Two men stand towering over me. I step back slightly confused and scared at these two strangers who came over to me.

"C-can I help you?" I stumble over my words.

"No, but let us buy you a drink" One of the men say. He had blonde hair and was wearing a black short-sleeved shirt with black jeans. 

"I. I'm alright thanks" I reply about to turn away from them, but then the same man grabs my arm and pulls me closer to him. 

"Come on, it's a free drink" He says trying to persuade me. I don't see me winning in this situation so I agree to have a drink with them. They smile and walk me over to the bar. The second man had brown almost black hair and was wearing a blue shirt with black jeans. The man with the blue top went to order drinks and the man with the black top stayed with me.

"So what's your name then love" He asks looking at me up and down. I shift in my seat because he was making me feel uncomfortable.

"(y/n)" I reply looking at the wooden bar in front of me

"Such a pretty name for an even prettier women" He states pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear.

As I was about to ask for his name the other man walked back with three drinks in his hand. He gives the other man a wink and a smirk as he places my drink down.

"There you go." He says as he does so, "If you drink it fast we can go and dance all together" 

Because I didn't want to be with them anymore I downed my drink in a couple of seconds and stood up. The drink had a weird taste to it but I brushed it off as the drink it was. I weakly smiled at them because once we start to dance I was going to slip away from them to find my friends and brother. They quickly drank their drinks and stood up slowly. All of a sudden everything started to spin and go blurry. I blacked out but I think they caught me right before I blacked out completely. 

Harry's POV

It's been just over 10 minutes since (y/n) left us, I began to grow with worry.

"You guys I'm going to look for (y/n), she's been gone for a little while now." I shout over the beat.

"Alright mate" Ethan replies giving a thumbs up. 

For a brother that's meant to be overprotective when he's drunk he doesn't seem to care as much. I jog over towards the bar because I had a feeling that she was going to get another drink or something. I see her in another mans arms laying limp, it looked like she fainted or something but the thing that worries me is that I've never seen these dudes before, I run up to them however they have a smile on their faces as they pick her up and start to walk away from the bar.

"HEY! PUT HER DOWN!" I shout out as loud as I can, I grab their attention.

"Who are you" one of the creeps say with a disgusted look on their face.

"I'm...I'm her boyfriend" I reply

"Oh really now." They reply bluntly. I nod my head.

"What are you doing with her?" I ask as they sit her down on a barstool.

"Taking her to a safe place, outside." 

I look around to see three empty glasses which were where they sat. One had grains or powder at the bottom, shock washes over me as I think that they drugged her drink.

"You drugged it" I yell picking up the glass pointing at the substance at the bottom of the glass.

"Who's to say that we did it, it could be anybody's drink" They shrug

Her eyes flutter open and squint as the bright light shines on her flushed face. I run over to her and hold her hands in mine.

"Hey. Hey, are you alright?" I ask her softly.

"Y-yeah, I'm alright. W-what happened?" She questions shaking her head to try and clear her head.

"I'll explain in a bit. We need to get back to the others." State pulling her out of the chair and to my side.

"Quick let's get out of here before she explains what she knows and get's us into some shit" The guys whisper to eachother before sprinting off.

"We are going to head home in a minute. When we get back I'll explain what I know then you need to tell me what you remember, okay?" I ask as i hold her close to me in a hug once they leave my sight.

She nods her head in my chest.
