"Welcome back to the sidemen channel. Today we are joined by a very special guest. (y/n)!" JJ screams at the camera, once my name has been said I jumped out in front of him with my arms open before he pushes me out of the way and whispers to the camera, "It's not only Harry with the hot sister, Ethan does too." He does a very poorly done wink.

"Hey that's my sister you're talking about!" Ethan shouts back at him making all of us chuckle. 

JJ turns around and walks back to where we are stood in a line.

"Today, as you can see, we are doing some football challenges. We are doing, the classic cross-bar challenge, keepy-up and trick shots. Let's see how it goes. I mean we know that us lads can do all of these challenges, but can the lovely miss (y/n)?" Harry says jokingly , I just laugh and leave the shot to start getting the  footballs in place.

Once all of the balls were set in place Josh runs up to the camera.

"(y/n) is going to go first just to see if we need to worry, you never know she might surprise us." He explains doing a thumbs up to me signalling that I can say something before I start. I walk up to the camera with a smirk.

"These boys think that I can't kick a ball or two, let's show them how it's done" I say before running up to the ball.

I back spin it into the air and kick it at the cross-bar. I makes a loud noise as it touches the metal, I run up towards the second ball and this time kick it onto the corner of the bar, every time it hits it the boys gasp, I guess they really didn't think I could do it. Finally I kick the ball and just like the others it hits the bar. I turn to see all of their faces all in shock.

"Oh yeah I forgot to mention whilst I was in America I played soccer. Have fun following that mate." I say patting Harry's shoulder.

"Uh. Is there even any point of me trying to do this?" He says to the camera before kicking the ball towards the cross bar, he misses it and the boys sigh. He misses again. He then kicks the final ball into the air and it swiftly moves towards the bar and hits with a tink. The others then run up to him and tackle him to the ground cheering, however I walk up to the camera

"Took him long enough" I tease and laugh before jogging to the group of mad men jumping around.

"Good job man, but you're still not as good some of us here" I say the last part sarcastically making them chuckle and eye roll.

After about 30 minutes the first challenge was done. I was the only person to hit it every time, Simon and Tobi both managed to hit it twice, Josh, Ethan and JJ all hit it once and poor Vik didn't hit it.

Now onto the second challenge.

"I hate to admit it but (y/n) had won that round, however we should be able to beat her in this one. Let's get going, who's going first then?" Simon says

"I'll go." JJ says walking towards the ball

He kicks it into the air and begins to kick it up over and over again, after about 5 he starts to lose control of the ball. It goes high into the air he runs after it before it touches the ground, however it just so happened to be in the same direction as Vik. JJ ploughs into Vik. Is there ever going to be a video where JJ doesn't hurt Vik in any way. We all laugh for a second as JJ rolls off of Vik. They both groan in pain as the ball comes flying back down to the ground.

"Watch out!" I shout pointing to the fast moving ball. Vik rolls to the side but JJ stays put. Unlucky for him because the next thing was the ball went straight to his you know what.

"I told you to watch out" I laugh and shrug at the grown man rolling around on the floor breathing heavily. 

"We'll leave him there for a while. Who's next?" Josh says waving behind him towards JJ

"Me!" Ethan speaks up.

He manages to do 13 before losing control of the ball.

Then Harry, he does 15.

Vik, 3

Josh, 24

Tobi, 16

Simon, 36

Finally me.

"Right okay guys let's let (y/n) show us how it's done" Simon says rolling his eyes. I chuckle.

I get to around 30 and going strong when Eth slide tackles me causing me to lose the ball and fall on the floor.

"I mean we couldn't be having you beat us in all of the challenges I had to step in at some point" He laughs standing back up to pull me up.

"You're a bitch" I laugh 

"Simon wins that round" I say towards the camera.

"Now the final challenge, trick shots. I have a feeling that there's a girl here that's going to show us all up." Vik says

To put it short, I could have won this challenge but I thought against it because the viewers are here to watch the guys do these football challenges. We finish the video and start to collect the balls we brought/

"You let us have that win with the last one" Harry says to me with a smile picking up the ball that I was going to.

"Oh did I now" I say jokingly turning around to take what I have back to the car.

"To be honest you are really good at football, we should practice with you more often" He suggests

"I'd like that if I was staying in England" I reply, a look of confusion waves over his face.

"Wait, you're not staying here?" He asks

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, well I mean I would have thought Eth would have told you, I'm only here for 2 weeks then I go back to America." I explain

"Why's that?" 

"I don't feel like there's anything for me here. I mean yes I have family but I can call and visit them, I don't have many friends here as I haven't spoken to them in 4 years. I have more of a life in America then what I do here, I applied for a job there and by the looks of it I'm the best person for it they just have to get back to me." I reply

"But you can always do what you're doing there here, surely" 

"I probably can, but I doubt it would be as good. I studied film whilst I was away, and the job I applied for was to do with it. It's just being an apprentice for now but hey said it wouldn't be too long before I get a promotion, I just have to do that job for a little bit to show that I can do it." 

"Oh." Is his reply, he looks genuinely upset that I'm not staying

"Hey you alright? You seem upset" I ask already knowing that he is upset but I just want to be sure and to know that if it's because I'm not staying.

"Well, I thought that you were staying in England for longer and by that I mean living here. I thought I had a chance to be with you, more than friends." He admits not thinking about what he's saying, I stand there in shock, not sure what to say.

"Shit, I said to much" He looks down

"I already knew that you felt that way about me, Simon told me. And if I'm honest, I felt the same way about you. But right now you've really messed up."

"How do you mean?" He asks

"You have a girlfriend, I can't be with you, it's not fair on Katie. You should have thought about her feelings before getting with her, because if you do still love me that means you don't love her. I'm not saying choose between me and her, because you've already said you love me. You just need a way to break up with her without hurting her badly, I might not know her but I know that when you love somebody and they play with your feelings, it sucks." I say before looking at him with a half smile

"I'll see you around. Good luck" I say as I walk faster towards the car where the others are. 

I place what I had in my hands on the floor.

"Eth, can I steal you for a second?" I ask already puling him away from them 

"What's wrong?" He asks 

"So, Harry just said he loved me" I bite my lip slightly

"But he's with Katie"

"I know, that's what I said. I said I'm not making him choose because he's already said he loved me meaning he doesn't love Katie as much as he should. I also told him that I wasn't going to be living here which I thought you would have told him and he seems kind of upset about that."

"I must have forgotten to tell him that part, anyways, what are you going to do if he does break up with her?" He asks

"I don't know. I love him too but I don't think it would be fair on her to find out that he's already with another girl just after they broke up. I'm just confused" I reply

"Good point. All of this girl stuff is confusing. I can't help to much but just know that what ever you decide I'm with you." He smiles

I pull him into a hug because I need one. 

"Thanks for being the best brother ever" I mumble as we finish hugging.

"I can only be the best if I have the best sister" He smiles, "Let's get going back to the house"

And with that we make our way back to the group.

Harry's POV

I watch as  she walks away. Now she knows how I feel and I know that she loves me too, but now I have to find a way to break up with Katie. Jeez I've messed up. Big time. I don't want to hurt Katie but then at the same time I already am because I don't love her the way I should. I'll find a way. But it might ruin any chance of Katie and I staying friends. 
