Letter 4

dear jungkook,

today i saw yujin while i was shopping in the mall for new clothes, considering my old ones are all covered in my own blood. stained past recognization, agh. 

that's not the point. i saw her with seokjin.

you won't believe this, but i caught them kissing in the bathroom stall. they're disgusting. and i don't understand...why would yujin do that to someone perfect like you?  you're everything anyone could dream of, and she broke that chance. i guess you broke it first, but she still broke something small there. i recorded it; i'll probably send it to you later.

speaking of the devil.. i'm in the mall as i write this. yujin and seokjin just walked past me, hand in hand, but  i don't think they know it's me. i'm wearing a hoodie today, so they can't see my face. they're walking out of the mall and into seokjin's car. i'm following them.

but-ew, i'm not recording or telling you what they're doing right now. i still can't believe that girl. Yujin... agh.

i love you, jungkook!



Taehyung smiled as he picked up his phone and sent a text to Kookie, praying for him to answer the text message.

TaeTae: hey kookie?

Kookie <3: what the hell do you want now?

TaeTae: i thought you should see this...

TaeTae: *sends video*

Kookie <3: Tsk, you faked that. whatever, i was going to break up with her anyway. i've used her already.

Taehyung frowned. This wasn't what he had thought of.

TaeTae: Kookie-ah...

Kookie <3: just leave me alone right now. back the hell away from me, and stay the hell away from me. I don't want to see your face near me again.

TaeTae: okay...

TaeTae: I love you.


           TRY AGAIN?

(YES)                   {(NO)}

Taehyung put his phone down and sadly smiled. What had he done to deserve this cold treatment from his old friend? Had he accidentally revealed any of Jungkook's embarrassing secrets? None that he remembered...

Taehyung still clutched the letter as he got into his car. Turning the keys, he started the car up and felt a wet tear hit his cheek. 

"God. Stop crying... You don't know anything about this. Maybe he thought you were someone else? Yeah, maybe one of his friends changed my contact name."

On the way, 'Never Ever' by GET8 started playing. He hummed along to the tune and tapped his fingers with the rhythm.

"I hope you know, Jungkook, I'll never ever let you go." Taehyung murmured.
