She's Such A Liar...

Blair's POV:

"So did you find out what my sister was doing at the Ostroff Centre?" Chuck asked. I nodded. "She was only volunteering." I told him. Chuck frowned. "But that's impossible..." Chuck muttered. "No it's not." I replied annoyed.

Bailey surely wouldn't lie to me. Especially not now. Right? "There's no volunteering at the Ostroff Centre." Chuck said confused. "Yes. Yes there is. Bailey told me." I insisted. "Bailey lies like a normal person breathes." Chuck replied.

"No she doesn't. Shut your mouth, Bass." I snapped. "Listen, you may be her bestie but I'm her twin. I think I know her slightly better." Chuck retorted. "We've known each for years." I protested. "And you ignored her for the majority of them." Chuck finished.

"I did not!" I snapped. "Oh really? Who was her first boyfriend?" Chuck asked me. Shit. What? I don't know that... "Ryan Morris?" I guessed. Chuck raised an eyebrow. "Tyler Dermount." Chuck corrected. "I knew that." I  lied. "I was just testing you." I added.

Chuck shook his head. "It doesn't matter, Waldorf. My sister went to the Ostroff Centre for a reason other than volunteering." Chuck said in a serious tone. "She did not." I replied opening my laptop and went onto the Ostroff Centre website.

I searched up 'volunteering'. Then I got my answer. 'Unfortunately, we do not accept volunteers but if you would like to help out then donate to the Ostroff Centre.' So Bailey was lying. That bitch. How dare she? I trusted her. So she's either an alcoholic or a druggie.

"I don't think we need to crop this photo." I said coldly. Chuck's eyes widened. "No, Waldorf. My sister is not having her future ruined because you're upset." Chuck snapped. "Well she's a Bass. Your father will have it cleaned up in no time." I snapped back.

"Don't you dare, Blair." Chuck warned. "Or what? You'll lie to me too?" I asked annoyed. "I think you and Bailey should just talk this out." Chuck begged. "So she can lie to me again? Yeah great idea, Bass." I snapped.
