
Brooklyn wouldn't leave Stefan's side when Damon came out to check on him. Stefan didn't move or didn't say a word, not a two hours. She sat there with Brooklyn sitting so close to him that she was practically on his lap, making the young witch awkward since he was dating one of her friends. Finally he looked over at her and nodded, so she stood and helped him up.

"Go shower, Bunny. Maybe the heat will help wipe your mind." she pushed him in the direction of his bathroom and then went over to Damon, "we need to help him, however we can." 

It had been a week since they found Stefan with loads of blood bags in his room, he was avoiding school and self detoxing. Every afternoon when Brooklyn would get home from school she would go up to his room just to keep him company and do her homework. This day specifically she was skipping school and reading in an arm chair that sat in the corner, her legs over them.

"What are you reading?" Stefan asked coming into view.

"Uh I was assigned the Scarlet Letter today and I want to get ahead. Since I fell behind on the last book I was assigned.

"You don't have to always have to come in here and stay with me."

"We are friends. I care about you."

"Are you gonna tell Elena?"

"Not my place. She's been asking me what's going on, but I don't say anything."

"Thanks. I'm gonna turn on some music."

"Go ahead." Brooklyn didn't expect him to turn it up as loud as he did, but she was able to use a spell to create a sound barrier around her so she couldn't hear the music, only him if he talked. She noticed when he started using a support beam to do pull-ups. She hadn't noticed Damon walked in until he was waving a hand in front of her face and she dropped the sound barrier and noticed the music was off. 

"When are you goin' back to school?"


"Oh, come on. Just drink already. Come on." Damon said getting closer to Stefan and bending down to where he was doing push-ups, "this self-detox is unnatural." Brooklyn just noticed that he had a glass of blood in his hand and glared at the back of his head.

"Could you get that away from me, please?"

"How long did it take you to wean yourself off of it after you last indulged?" Stefan remained silent and moved positions again going to the chair next to Brooklyn and putting his feet on it, "that's not good."

"It doesn't matter, Damon. Let him do this his way."

"I'll be fine. It just takes a little bit of time. "

"I don't get it. You know, you don't have to kill to survive. That's what blood banks are for. I haven't hunted a human in--gahh--way too long."

"Oh, I'm impressed."

"It was completely self-serving. Trying to get the town off the trail of vampires, which is not very easy, considering there's an entire tomb of them running around."

"What are we planning on doing about that?" Stefan questioned standing up.

"We're not gonna be doing much of anything if you don't have your strength. There's nothing wrong with partaking in a healthy diet of human blood from a blood bank. You're not actually killing anyone."

"I have my reasons."

"Well, what are those holier-than-thou reasons? You know, we've never actually discussed that. You know, I-I'd love to hear this story." Damon lifted Brooklyn easily and sat in the chair she was sitting him and sat her down. She ran her book into his face forcefully and stood up moving over to Stefan's bed.

"You're really enjoying this, aren't you, just watching me struggle? Being a pain in the ass to Brooklyn, acting like all she is another play thing. I'm so glad she is smart enough not to jump right into bed with you."

"Very much so. As for Brooklyn, she knows I how I feel she is the one refusing."

"I hate to break it to you, Damon, but--ahem--I actually have it under complete control."

"You do?"


"Oh. Well, then you should just carry on making the rest of us vampires look bad. Have a great day, Stef." Brooklyn saw Stefan look at the glass of blood.

"Listen bunny, I'll support you no matter what. But don't let Damon's douchey-ness get in your head. You're stronger than you think.

"Oh. Hey, I almost forgot something." Damon said running back upstairs, "oops." he grabbed the glass of blood and left again.

"See, douchey. Wanna do something fun?"


"Everything that comes to mind involves cheating."

"You're joking right?"

"Of course, Stefan." Brooklyn smiled, "but it took your mind off the blood and onto sex."

"You sneaky witch." Brooklyn went back to her book and put the noise spell up again when Stefan started the music,  "you know I can feel you staring right. I know you aren't reading."

"Fuck off, bunny." Brooklyn said flicking him off, Stefan only laughed as he watched Brooklyn go back to her book. Sometime during the day she did manage to sneak in a nap and when she woke up Stefan was gone but there was a note next to her indicating that he went to talk to Elena. She went downstairs to get something to eat in the kitchen, noticing that the house was empty. She rolled her eyes and decided Damon was probably upset with her over how much time she was spending with the other Salvatore, but came to the conclusion that his jealously wasn't her problem. She made herself something quick and sat at the island eating it. She eventually went back to her own room but was caught off guard when Stefan came rushing through, "what happened?"

