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Blair's POV:

I did it. I revealed the photograph. No editing or anything. But after Eric told me that Serena was covering for him, I regretted it. I regret it oh so much.

I found Serena in Grand Central Park, because this is where she always goes. Serena stood up with a guarded expression on her face. I sighed and pulled out the letter. "Dear Serena. My world is falling apart. My father left my mother for a thirty-one year old model. A *male* model. I feel like screaming because I have no one to talk to. You're gone. My dad is gone. Nate's acting weird and so is Bailey. Where are you? Why won't you call? Why did you leave without saying goodbye? You're supposed to be my best friend. I miss you so much. Love Blair." I read, crying slightly.

Serena gaped at me. "Come here." She whispered as she hugged me close. Then my phone beeped signalling I had a text. 

'From: Chuck Bass

Bailey's missing. I hope you're happy, Blair.'

I gasped. "What is it?" Serena asked. "Bailey's missing and it's all my fault." I said sobbing. "It's not your fault. We'll find her." Serena replied.


Bailey's POV:

I have nothing left. Blair doesn't care, Chuck is avoiding me, Serena is self-absorbed, Nate is dumb and Father doesn't love me. I'm just another mess for Father to clear up. To neatly put a sheet over me, like nothing happened.

They are going to try and find me but I've fallen off the map. I rang the doorbell. The door opened to the familiar face of Caleb Winters. "Can I stay here for a while?" I asked my voice cracking slightly. "Oh what happened?" Caleb asked pulling me into a hug.

"Never trust a Waldorf with the weapon of your demise." I said giving him a weak smile. 
