Ethan's POV

I've seen the way Harry looks at her. And I don't know why but I don't think he'll treat her the way she should be treated, but I'll wait to see what happens. God I hope she doesn't get hurt.

Harry's POV

I don't think she feels the same way. I should try and find a girl who I also love who is also not (y/n). There is this girl who I like maybe not as much as (y/n) but maybe I can grow to love her more and more surely? F it. I'm going to ask out Katie, it might be mean to do so because I know deep down I don't love her as much as (y/n) but I just can't stand chasing after a girl I know is way out of my league, I mean she was before she left for America, but now. I have no chance of being with her.

Nobody's POV

Just a lazy evening inside the sidemen house chatting and eating making fun of how JJ is finally off of his bulking phase. Everybody's having a good time and the conversation of you starting a channel of your own has appeared a few times and to be honest you're not against the idea, it's just thinking of what you would post. Harry seems a bit too quiet for everybody's liking.

"Harry, mate. You going to talk or are you just going to stay on your phone the whole night?" JJ asks breaking Harry's eyesight from his phone to all of you around him.

"Uh yeah. I-I have some news" He stutters scratching his shoulder. "I have a girlfriend"

Everybody sits in silence

You look over at Simon and Simon looks at you. You can't help but feel a bit of your heart break as those words come out of his mouth. It's not like you guys were together so it shouldn't feel as bad as I did make you feel. A look of confusion crosses everybody's face apart from yours, yours is just full of disappointment. They all thought Harry had feelings for you, in which he did, and still does.

You clear your throat, "S-so, what's her name?" You question trying not to sound unhappy for him. You end off with a fake smile.

"Katie, Katie Leach. She's also from Guernsey." He states

"Well, I'm happy for you Harry. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to bed. Enjoy the night lads. I would stay for a bit longer but I'm shattered. Night boys" You try to say without it sounding fake. Because in all honesty you felt broken and you just couldn't stand being in a room with him at that point.

You make your way up the stairs and swiftly enter your room and close the door.

"Why. I thought we had something, heck even the others thought we had something so it couldn't have been just me thinking I had a chance." You say to yourself.

You unpack the last bits of your suitcase and get changes into an over-sided t-shirt and a pair of fluffy socks. You collapse onto he bed a start to watch a video to try and cheer yourself up when somebody knocks on the door.

"Come in!" You shout. 

The door opens and there stands your brother Ethan.

"Looks like sleeping's going well" He jokes making you laugh slightly and a small smile appear on your face. 

"I can't sleep" You say, "I'm missing America a bit, I'm missing (y/f/n)" You lie trying to make it sound believable.

"(y/n). I'm your brother, I can tell when you're lying. Come on tell me the truth."

"Fine. It's Harry. Don't get me wrong I'm happy he's found somebody, it's just that Simon told me that Harry liked me and with the way he looks at me and the way he acts I believed him. And to prove that they didn't expect him to say he had a girlfriend was by the way everybody was confused when he said he is now going out with Katie because they all thought that he had feelings for me." You explain to which Ethan just nods to.

"Just give it some time, he won't get over the feelings he has for you. Trust me. I've done what he's now doing before and it didn't make me feel any better, in fact it made my love for the other girl grow because I realised how much I wanted to be with her. So just wait, just wait. Okay?" He finishes giving you a small smile before turning to leave the room.

"Behz" You call. " Thanks. Thanks for looking out for me" 

He smiles before closing the door. You close your eyes finally getting some sleep.


As Ethan walks back down the stairs he sees that Josh and Simon are in the kitchen so he makes his way over to talk to them.

"Why did he do that, we all know he likes-" Simon gets cut off as Ethan walks in

"Hey behz, (y/n) alright?" 

"Yeah, I spoke to her and she seems alright now, a bit upset but now I think she's sleeping."

"Alright. I don't understand why he's now going out with Katie, especially now, I 100% thought that he liked (y/n), I mean he never shut up about her so it made sense. Right?" Josh replies

"Yeah, it makes sense." Simon agrees

Soon after that conversation ends the man himself Harold walks in.

"Am I missing something here lads?" He jokes

"Nah, we were just talking about (y/n) and how we hope that she feels comfortable and happy for the two weeks she here for" Si says trying to imply that what Harry is doing isn't making her feel either of those things, but Harry being Harry it just goes over his head. He'll figure out that you like him too soon enough, surely...


Another Chapter done sorry for not updating sooner but I just haven't found the time to write a chapter yet. 

I went back to the gym today and I already can't move far as it hurts to bad but oh well I'll live, I hope. Last time it took me two days until I couldn't feel anything so I hope that it will be shorter or about the same amount of time because I can't be bothered to deal with it for longer.

 Hope you enjoyed  and I would really appreciate it if you press the vote button 