"Elena and I were kissing or whatever and I vamped out."

"It'll get easier. Come on in, friend." Stefan sat on the bed and then laid down over the covers next to Brooklyn. The two sat in a comfortable silence and both stared up at the ceiling.

"Well isn't this cozy." Damon said poking his head into the door. 

"We are just sitting her in silence." Brooklyn pointed out.

"Oh, I know that. But still looking cozy. One of you have a girlfriend."

"And one of the Salvatore brothers in my room needs to fuck off. Before I beat the shit out of you with my kickass karate moves."

"You've never done karate." Stefan pointed out, earning a glare from the witch.

"But I dance, which means I know how to kick." Brooklyn warned, "like I know how to kick your ass out of my bed." Stefan laughed loudly. Brooklyn eventually fell asleep, but it was really late. Her and Stefan just laid in silence once Damon finally left them alone. When she woke up again her bed was empty. She got up and dressed herself rather quickly before going into the bathroom to brush her teeth. She went downstairs and smelled coffee immediately and was happy.

"I figured you were going to be up soon so I started a fresh pot." Stefan said.

"Thanks." Brooklyn said, she moved her way into the kitchen and poured herself a cup. Once she had she went back into the living room to find Stefan struggling on weather he wanted a drink or not, "you good?" he downed the contents and turned around, "you aren't. I can go out into the woods and use magic to get you a bunny." she smiled.

"Are you going to the Founders Day thing?"

"Not a Founding family, unlike you. Are you going?"

"Yeah, I am being forced to go by Damon. So you should too."

"But I don't want to."

"Please, you keep me somewhat sane."

"Fine. But only because I can look super hot and annoy Damon all at the same time. Wanna come help me pick out an outfit?"

"Shouldn't you call Caroline for that sort of help?"

"I'd call my sister, but she is dodging my calls. If you hadn't noticed I'm only friends with Caroline and Elena because my sister is. If Bonnie wasn't here we wouldn't be friends. Before you came along I only really had Jeremy. Who I barely see anymore because I live here, with vampires."

"You have about the same amount of friends that I do." Brooklyn smiled.

"I'm a bitch, people don't like that. But I don't care what people think."

"You're not a bitch to me."

"That's because you aren't an idiot like most of the people in this town. I'm gonna go find something to wear and actually do my hair and makeup since you're making me go to this thing." Stefan smiled.

"Have fun."

"Bite me." Brooklyn went up to her room and started going through her things picking out something simple and understated. She did her makeup and hair, she stayed in her room until there was a knock on the door. It opened revealing Damon.

"Heard you were going with us. Is that what you're wearing?"

"Obviously. It's what I have on. Let me put my shoes on." she bent down and picked up the heels putting them on. She walked out of the bedroom and joined Stefan downstairs, Damon following behind her.

"Nice." Stefan said, "I think it's getting the point across."

"Good. There is a certain Lockwood I have my eyes on tonight." Brooklyn said.

"You're looking like to impress that douche you went on one date with?"

"What's it to you?" Damon glared at the witch


"Exactly. Let's go." she commanded. When they arrived at the Founders Hall, they all walked up to the building at the same time.

"Oh, God. I shouldn't be here."

"Come on. Don't be a downer. It's a party for the Founding Families." they walked inside the building, "that would be us. It would be rude to skip it."

"You know, I--I really liked you a whole lot better when you hated everybody."

"Oh, I still do. I just love that they love me." Damon said laughing, "how you feelin'?"

"I'm good. I'm fine."

"No cravings? No urges? Has that whiskey you been drinking all day doin' it's job?"

"Damon." Brooklyn said glaring at the raven haired vampire.

"I thought you had someone you were looking for, go find your boy toy. We are who we are, Stefan. Pretending doesn't change that."

"Ah, nothing would make you happier. Thank to just see me give in, huh, Damon?"

"Whatever. It's inevitable."

"I'm gonna go find Elena. You good, Brooklyn."

"Peachy. I'm gonna go find someone."

"Don't embarrass me, young me." Damon said sternly to Stefan before he walked off, "you going now too?"

"Why would I stick around your old ass? It's creepy. I'm sixteen." Brooklyn said with a smile going to find Tyler, when she finally found him he was next to his father and they were talking to Matt and Kelly Donovan. She caught his eyes and she gestured to her outfit.

