Chapter 4

A/N: hey !! I'm giving you a heads up; one of the characters I'm introducing is based on someone I know. (I tried okay) 

Taehyung sighed as he continued his usual path to school, walking slowly and tiredly. He knew he wasn't supposed to even stay up that late on a school night, but what can you really do? He just wanted to see his boyfriend's face. That was enough for him.

While walking in his trance, Taehyung found himself on the concrete ground. He had fallen and probably even ran into something. "Ouch..."

"OH MY GOD! Are you okay? Did I hurt you? I'm sorry! I was too busy messaging someone..." Taehyung looked up to see a girl with long, brown hair and bangs with brown eyes. She extended one of her arms to lift Taehyung up. Next to her stood a slightly taller girl with messy black hair and glasses with dark brown eyes. 

"Oh... I'm okay..." Taehyung mumbled. He was slightly uncomfortable being in the two girls' presence, but he  brushed the feeling away as he stood up.

"My name's Kyumi, and this is Yu- Yuna." Kyu introduced herself and her friend. "Do you mind if we walk to school with you? I'm a new transfer student here, and Yuna seems like she lost her mind."

Yuna laughed and hit Kyu. "Stop scaring him. But seriously, do you want to?"

Taehyung looked a little baffled, but still accepted. "S-sure..."

Yuna smiled a little, seeing as Taehyung accepted their offer. "Are you new here? I've been going to this school forever, and I don't think I've seen you ever..."

Now it was Taehyung's time to shake his head. "No, I just sit in the back of classes so people don't usually notice me."

Kyu butted into the conversation. "Why not? There's no reason to not be noticed in this school!"

He laughed bitterly. "I used to get bullied a lot, so I would choose the back seats often. Now it doesn't happen often, but I can't change my seat in the middle of the semester. That's just weird..."

All Yuna and Kyu could reply with was "Oh."


The path to school was slightly awkward, considering the previous facts that had been told along with Kyu's never ending energy. Taehyung could have sworn she kept energy drinks in her backpack. "Oh, oh! Tell me more about yourself, Taehyung!"

Taehyung scratched the back of his neck. "I... have a boyfriend, I get decent grades, and I like food?"

Kyu and Yuna looked at each other for a moment before they started squealing. Taehyung felt like he had just made a mistake. Yuna turned to him with wide eyes. "Can you tell us who? Please, we won't tell anyone else!"

He sighed. "You know, Min Yoongi."

Kyu frowned. She obviously didn't know the name, so Yuna whispered something about him into her ear. "Oh, the guy with the mint hair? Why doesn't he change his name to Mint Yoongi, then?"

Yuna smacked her. "Who the heck in this world is called Mint Yoongi?"

Kyu shrugged. "I don't know, someone probably changed their name to something weird. Still, this ship needs to sail, and in order for it to do that, you two need a ship name!"

Taehyung nearly choked. At this point, he was wishing he didn't say anything to the two girls. "What? A ship name?"

Yuna laughed at Taehyung. "Yeah, dummy. You two are a couple, are you not? You two need a name that merges both of yours together, so you can seem more couple like!"

Taehyung was getting lost in these two girls' energy.

Kyu tapped her foot, deep in thought. Suddenly, she snapped her fingers. "I got it! Taegi~"

This was getting more insane by the minute. Taehyung really regretted saying yes. "Oh okay... Oh, look at the time. I need to go turn in my project that I finished or else I'll get a bad grade, bye!" He said frantically.

Quickly sprinting away, he ran to the school's front doors and barged in, causing some of the students to turn his way. He panted as he walked to his locker, drenched in sweat.

"I need to get two restraining orders..." he whispered to himself.

Suddenly a hand was on his shoulder. "Who do you need to get a restraining order on?" Jungkook said.

Taehyung blushed and turned around so quickly he could've snapped his neck. "Ah- Jeon Jungkook, you scared me!"

Jungkook laughed as he examined the expression on Taehyung's face. "Psh. I used to scare you more, didn't i?" He flinched a little at what he said. "Ignore that second question. Answer my first question, anyway."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow. Why was he so curious to know?  "The new transfer student in class 1-B, Kyu, and her close friend Yuna. I swear, those two have no chill."

Upon mention of the second name, Jungkook tensed a little. There was something to that name that made him flinch, but Taehyung couldn't pinpoint what. "Oh, please do file a restraining order. On both, but most preferably the second one." He mumbled, trying to not let Taehyung hear him.

Taehyung heard Jungkook anyway, but was still confused. As far as he knew, Jungkook had never known anyone in the world with the name. "Yuna? She was the more quiet one, and we could be really good friends if I tried."

Jungkook clenched his fist. "Stay away from her. She's nothing but trouble."

"Huh? Why?" Taehyung called after Jungkook, who had already began walking away from the confused and slightly lost Taehyung.

"Yuna... Yuna. There's nothing wrong with that name. Sure, it sounds a little bit like Yujin, but that wouldn't be a reason for me to avoid her at all. Just because her name begins with the same sound doesn't mean she's the same person. Oh, wha-"

Taehyung was cut off by the first bell ringing and ringing. Earlier, he wasn't exactly lying. He really did have a project that he needed to turn in, but now he didn't know if he could even make it to class on time.

And so Taehyung started sprinting through the empty halls. He needed to make it there quick, and he was so glad the halls were empty or he could've pulled another Kyu.


Well... maybe not exactly empty. Close enough, anyway.
