06 - Just How Famous is This Band Really?

When (Name) was done, everyone else was talking by the pool while they gathered their stuff. How do guys change so quickly..

As she walked towards them, her eyes met Sousuke's teal ones. He was standing a little further from the group, but right beside Rin. He smiled when their eyes met and his usual frown disappeared.

"I didn't expect you're that good, Sousuke," (Name) came to a stop in front of him. She just realized how tall he was, like Makoto, but maybe slightly taller.

"I didn't win though.." he rubbed the back of his neck while glancing over at Rei

"You caught up to Rei, and I think thats really good already. I can't even swim that well yet."

At that moment, Rin turned and saw (Name). He was pretty surprised at the fact that Sousuke was talking to her like they were already friends. "You two know each other?"

Both (Name) and Sousuke turned to Rin. "We've met each other before," (Name) tilted her head), "It was when he went jogging a couple of days ago, we talked a bit on the park."

"Hm.. Sousuke did not scare you?" Rin smirked, "I mean he's big and tall, and he looms over everyone with his scary frown."

"Rin, I did not frown, I smiled because I am well aware of how intimidating I am without even trying."

"Alright alright-"

"(Name) there you are," Makoto smiled, "we were planning to go get dinner, want to join us?"

"I'd love that!" (Name) smiled and gathered her things before following the bunch outside. This time, they were joined by Rin and Sousuke, who for some reason seemed reluctant to go.

The whole group walked to a cafe close to Samezuka, where they plan to have dinner. (Name) walked ahead with Gou, listening to and laughing occasionally when she went famgirl mode on muscles. She did not notice that Sousuke and Haru put as much distance as possible between them. Rin noticed, however, since he caught Haru looking over his shoulder to them from time to time.

"Sousuke, is something up with you and Haru?" Rin asked.

The question caught Sousuke by surprise, but he just shrugged, "its nothing, Rin."

"You seem to be bothered by something. You're awfully quiet."

"But I am normally quiet."

Rin tought for a while, "Nah, you're not, not with me anyway."

Sousuke sighed, "I'll just tell you sometime. Not now."

"Okay.. If you say so."

By now the group arrived in front of the cafe. They went inside and merged some tables together to make it enough for 8 people. They each ordered their meals, (Name) ordered (food), ans she waited for everyone else to finish ordering while resuming her conversation with Gou, now about actors that she loves.

(Name) also noticed that the cafe was rather empty, and Nagisa thought it was a good enough reason to talk loudly.

"Hey guys, guys!" Nagisa chimed, right after the waiter left with their orders. "Anyone here know Azure Beats?"

(Name) perked up.

"Isn't that a new band from Tokyo currently gaining fame rapidly?" Rei asked, fixing his glasses.

"Yes! I absolutely love their newest music video. And I heard the band members are only high schoolers, like us!"

"Whew people sure are going places these days," Makoto grinned, "I'll give it a try once I get back home."

"Ahh Azure Beats," Rin thought for a while, then turned to Sousuke with a smirk, "Sousuke listens to it a lot."

"W-wait, Rin!" Sousuke was again caught off guard, but at least it erased his frown (effects of being with Haru).

"Sou-chan listens to Azure Beats? Yeeesss! I'm not the only one!"

"Just occasionally." Sousuke sipped his coffee.

"No you don't. You listen to it a lot, and even watch their music videos the moment it came out." Rin smirked, "I'm your roommate remember?"

"Dammit Rin!"

"What are their songs like anyway? Is it those cutesy school idols type?" Gou teased her childhood friend.

"Their songs are more of a rock genre, Gou." Sousuke sighed, smirking slightly because he knew he had the upper hand this time.

Gou seemed to puff up with indignation, "Its KOU!"

Everyone laughed. It even seemed like the tension between Sousuke and Haru lightened. Perhaps just a bit

"Say, (Name) now that I think about it.." Nagisa started, "you kinda look like her. The main vocalist."

Everyone turned to her, making (Name) flinch. "Uh.. Really?"

"Show us the picture Nagisa," Rin seemed curious. He did see their music videos, but he never really payed much attention to them.

"Here!" Nagisa practically shoved his phone up to Rin's face in excitement.

"Hm.... Well (Name) looks a lot younger than her though.." Rin thought for a while, "but she does seem to have the same eye shape. The hair is obviously different, I mean and (Name)'s hair is coloured (hair colour)"

"N-n-no that can't be true." (Name) was shaking her head and waving her hands rapidly, just to emphasize her point.

"Look at her, she is such a big fan that her whole face is red," Nagisa teased, laughing.

"Hmm? Another closet fan like Sousuke then?"