"Hot" he mouthed then held up his index fingering indicating he needed a minute. Matt must've noticed because he looked at her next and shook his head. Richard Lockwood left the study, Tyler following after him..

"Oh, hello Brooklyn. Wasn't expecting you tonight."

"I was dragged here by the Salvatore brothers. So blame them for my presence."

"Nonsense. You're welcome, of course." Richard walked away but Tyler stuck around.

"Damn you look amazing." Tyler said, scanning over her body.

"Thank you. I figured we could be arm candy for each other. You want to piss of your dad and he's always disliked me. So..."

"You still trying to make that Damon guy jealous."

"Nope. I just like your company." Brooklyn smiled.

"Then right this way." Brooklyn wrapped her arm around around Tyler's and he took them over to the bar, "distract the bartender?" he asked. She nodded and got the attention of the male bartender right away.

"Hey." she said, "so you know what I was thinking the moment I saw you?"


"How hot you must look with your shirt off. You have to have at least a eight pack under that white button up. You should totally show me when you're off tonight."

"I-I-I can totally do that."

"So what's your name?" Brooklyn bit her lip, from what she learned from movies that's what boys like.


"That is totally my favorite name. I'm Rayna. So who would I have to flirt with to get a drink?"

"I can get you one. What do you want?" Brooklyn looked over and saw Tyler holding up a bottle of something he stole.

"Cranberry and vodka would be great. We should exchange numbers in case I don't see you again tonight. Because I totally want to see those abs." Ryan made her drink and handed it to her just as she passed him a cocktail napkin with Damon's number on it, "call me tonight. I like to talk late on the phone." he smiled at her and she took her drink and went to Tyler.

"Did you really pass him your number?"

"No, I gave him Damon's and told him my name was Rayna." Brooklyn said smiling, she downed her drink before putting it down on a table somewhere. She followed Tyler back into the study where Matt was still standing.

"Hey, check it out. I snatched this while Brook distracted the bartender with her charm."

"Dude, your dad's gonna beat you down if he catches you." Matt said as they went further into the room and away from people.

"Yeah, let him try." Tyler took off the lid and Matt took the bottle right away.

"All right, screw it." they passed the bottle around. Brooklyn heard a change in music.

"Dude, you gotta dance with me." Brooklyn said grabbing onto Tyler

"I don't dance." Tyler said.

"Then I'll lead." Brooklyn smiled. When they got onto the dance floor, Brooklyn started moving to the music.

"You're a professional dancer. You want to go to school for dance. This isn't fair."

"Tyler, you're hot. Like seriously hot. Just feel the music." they continued to dance.

"You called me hot."

"Thank you for repeating what I just told you." Brooklyn looked over to see that Elena ran into some guy, "excuse me."

"Hey, watch it."

"I'm sorry. My fault. I'm clumsy." Elena said.

"Heh. Then get off the dance floor."

"Excuse me?" Elena asked. Brooklyn saw Stefan heading over to him. But stepped in front of him, he looked around her.

"That's no way to talk to a lady."

"Whatever." he turned around, Stefan went to grab him but Brooklyn got to him first.

"You should apologize." Brooklyn warned.

"And if I don't?" Brooklyn didn't know what possessed her to punch the guy, but she did. She punched him as hard as she could and though he faulted a bit, she suffered most of the damage, "did you seriously just hit me?!"

"You were being a dick. You lucky I don't punch you in yours!" Brooklyn said lunging at him. Stefan looked at her wide-eyed and grabbed her, but she used her legs to kick the guy and he fell to the ground.

"Brooklyn!" Elena cried out. Tyler came over.

"Stefan, I have her." Stefan helped the guy up and Brooklyn noticed that he compelled him to forget everything that just happened and walk away. Tyler looked into the eyes of a very angry Brooklyn, something he's only seen twice before since he has known her, "that was seriously badass. But what came over you?"

"I just knew if Stefan did something, he'd most likely do a lot worse than I could." Tyler said, "let's get you some ice for that hand."

"Nah, I'm good. Excuse me while I use the restroom." Brooklyn put her hand on Tyler's chest, still steaming over the altercation that she just witnessed. She didn't go to the bathroom though, she went looking for Stefan but couldn't find him anywhere. She linked minds with him and found him drinking from a glass. She walked over to him and smiled, "found you."

"I wasn't aware I was hiding."

"Apparently I'm not good at finding things." 

"Thanks for stepping in. I can tell Elena is worried enough."

