt a bit weird for Bakugou because this was the first time (other than the first day of school...) he felt this happy to see the room, the quicker he gets his tasks done, the sooner Midoriya will leave him alone after all.

Bakugou put down the stacked papers at the desk table and walked out the classroom heading to the exit and again with Midoriya following him quietly but his gaze getting stronger by the minute, which was noticed by Bakugou, Midoriya's observing stare bothered him to no end, he could already guess that Midoriya was probably writing down notes on his head about his behavior or something.

But Bakugou didn't confront Midoriya about this, it would make the vibe around them even more awkward and he'd rather not face that, so he kept his mouth shut (An achievement for him to be honest) and just walked through the halls and finally arriving at the exit that felt like it took years to get there.

Midoriya and Bakugou walked together until they got to the busy streets and Bakugou suddenly thought, 'Should I really take Midoriya home?'


A. Leave Midoriya alone and head back home

B. Walk Midoriya home

C. Hesitate some more

(Choose wisely!)


It took me a while to realize that this book reached 200+ views and it was so shocking! Thank you so much for reading and actually responding! 

I'm really sorry about the irregular updates, but some personal stuff can get in the way you know? But my point is, thank you!

I hope you enjoyed ^^
