Harry's POV-

(Two days before the New Years party)

(y/n) and I are currently sending out invites to come to the New Years party that we're holding at the house this year. As I'm texting my friends I get an Instagram DM from a random girl. I don't think much of it because I think it's about them wanting to get me to notice them, however the more I read the notification the more my smile faded and my heart began to race. 

(You want to make sure your little girlfriend with you through the new year you're going to do this for me. You want to make sure that she stays alive, you're going to do this for me. You understand. You may think I'm not being serious but I know where you live *sidemen house address* and if you try to tell her, your friends the police, I know everything, I'm everywhere.. I will hurt you and her. So don't even try it. The night of the party (told you I know everything) you will meet this girl and cheat on (y/n). If she doesn't catch you, well good for you but you then have to live with the guilt. But if she does catch you, well that's I'll be fun to see how that will work out. Now the girl looks like this :

Have fun- but not too much ;)

"Hey Haz are you alright you look scared, what's wrong?" (Y/n) asks with a worried look in her eyes

"Oh it's nothing, don't worry about it, I'm just not feeling too well right now" I say with a small smile 

"Oh okay, you should go get some sleep, I dont want you to be ill for the party, I need you to be there for the countdown if you catch my drift" she smiles and does a kissy face at the end making me blush and chuckle.

I stand to leave then kiss her forehead before leaving her room and to my own. Where I can think about how to not having to cheat on the love of my life and also not get her... I mean us hurt.  

I click onto the persons profile and look to see if the girl was the person who messaged me. And by the looks of it no. So for all I know this girl could be in the same position as me. 

(Night of the party)

No plan.

I haven't thought of a fucking plan. 

As I'm greeting guests my face drops as I see the girl I meant to cheat with approach the door, we meet each others gaze and not only does my face drop but hers does too. 

"Meet me up the stairs in 30 minutes. I want to get it done and leave." She whispers in my ear as she walks past.

30 minutes to try and think of a last mi ute plan.


5 minutes 

That it. My heart is in my mouth as I approach the staircase which has Ben invaded by couples. 

There she is again. The girl. The one I'm about to cheat with. Even though I don't want to. I have to for the safety of (y/n). I don't care about me. Just done hurt (y/n). Please.

We don't speak a word to each other. Don't even share a smile. She grabs my hand and drags me into the closest bedroom. (Y/n)'s bedroom. Of course. When this is happening it has to be in her room. So everywhere I look it reminds me how much of a terrible person I am. 

I'm sure there must be a way to stop this, but I just can't think of the way. 

As they said.

They're always watching. They'll know if we don't do it. So we can't lie. 

She starts to attack me with her lips. Not as soft as (y/n) nor do they taste like the strawberry lip balm. I want her to stop but I just can't move. I'm frozen. I just close my eyes and make her do everything. The less I do, the less I'm cheating. Right?


"Harry?" (Y/n) calls from the hall way.

Please don't come in here. Pleases don't. For your sake. 

The door handle begins to shake and the door begins to open. The girl on top of me begins to smile as she kisses me harder.

"Harry, we should ge-" (Y/n) begins with a smile before it drops and tears start to form in her eyes. 

She doesn't speak another word as she closes the door when she leaves. I push the girl off of me finally after the fact that (y/n) just saw us so there is no point in carrying on. 

I hear muffled voices and sobs on the other side of the door, which I assume belong to (y/n). 

I'll explain this soon. I promise. 
