Letter 12

dear jeon jungkook ,

i'm so sorry. again. i forgot to take my depression pills today.

i cut myself when you've told me not to so many times. the red is a very beautiful color, jungkook. it feels nice when it runs against my skin. especially the cold metal blade of the knife. why don't you join me sometime? we could die together!

i feel dizzy and the room is spinning... why won't the red stop? it's still here, pouring out. did you do this to me?

no, you didn't. i can't blame you for something Yoongi did. I saw him today, haha! isn't that so funny? you should laugh! he was with yuna. they were at his house when i walked in. they were playing a game! it looks really fun, jungkook~

i don't want to believe what my mind told me. I love Yoongi too much, don't i? who can resist loving the sweet mint yoongi? he's probably just brushing something off her mouth, isn't he? hahahah!

you know, i really hope we could be closer friends like when we were little. yoongi told me that he was just playing a game with me and yuna. I want to know what this game is. do you think we could play it together? They both looked so happy together!


Taehyung giggled before dropping the paintbrush and red paint. He looked up with a satisfied smile on his face before slumping back into his chair, the only sign he was alive being his breathing.

A/N: If you're confused, I meant it to be that way. Taehyung was writing the letter with his own blood and a paintbrush. At the moment of him writing this, he has slightly lost control due to forgetting his medication.
