39 - Suddenly Everyone Disappears and Now its Just Us

(Name) was a little late in noticing that her friends had all went separate ways, and now she was left alone with just Sousuke.

When she did notice, however, she did not mind one bit. After all, this was not the first time she was alone with Sousuke. Scratch that. The butterfly swimmer had fallen asleep on her bed once, so spending time together in a festival is not biggie.

"Sousuke," she tugged on his sleeve, pointing towards a fried food booth. It sold some fried squids, sausages, and many other streetfood.

"Hm?" he looked to where she was pointing and chuckled. Her excitement made her look so much like a child, which somehow, he found adorable.

Sousuke chuckled as he gently caressed her hair, careful no to mess it up. (Name) froze at this, she thought he was going to ruffle her haie as always but... This was a very gentle touch. She felt her heart race. "Alright lets go," he said, and he started towards the booth.

(Name) took a deep breath and then went to follow him. Calm down, it was probably a friendly gesture. And remember your promise.

"Uhmm I'll get two of (Preferred snack) please," (Name) said to the seller.

"I'll get the same," Sousuke added.

She slowly formed a plan in her mind. Today would be a good opportunity to let him know. To finally open the doors wide and let him into this big secret she's been keeping hidden for so long... And hope he does not end up resenting her.

"Here you go," the seller woman handed to them their ordered snacks, "that would be 500 yen in total."

Before she could even protest, Sousuke had already paid for both their snacks.

"S-Sousuke you don't have to," (Name) took her snakcs from him and gave him a small pout, "I was going to give her my money."

"Nah, I want to buy you something. Don't worry." He shrugged, biting into his snack, which was similar to (Name)'s.

She huffed. "Fine. But I'm paying next time."

"I'll make sure I don't ask for anything from you then."


He chuckled at her outburst, feeling his heart race. It was not because he was nervous. He was just... So happy with her around. She always seemed to lift his spirits and amuse him.

"Come on. We still have a lot of time before the fireworks start."


"Gou-chan!" Gou felt a hand land on her shoulder suddenly, making her jump. Gou whirled around, ready to scold the person who surprised her like that, but stopped as soon as she caught sight of blazing fire-like orange hair. That could only mean one person.

"M-M-Momo!" She stumbled back, whatever scolding she prepared evaporated from her lips, "Uh.. Wh-what are you doing here?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing!" Momo tilted his head, stepping closer towards her, "what is a cute lady like you doing hiding among the bushes like this?"

Gou blushed at the proximity and took a step back. There is no way she will admit that she was acting like a creepy stalker, all for the sake of her friend. She just wanted to make sure (Name) is alright. She had seemed pretty out of it on their way to the festival, and no matter how she pried, (Name) did not seem to want to talk about it. This got her worried, which brings her to this her current situation.

"I-I.. Nothing! Just.. Uhh... Getting away from the crowd. I need a breather."

Momo frowned and took her hand. "Well its dangerous for you to just wander around alone. What if there are perverts around? Its not safe."

"Momo-kun.." Gou smiled warmly. He isn't so bad, once she looked past his childish behaviours.

"Let me be your company!" he proposed without hesitation.

"B-but what about the others?" Gou asked.

"Everyone seemed to have split up.." Momo scratched his head, "and before I knew it, I was alone until I saw you here."


"Well.. Do you want to go look around with me?" Momo asked, this time more quietly, as if afraid of her rejection that he was sure he would get.

Her answer, however, was something that brought a big smile on his face. "Sure, Momo-kun!"


After several times going to different booths to get some snacks, alternating paying, and buying some drinks, one particular booth caught Sousuke's eye.

It brought back memories of those old days where he, Rin and Gou would come together to the festival.

It was the game he and Rin always played as a kid. A shooting game. They would shoot down prizes and give them to Gou, letting her decide who the winner is. Most of the time, he and Rin agreed on aiming for the snacks, because after the game, the three of them would sit down and enjoy their hard esrned snacks as they watched fireworks.

Normally, kids are not allowed to use the guns, even though the bullets are substituted with corks. However, Rin's cousin, a policeman, was the one who held the booth, so they were the special exceptions in the festival.

Due to thus reason, Rin really admired his cousin -Keitsu -and this made him dream of being a policeman for a while, before that dream is then replaced by the dream of being an olympic swimmer. Sousuke would be lying if he say he was not intrested in becoming a policeman along with Rin, but that was in the past.

He watched the booth, hoping to see the familiar mop of maroon hair that matches Rin's with only a few shades darker. However, it was a different guy that stood within the booth. Not that it matters, he was old enough to officially play now anyway.

"(Name)," he gently placed his hand on her shoulder, "come here for a bit."

She looked up at him, but followed after him as he walked towards the shooting booth.

"Ohh! I've always wantd to try this!" (Name) grinned beside him as they both slid their money towards the guy guarding the booth and took positions behind the counter, a gun in each of their hands.

"Fun fact: I used to play this with Rin as kids." Sousuke smirked.