Sousuke elbowed Rin, trying not to smile, "Hey what do you mean by th-"

"You come from Tokyo, (Name), I'm sure you probably went to one of their concerts before."

"I-I've been to s-s-some I guess- Look! Our food is here!" (Name) quickly diverted their attention. It worked somehow, because everyone turned towards the waiter.

"Itadakimasu!*" Nagisa immediately started eating once everyone got their food.

"Nagisa, have you heard of the news?" Sousuke called out. He decided its pointless trying to hide the fact that he actually likes the band, so he came out of his shell. Besides, he trusts everyone on that table, Haru aside.

"Which one?" Nagisa's cheeks were round, his mouth full of food.

Sousuke browsed his phone for a while and showed it to Nagisa, "This one."

Nagisa leaned forwards and squinted, "The main vocalist, (Main Vocal Name), currently takes a break from performing in concerts. She stated to the media that she had injured her leg in an accident and doctors suggest she take a break for a while- whaaatt?? What happened? How long will she be on a break? Is this why they haven't released any new songs lately?"

"Maybe," Sousuke shrugged, "rumors say she will be releasing a new album for Christmas though.."

"Christmas? This Christmas?" Nagisa's excitement was returning.

(Name) fidgeted nervously at this. She wanted to avoid this conversation but her silence did not go unnoticed by Nagisa, "(Name)! Did you hear that? We just need to wait for a few more months!"

"A-ahh, yes.." (Name) laughed nervously, "I can't wait for the new album.."

"All this talk is making me curious," Rin placed his fork down, plate already empty, "I'll give it a shot and listen to this. Sousuke, you better recommend me your favorites when we get back."

"Heh.. Sure."

During this time, nobody noticed (Name)'s phone, which was vibrating against her lap from inside her bag. (Name) looked down and opened her phone. She got five new emails, all from an address she was not familiar of. The name displayed said "Anonymous", pretty much shady and creepy at the same time. She opened one and the body text was blank, except for a wink on the subject.

She shivered and placed her phone back. She experienced this before, and the best way was to ignore it. The person will get tired of this eventually. Besides, it can't be him. He was all the way in Tokyo, while she was safe here in Iwatobi. He wouldn't have any idea where she is right now.

She took a deep breath and joined in on the conversation with the others. Thinking too much about it will only make her more and more worried. Its better to just enjoy the good time she has right there.

It was already dark when everyone decided to finally go home. After goodbyes were exchanged, (Name) walked together with Haru and Makoto, since they live in the same general direction. The walk back was rather silent, but it was a comfortable silence, one that was not awkward.

When (Name) arrived back to her place, it was almost 8 p.m. No extra song writing time today, it seems. Soon after she placed her bags down, her phone rang. It was a special ringtone she set for her cousin, so she knew it was him immediately. Him calling at this hour either means he was in his manager mode, or he was planning to stay over at her place.

She pressed answer. "Hello?"

"Yo, (Name)! How are you?" (Cousin Name)'s voice sounds pretty relaxed, so he must be sitting in a bar somewhere in Tokyo just after work.

"I'm fine. We had joint practice witj Samezuka today, and I also joined them for dinner."

"Thats good to hear." His tone of voice changed into a more businesslike manner, "anyway, how are the songs going?"

There's his manager mode again, (Name) thought, "Um.. You already have the first five songs, the sixth is done but I'm still working on the seventh. I'll finalize tomorrow and send it to you immediately."

"Alright, cool. I'll book you a recording studio in the neighboring town for this Saturday, and maybe also the next. I hope thats enough to get it done."

"I guess it should be enough."

"Cool." (Cousin's name) voice seemed to lighten again, "Oh and dr. Takei recommends you go see his colleague in Iwatobi. His name is dr. Shibata. I made an appointment for you this Friday-"

"Wait hold up, (Cousin's name). So does dr. Shibata also know about me and (Main Vocalist name)?"

"No, he doesn't, but I'm sure you know what to do."

(Name) sighed. This is going to be such a hassle. "Okay. Friday it is."

*Itadakimasu means "Lets dig in", or "Lets enjoy our food"

( • ̀ω•́  )
- Author's Notes -

Another long chappie mwahahahah I had fun writing this. Thank you so much for 50 reads aaaaaaaaaa I never expect it to have this much honestly kcnskshdbsns

Oh and about the picture up there, its not too related with the chapter but I just thought it kinda looks cute uωu. Anyways, I'll be writing the next chapter pretty soon!

The story is already getting more hectic. Creepy mails, writing songs, doctors appointment. How will she balance all that? Find out more in the next chapters!