"Anytime." Stefan grabbed her hand and then looked at her, "it's fine. It'll heal in like two weeks. Just bruised. Now how about getting your friend a drink?" Stefan grabbed two champagne glasses from a tray and handed one to Brooklyn before taking her arm and walking towards a new location. Damon came over to them.

"Do you wanna hear the bad news or the really bad news?" he asked looking at the two of them.

"Hmm. Actually I don't want any news, Damon." Stefan said.

"Ditto. No news."

"All right, let me rephrase. Do you wanna hear how the council's back in vampire mode or how I just killed Uncle John Gilbert?" Brooklyn looked at him like he was insane as he just smirked.

"Are you joking?"

"Great party by the way, huh?" Damon walked away, causing Stefan and Brooklyn both to follow after him.

"Damon. " Stefan stopped.

"What is it?" Brooklyn asked but he didn't say anything and just walked away. She found him going towards a bloody Kelly Donovan.

"Everything all right?" she looked up at him. Brooklyn stayed a distance away, trusting her friend not to do anything.

"No. I--I ruined it. I always ruin it. What is wrong with me?" Stefan bent down to look at her and wiped at the blood that was on her forehead, "what are you doing?"

"Bunny." Brooklyn said as a warning, he turned around and looked at her. Eyes wide with realization of what he was just doing.

"Uh...I'm sorry." he walked away and grabbed Brooklyn's hand, "we are leaving." he got outside and noticed the blood on his finger. Brooklyn could tell he was struggling and watched him as he put it in his mouth, enjoying the taste. He looked back at Brooklyn and grabbed her again pulling her towards the car.

"Dude, I'm in heels!" she cried out, but that didn't make him go any slower. She came to a complete halt and fell on her ass when a body pushed into hers and Stefan's both.

"Sorry about that, man." it was the guy from before, the guy who Brooklyn had punched and then kicked, "no, really, I'm terribly sorry." Stefan picked Brooklyn up and looked her over.

"You don't wanna do this, man." Stefan said, the man sniffed before pushing Stefan. 

"Sorry about that, too. God, all I can do is apologize. What's that about?"

"Get out of our way, please."

"Your girls not here to show off for now? Plus you let this little string bean do the fighting for you." Brooklyn glared at the man and just wished Stefan would do the thing that was most in his nature and kill him, but she would never tell him that out loud, "I see how this is. Heh." the man swung back to punch Stefan but he grabbed his fist and began breaking the bones, the man dropped to his knees and started backing away, Stefan creeping after him, "wh-what are you, man?" Stefan looked at Brooklyn and then back at the man.

"You are stronger than this, Stefan." she told him. He rushed off leaving Brooklyn to deal with the rude man. She looked at him and wished she had the power to compel like vampires do, but she didn't. She made a noise of disgust and walked off, "he was my ride." Brooklyn went back inside to find Damon and found him talking to a very much alive John Gilbert, "take me home dickhead." she said pointing to Damon.

"Wait a minute."

"No you are going to take me home right now or I will bring so much pain in your life you'd wish I'd make your death easy. My feet hurt, my buzz is gone, my date ditched me to make out with Matt's mom; yeah I didn't miss that little show. So Damon Salvatore you're going to take me home or I will sneak into your bedroom tonight, steal your daylight ring and then open the curtain to burn your dickhead ass." Brooklyn eyes blazed with a glare Damon had never seen before.

"I apparently have to leave now." Brooklyn grabbed Damon's hand and they went home. She took her shoes off immediately and kicked them at Damon's back. She went inside the parlor and got herself a drink before sitting on the couch. Damon rubbed his back coming into the room carrying a glass of blood with him before lighting the fire and sitting on the same couch Brooklyn did, pulling her over to him. She kicked him in the ribs and he let go immediately, but she draped her legs over his lap and rested her head on the back of the cushion. They both heard the footsteps, "we have a problem, Stefan. And when I say, "problem" I mean global crisis." Stefan came around and looked at the two, "seems Uncle John has a..." Damon looked up at Stefan, "you don't look so good. It's different this time, isn't it? The need is too strong. Of course it would be after all these years." Damon set the glass down on the table and then looked at Stefan and stood, "have a good night, brother." he left Stefan with the glass and Brooklyn looked at it and then him before standing. He lifted the glass into his hands and to his lips before drinking it completely. He swallowed the liquid and looked back at Brooklyn.

"Stop looking at me like I was going to stop you. I'm not your AA sponsor. I like you whether you drink from humans or from bunnies. You're stuck with me in your life. Goodnight, Stefan."

Brooklyn's outfit for the Founders thing.
