Letter 1

dear jungkook,

oh, jeon jungkook. 

how i wish i had chosen someone else to love.

you're like poison in my drink, but i can't get rid of you.

i've fallen too hard for someone who hates me too much. how sad is that? it's even sadder that these letters probably won't even be delivered to you. i never had much confidence; you should know that.

i wish you'd know more about me instead of bullying me. you hit me like there's no tomorrow and slam me against the lockers, but i still love you. maybe just a little too much.

did seokjin-hyung change you? i told you not to hang around with people like my brother. he gets caught up in a lot of illegal stuff. i don't want you to get hurt or even arrested. i care about you still.

but today, you shoved me against the locker. i knew the second we made eye contact what was going to happened. after that, i landed on the cold, hard floor. you punched me one last time and told me to die. you didn't mean it, did you? i hope you didn't.

also saw you with that girl, yujin. you ran up to her and kissed her on the lips. i wish i didn't see that. i also wish i didn't see her stealing some of your money before you forced her into the empty classroom. i thought you were as bent as i was. funny how being apart for so long changed you.

no, you're still the same jeon jungkook i loved, right? you always will be, right?

i still love you.


Welcome to a really original story told in letters. If I ever don't explain everything through a letter too much, I will tell you what he means, but not the story behind it. Have fun!
-Yujin (yes I sacrificed my name for this story)
