25 - Each One There to Make You Smile

On the way to the station, (Name) had stopped at a vending machine to buy Sousuke a can of coke. The teal eyed male had offered to pay her back at first, saying the meal was more than enough, but (Name) refused and Sousuke accepted it in the end.

They walked leisurely to the platform, only rushing when they saw that the train was already there.

(Name) and Sousuke barely got onto the train before the doors closed behind them, and they collapsed on the closest seats, laughing quietly among themselves.

Their conversation started out chipper and lively, but the events of the day and the lull of the train moving took its toll on the two. The train car in which they sat only have a handful of people, most of them sleeping, tired after work.

The sound of their whispered talks soon simmered down to comfortable silence as they sat side by side.

Sousuke could feel his eyes grow heavier as the silence dragged on. Practice had been exhausting, Rin had made all those who made it to nationals go all out, swimming more and harder than everyone else that was not on the competition. He knew Rin well enough that he understood why Rin did all this for them, and he reciprocated with as much vigor.

However, truth be told, he was getting worried. His shoulder had started to hurt more and more each morning he woke up. It was not something major yet, and still very much bearable, so nothing more than a minor discomfort. But he knew deep inside him that something is wrong, and he should go have it checked again. He wanted to go, he really does. The problem is, dr. Shibata would most likely immediately know that he is swimming again, and that would get him into trouble if dr. Shibata forbid him from swimming. Nationals was so close.

His train of thought was then interrupted by a slight pressure on his good shoulder. He looked to his left and his eyes widened. (Name) was asleep, and her head had leaned on his shoulder.

Sousuke immediately tensed, feeling nervous all of a sudden, not knowing what else to do other than stay out so that she wouldn't wake up.

His sleepiness was all gone at this point. He only stared at her, the seemingly small girl by his side, breathing softly in a steady rhythm. He watched her lashes, long and delicate against her cheeks. Her mouth was quirked up a bit in a miniscule smile he was sure she wasn't even conscious of. It was just how she looked, so peaceful and... Very cute.

Scratch that, cute doesn't even describe half of it. She is.. Beautiful. Everything about her seemed to draw him to her lately. He even felt his heart race when he was with her, and he sometimes wondered if she could hear it.

Fortunately for him, she was currently asleep, because at that moment, his heart was racing and he had... Well.. Butterflies in his stomach. It was the only way to describe the fluttery light feeling he had at the moment.

Sousuke wondered what he should do. He had been too focused on swimming that he barely read or watched any sappy and cliché romantic movies or books. Besides, reading was not one of his hobbies. Should he wrap his arms around her shoulders?

He didn't want to jostle her that she woke up. He actually really liked it this way, her leaning against him, her warmth seeping into his side.

In the end, Sousuke didn't move a muscle. He only stared at her, a smile tugging the corners of his lips. She looks so perfect right now.

Moments later though, he did move, albeit very slowly. Truth be told, Sousuke had no idea what compelled him, but he was slowly leaning his head towards her unconsciously, drawn by her presence. Her calm, gentle presence. He did not stop until his eyes were closed and his lips were softly pressed against the top of her head.

A second or two passed before he pulled away, embarassed at what he just did. He carefully snuck a glance at her, only to find that her eyes are still closed, breathing still even. Sousuke breathed out a sigh of relief. That would've been embarassing if she woke up, and he had no idea how he would explain himself.

Feeling his face heat up, he looked away and tried to remember that one awkward conversation he had with Rin. It was quite a while ago, perhaps when he first got to Iwatobi, when he and Rin went out to a cafe to just talk and catch up with each other's lives. Rin had asked if he have someone special in his life, a girl he likes. He was confused at first.

He never really thought about getting a girlfriend. Most girls in Tokitsu, his high school before he moved back to Iwatobi, had avoided him because most of them thought he was a delinquent. He couldn't blame them, he knew he was scary at a glance, so he had brushed it off and just went to hang out with his guy friends, not bothering the girls. It was only after Rin told him to smile more that he realized it made people less intimidated by him.

So generally saying, no, Sousuke never liked a girl this way before. Until now.

Is this what its like to have feelings for someone?

He remembered that she didn't even flinch when she first saw him looking at her at the beach. She didn't scoot away when he met her again at the park while he was jogging.

Do I.. Like her?

The train finally got to the stop where (Name) usually gets off. He had to wake her up.

