
The youngest Bennett and the youngest Gilbert both walked outside to what was known as the "stoner corner" and waited for Vicki.

"I get that you wanna be edgy and shit, Jer. But really selling drugs?"

"That coming from the girl who took acid last weekend.."

"Shut up. It was very Snow White, bad decision to take it in the woods." they stopped talking when Vicki came over to the group. As she came over to the two of them she looked Brooklyn up and down trying to intimidate the five foot ten girl. Brooklyn raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms.

"Scram Bennett."

"Why nice to see you too, Donovan. Too bad all those pills you take can't stop you from being a bitch. You'd think something would mellow you out. I have weed back at my place if you want to try it."

"You're calling me a bitch?"

"All you have to do is get on all fours, stick your tongue out, and bam there you are bitch." the Donovan girl shoved the young Bennett witch and it took everything in Brooklyn not to knock her out but she just glared before speaking, "touch me again and you'll regret it." Brooklyn didn't break eye contact while she grabbed her bag from where it landed on the ground, "watch your fucking back Donovan." she warned before walking inside the school.

"Brooklyn, wait up!" Brooklyn sighed when she heard barbie's shrill voice, but turned around anyways.

"Hey, Caroline."

"So cheerleading tryouts?"

"Yes, I'll be there. You need my sick ass dance moves anyways."

"Yeah, yeah. Sick ass dance moves, your gymnastics background. Your school spirit." that was the second time in a ten minute window that Brooklyn raised her brow at someone, "you're right, you have no school spirit. You just like doing it."

"And if you tell anyone that, I'll murder you in your sleep and use your blood and create an army of barbie minions."

"That's not creepy or anything. So I'm still on a mission to find you a boyfriend, I haven't given up hope yet."

"Don't lie, you have. I'm gonna end up a old cat lady with her thirteen cats and you're worried that I'll be unhappy. But I'll love my life."

"You hate cats."

"Slight flaw in my plan then. But it'll happen." the bell rang and Caroline looked over at Brooklyn, "I'll see you later Care."

"At the falls?"

"Yes, at the falls."

After school Brooklyn did what she always did, she walked to the dance studio she danced for to teach a hip hop class to a group of children. Something she's done since she started high school a year ago, something she does 3 times a week, something besides her magic that she absolutely loves. One of the one things she's completely passionate about. It was five by the time she got out of the class and got home. She showered, ate dinner, and pretended to her father that she would be in her room all night doing her homework. Brooklyn created the illusional of herself to be real, down to some things she would typically stay for being stuck in all night. So when she snuck out of her window and saw Jeremy Gilbert standing beneath waiting for the girl, she smiled.

When Jeremy and Brooklyn arrived at the falls the celebration was in full swing.

"I'm gonna find Vicki."

"I'm gonna find a drink." Brooklyn turned to find something that didn't come out of a cheap keg, but ran into someone. She instantly knew he was a vampire, a skill her grandmother helped her acquire. She also knew it was the new guy that was going to her school, "sorry about that, I wasn't paying attention."

"I think it was my fault."

"Yeah, you're probably right. The whole lost puppy look, you got that down. I'm Brooklyn."


"Animal. Huh? Rare for your kind."

"For such a young witch, you do seem powerful."

"You have no idea. But I don't get any terrible vibes from you, so please continue on your way Mister Salvatore."

"Thank you, Miss Bennett. You know, you look a lot like your ancestor Emily."

"So I've been told. Have fun tonight." Brooklyn said with a smile. As a servant of nature it was odd for witches and vampires to be friends, but she could see herself like Stefan Salvatore. She knew about the legends of the vampires once ruling over Mystic Falls, she knew of the Founder's Council that prided themselves on ridding the town of vampires all those years ago. She also knew that if that was the same Stefan Salvatore that lived all those years ago in Mystic Falls, she knew he had a brother named Damon and found herself wondering if he was a vampire as well.

"Brooklyn!" Caroline said happily, the brunette waved to her blonde friend and smiled. She felt Bonnie's feeling and looked over to her sister and Elena. It's starting. Bonnie quickly left Elena's side and walked towards Brooklyn.

"Sorry, Caroline. I need her, sister emergency."

"Sure. Bye Brook." Bonnie pulled on her sisters hand and looked up at her frantically.

"You saw something."

"What if Gram's isn't crazy?"

"I never thought she was..."

"Have you had anything happen to you?" Brooklyn bit her lip, Bonnie wasn't ready to hear it all.

"I saw something dark surrounding the new kid when I ran into him, but nothing specific." she told her sister, she wasn't lying. She didn't get the darkness surrounding Stefan, but that was because he was a vampire.

"It's weird. We're just drunk."

"I haven't had anything to drink yet... I keep getting stopped."

"Fine, then I'm drunk and you're crazy. I'm gonna go."

"Bonnie! Wait!" but it was too late, she was gone. Brooklyn walked over to a cooler and grabbed a beer. She chugged it quickly and tossed the can into garbage. She sat next to some random guy and grabbed another one.

"I haven't seen you all day Brook." the brunette looked up and saw Matt Donovan standing in front of her, "I heard you pissed Vicki off this morning."

"When don't I piss her off?"

"I'm not sure. You guys have always gotten under each other's skin."

"Yup. But it's good to see you Matty." the girl stood and hugged her blond hair, blue eyed friend.

"You too, how much did you actually grow over the summer?"

"Enough to never wear heels again, ever." Matt smiled to the girl, "when did you get even more handsome than last year? I mean if you were just my type, Matty. But boy next door just doesn't do it for me."

"Yeah, you need someone bad and dangerous, just like you..." Matt said giving her a silly smile, "cause your so bad."

"That baddest around baby." Brooklyn smiled to her friend and they continued talking to each other. Soon Caroline and Bonnie both joined the pair and they all began talking about the new school year and making it awesome, "I'm gonna go. This is lame."

Brooklyn left the falls alone and began walking towards her house along the side of the road;

"A girl looking the way you do tonight shouldn't be walking alone." Brooklyn heard a voice say from beside her.

"Say's the creepy stranger who is walking down the side of the road." she raised her brow at the man. He was handsome, striking blue-grey eyes, dark hair. Leather jacket. Someone Brooklyn found so unbelievably attractive.

"Creepy huh? Sure you don't mean handsome? Dashing? Sexy?"

"A creepy narcissistic stranger. I'll be sure to remember that."

"Well, narcissistic is a harsh word."

"But it's the accurate word." Brooklyn pointed out before beginning to walk again. He grabbed he arm and made her look at him, "if you're going to try and compel me, it's a waste of time. I'm a Bennett Witch and you don't want to fuck with me tonight."

"But I'd like to fuck you tonight.."

"Not going to happen Damon.." he didn't know that this was her house, that they walked to her house. She used her magic to open her bedroom window and then got inside. She gave Damon a little wave before locking it.