"I wanted to but I was not allowed to.." (Name) hufffed, "I was still too young back then."

"Rin's cousin used to be the one holding these kinda of booths, so he let us play as long as we don't aim the gun at each other. Its a different guy this time though."

"Ehh? Damn you're so lucky.."

(Name) squinted her eyes, scanning the items on display. And deciding which one to shoot for. She would probably suck at this.

But soon enough, she caught sight of a small box containing what seemed to be a bracelet. It was placed somewhere near the right side, and it was surrounded by bugger items, making it hard to hit.

Nevertheless, that did not stop her from aiming at it, and pulling the trigger... Only to miss by a lot.

She giggled, "I'm so bad at this."

Sousuke watched her from the corner of his eyes, smiling slightly to himself. She looked really cute, aiming her gun, looking as if she was concentrating really hard, and then firing it, only to miss.

His eyes then followed where she seemed to be aiming, and he saw the little box.

Her fifth bullet was gone now, and so her game ended. (Name) placed her gun down and smiled wistfully, looking at the box.

"Yep. I definitely sucked at this. Lets.. Go?" she trailed off, finally noticing that Sousuje hadn't fired any of his bullets, and was aiming his first one.

"Give me a minute," he muttered, a slight smile playing on his lips.

(Name) nodded and silently watched him. It looked like he was aiming at the same general direction as she did.

His first shot hit the plushie right beside the box. Unfortunately, the conditions for winning the game, and thus the reward, is to make the object fall over.

Sousuke took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. It really had been years since he last played, so its only natural that he got rusty at it. Still, he really wanted to win it for her.

The second and third bullet missed again, but he was surely getting closer to his target. Two chances left.

This time, he tried to steady his breathing and let the muzzle of his gun point steadily at the little box.

Aiming carefully, Sousuke pulled the trigger. The bullet only barely grazed the top of the box, so just a little lower. One last chance.

He aimed once again, and with his final bullet, the box toppled over.

"Congratulations," the guy said, handing Sousuke the box, "thank you for coming and have a pleasant night."

"Wow you're really good!" (Name) looked up at him, her eyes sparkling. This elicited a chuckle from the swimmer.

"I got rusty over the years but I guess I haven't lost my touch."

Sousuke opened the box and took out its contents. The bracelet felt so light and fragile in his big hands, with a silver star shaped pendant on it. He turned to (Name) and gave her a smile as he took her hand.

As soon as his hand came in contact with hers, (Name) froze. Was he going to...

Sousuke gently fastened the bracelet on her wrist, letting the star pendant freely swing when he was done. For a moment. His hand lingered on hers, rough calloused ones on nimble fingers, as he admired the sight of her wearing it.

"Um.. I.. Uhh...." At this point, (Name) was a blushing and stuttering mess, "T-t-thank you, Sou."

He gave her hand a squeeze, "you're welcome."

They stood acing each other for a while longer. Gazing at each other. Before Sousuke cleared his throat and looked away.

All too soon after that, the warmth of his hand left hers. She pulled her hand back, skin still tingling from his touch.

"W-well then.. Shall we go?" He asked. Sousuke was facing away from (Name). He knew very well that his face was probably flushed, judging by how hot his cheeks felt even to him.

"Yeah... The fireworks will start soon." (Name) admired the bracelet which now encircled her wrist. Her fingers trailed lightly over the pendant.

(Name) never told anyone, but when she was younger, her mother gave her a star pendant, but the difference is, it was worn as a necklace. Because you're a star, shining brightly, an inspiration to others, she had said

Surely, as she grew up, she did become a star. Starting out with a small faint glow to a now pulsating light. A young singer from Tokyo.

The feeling of melancholy and nostalgia did not last for long once she remembered that she would have to be honest and tell Sousuke the whole truth.

She would have to tell him. Tonight.


- Author's Notes -


I had to rush multiple assignments because im going to Singapore today with my university immersion trip program and i had just packed everything last night (ealry morning actually lol), and was too tired to write anyth that i simply collapsed to bed and slept (for about 4 hours HAHAHA).

Okay I'll make sure to get these dorks to confess at chapter 41 latest because this has dragged on long enough and I WANT TO MOVE ON TO THE NEXT AND FINAL ARC

I feel like this ch lacks feels or maybe im just tired idk aaaaa eitherway, i apologize :')))

Anyway, I will be posting pictures and videos of my journey in Singapore on my art account instagram story, username roschea.arts so if you're interested, and wanted to see how my trip went, you are welcome to check it out (shameless self promotion mwehehe)

Oh and the lecturer that comes with us is my illustration lecturer, who looks and acts like Aizawa Shota from Boku no Hero Academia HAHAHAHAHA i'll try to sneak a picture of him if possible, he's camera shy so yeaaa:')

Alright i'll stop now. Plane will land soon and I plan to post this once I'm in my hotel room. I hope everyone have a great week ahead! Oh and for those having mid term exams, good luck!

Now i wonder why i introduce Rin's cousin Keitsu.. Hmmmmmm.. Find out more in Azure Beats uwu