Sousuke gently brushed her hair away from her face, "Hey.. (Name), wake up, we're here."

(Name) blinked blearily for a few seconds (which he found absolutely adorable) before her eyes widened and she stood up immediately.


"Come on," he took her hand and pulled her out of the train.

Once they were on the station again, he let her hand go and rubbed the back of his neck. He couldn't look at her, not after that little stunt he pulled when she slept.

"Sousuke, I'm s-so sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep and lean on you like that!" She gushed out, groaning. "This is embarassing."

"It's alright. I know you're tired. You had to cook for me and all that." he looked down at the floor with a smile, hoping she could'nt hear his heart. "Let's go, I'll walk you home."

After her failed attempt of convincing Sousuke that she could walk alone from the station, (Name) gave up and followed.

They walked side by side, talking about the most random things, and before they knew it, the two were already standing on her front porch.

"Come in for a while Sousuke, I'll get you something to drink," (Name) opened the door and ushered him inside. He didn't resist. Sousuke felt like he couldn't get enough of her, so whatever extra time with her is precious.

(Name) disappeared into the kitchen, bringing a glass of water for him as she came back out. She gave it to him and he took it, unintentionally brushing his fingers against hers. She bit her lip at that, trying not to gasp.

"Uh.. About this Saturday," (Name) started, "Azure Beats will be there to perform the closing of Samezuka festival. Th-they will probably arrive early to practice first and do other sound tests and stuff. Is that okay?"

Sousuke ruffled her hair, trying to mask off his nervousness around her, "I'll take care of it."


(Name) took her phone out, still no creepy mail. She sighed in relief. She opened her messaging app to check if she missed anything from Gou, but immediately froze as she saw an unknown number on top of Gou's chatroom.

She stepped closer towards Sousuke, who looked at her confused. His confusion only lasted for a few seconds because when he saw how tense she was, and the screen of her phone, he immediately knew why. Somehow, that bastard had got her phone number.


"H-how did.." her voice was barely above a whisper.

"Its okay," he pulled her towards him, wrapping his arms around her in a hug. He let her bury her face into his broad chest, not caring if she could hear his heart hammering at their proximity, "Its not your fault. I know you give nothing away. He just somehow found your number."

He could hear her trying to calm her breathing for a while. He stroke her hair, trying to calm her down, letting (Name) take her time as he held her. When she did speak again, her voice was muffled by his shirt that he had to lean down to hear. "What should I do.."

Sousuke pulled away and held her at arm's length, leaning down to look at her straight in the eyes. It hurt him to see the fear in those (eye colour) orbs.

"Listen," Sousuke spoke softly, his voice deeper than usual, "I want you to have someone with you whenever you go out. Who else knew about this?"

(Name) took in a shaky breath, "j-just you."

"I think its time you start telling your closest and most trusted friends." Sousuke's hand moved to cup her face, "Tell Gou. I trust her. Makoto too. Nagisa, Rei, heck, even Nanase. If you want me to be there when you tell them, I'll come. I'll do anything to make sure you're alright."

(Name) shook her head, "I-I'll tell them myself. Sou, its okay." She took another shaky breath and let it out. "I'll be fine. I can do this."

Sousuke nodded, walking to the living room window to make sure it was locked. "Whenever you're at home, make sure you lock every single door and window, especially when you're asleep."

(Name) nodded, unable to say anything.

"We should also change your phone number as soon as possible. I'll feel better knowing you're safe and untraceable."

"I know."

Sousuke went back to stand in front of her. She looked up at him with fear still in her eyes, but there was something else there. Hope. He pulled her in for another hug, this time it lasted longer, with him rubbing comforting circles on her back.

"It will be okay, (Name). He won't find you, I promise."

He could feel her nod once against his chest. She wrapped her arms around his midsection this time.

"Thank you, Sou," came her muffled voice,"Thank you so much."


- Author's Notes -

This is probably the FLUFFIEST chapter so far mwehehehehe i hoped you enjoy it (and that mood killer in the end HAHA

Its gonna get interesting soon, stay tuned for more *cough* confession coming *cough* prolly not next chapter but definitely coming *cough*

Oh does anyone notice that chapter 22-25 have chapter titles that are part of song lyrics? Its from the Greatest Showman movie. I love their songs fkbdkspmfvbd i had just rewatched it again on netflix lol


If you see the smol Haru below, remember to take your time and drink some water, stay hydrated everyone!
