01 - The Beach Seems to be a Good Place to Swim, Relax, and.. Write Songs?

"FINALLY! THE BEACH!" Nagisa shouted, taking a deep breath of the ocean air, "This is the best way to spend a sunny Sunday morning! Come on guys!"

With that, Nagisa was off, followed by Rei, and Haru, who was already losing pieces of clothing as he ran towards the blue waves. Makoto, forever the mother of the bunch, walked behind everyone else, smiling at their antics while helping Gou carry their stuff. Gou came next, happily looking at the three as she walked to a shady spot, hauling a picnic basket in her hands.

After helping Gou set up picnic blankets and umbrellas, Makoto soon joined the rest of the boys. Gou stretched, yawning as she squinted at the sheer brightness of the sun, before lying back down on the blanket, and opening a book.

It has been a month since they started school. Haru and Makoto are third years, while Nagisa, Rei, and Gou were second years. They all felt happy, since they sorted things out with Rin, and all is well now.

"Mako-chan come on!" Nagisa called out, already further off the shore.

"When did you get that far?" Makoto chuckled, Nagisa is always so energetic.

"I heard Rin and Sousuke is coming today." Rei swam to Nagisa.

"Oh yeah! Rin-chan should be here any minute now."

As if on cue, a mop of maroon hair appeared on the beach. Rin was walking towards Gou, with a tall, dark haired guy beside him. It must be Sousuke, Nagisa thought.

They swam back to the shore to greet the newcomers, not even bothering to fetch Haru, who was enjoying the sea like a dolpin. Gou was up and talking to her brother when they reach the shore.

"Yo! Rin-chan and Sou-chan! I'm glad you made it!" Nagisa greeted enthusiastically.

"Hey Nagisa, Makoto, Rei," Rin pushed a few strands of maroon hair away from his eyes, "the invite was pretty sudden but I needed a break so here we are!"

Sousuke smiled at them, still alert for the presence of Haru, who he was not so fond of.

"Well what are you waiting for?" Nagisa was practically jumping with excitement, "Lets Gou!"

"Did he just?!!" Gou sputtered, watching the boys jog off towards the ocean, Rin also running with them.

Sousuke, on the other hand, calmly undressed to his swimming trunks, before following them.

After a while, Gou decided that she probably should take some pictures, for the sake of memories. In a year, Haru, Makoto, and her brother might not be able to hang out together like this, so this would be a great opportunity to start keeping precious moments in photographs.

If he were to be honest, Sousuke felt kind of left out. He was not the type to just rush in and go all splashy with excitement. I should have brought Nitori, and Momo, he thought. He warmed up a bit and swam free style towards the bunch, deciding to give it a try at least.

"Sou-chan! Look I found a funny shaped rock," Nagisa waved a piece of rock, more like a chunk coral.

"Don't call me Sou-chan," Sousuke murmured, kind of embarrased with the nickname.

They continued to play around in the beach until Gou called them back.

"Guys! Lunch is ready!"

"Ah! What protein flavor do you have today?" Nagisa was already swimming quickly towards the shore while Rei and Makoto exchanged knowing glances.

"I'll go get Haru" Makoto looked around, before spotting Haru and swimming after him.

"You go ahead Rin," Sousuke put his swimming goggles on, "I'm gonna do a couple more laps"


With that, Sousuke swam off, trying to speed up his strokes. This proved to be quite challenging considering he was swimming at the sea, and the waves were pushing against his side. He didn't realize he swam quite a distance away from the group until he came across a particularly large rock.

He remembered seeing the rock while talking to Gou when he first arrived at the beach, and it was pretty far off that it looked small.

I think I better get back to them.

Sousuke was going to start swimming again when he noticed that there was a faint sound resembling a guitar.

Curious, he stopped and decided to look for the source of the sound. The rock was huge and long, streching from the shore to where he was. Looking around near the shore, he saw a girl sitting on a rather flat area of the rock, a guitar and an open book in front of her.
Her (hair colour) hair swayed gently to the breeze as she strummed her guitar, stopping occasionally to write something on her book, and then resume strumming.

He watched her for a while, and was about to turn and swim back towards his friends, when his teal eyes were met by (eye colour) orbs.

She smiled, and nodded politely, before resuming whatever she was doing. Sousuke smiled back, just to be polite, and then swam off back to the group, his stomach rumbling demanding for lunch.

The boys spent their afternoon at the beach, up to the point where the sun is sinking on the horizom. Gou even joined them after lunch, thanks to Nagisa who pulled her into the water. They finally packed up when Gou told them that its getting late, and reminded them that there will be school tomorrow since it was a Sunday.

"Haru.." Makoto sighed, watching Haru float on his back in the shallow waters, "you can't stay in the sea forever.."

"......five more minutes"

"That's what you said five, no, fifteen minutes ago!"

"......okay five more minutes"

Makoto sighed, looking desperately at Gou for help.

"Haru-senpai! We are having mackerel for dinne-"

Haru immediately stood up, "okay."

"Ehh???" Makoto was surprised at how easy it was for Gou, who simply giggled and went back to packing their things, helped by Rin and Sousuke.

"Brother, you and Sousuke are returning ti the dorms tomorrow right?"

"Yeah," Rin tucked his swimming goggles, "I should probably pack tonight."

"Oh right!" Gou exclaimed, "I heard we will be having a transfer student tomorrow, I heard she will be in third year with Haru and Makoto senpai."

"Hm? Transferring at this time of the year?" Sousuke raised an eyebrow.

Rin laughed, elbowing Sousuke, "Speak for yourself Sousuke. You transferred to Samezuka too, and on your third year."

By this time, the Iwatobi Swim Club Boys are all set and ready to leave for dinner.

"Are you guys coming to join us for dinner?" Makoto turned to Rin and Sousuke. Haru was avoiding eye contact with the looming teal-eyed male ahead of him, and Nagisa was happily chatting with Gou and Rei.

"Nah, sorry, we'll pass. We have to pack our stuff for the dorms," Rin glanced at Sousuke, who was glaring at Haru, "Maybe next time."

"Alright. We'll be off then. Bye bye!"


The group then went their separate ways.


Upon arriving at his house, Sousuke went straight to his room, a list of things he should pack already in mind. His parents were not home yet, so he would have to cook something for dinner.

It took quite a while, but he finally finished packing. Sousuke sat back on his desk, and opened his laptop. He browsed a bit, looking at news and information regarding swimming competitions, and then got bored, so he clicked on a music video by his current favorite band.

Azure Beats, quite a new band, but they are gaining popularity pretty quickly. Sousuke enjoyed their music as it suits his tastes. The main vocalist was especially good. Her voice rang out powerfully among the sound of other instruments as she strummed her rhythm guitar.

What really caught his attention about her is her hair. Long, curly locks reaches up to her waist, coloured ombre from black, all the way to electric blue the lower it gets. Everyone in the band had blue somwhere on them. The drummer always have bright blue gloves, the lead guitar blue streaks on her hair, and the bassist wears bright blue gloves.

It makes sense since the band name has the word "Azure" in it.

Sousuke continued to watch a bit more before he decided to get up and cook some dinner.


-Author's Notes-

Aaaand thats chapter one. I dunno, I feel like my writing sounds flat and very bland? Hnggghh I hope all of you like it though.. I'm writing this while on my way to my campus for an exam mwahahahaha I need a break from all the studying :')

Anyways, who is that girl on the rocks? Is she the new transfer student?

What about Azure Beats?

Find out more in the next chapters!
