Chapter 5- stella-puella

 "You must know him from somewhere!" Ember pushed as we walked quickly towards the infirmary.

I shook my head adamantly, "I think I'd remember." Though I'm not sure, a year ago I didn't know this world even existed. I only learned on my eighteenth birthday, after Parallax's vamps attacked my family. It's plausible I saw someone in a fleeting moment and forgot. Only, he was very sure it seemed we knew each other.

"I don't feel comfortable letting you two in there without me," Beckett hesitated. Ember shook her head, and grabbed the hilt of her sword, giving it a squeeze to prove a point.

"He specifically asked for Astra, well...not by name. He asked for the stars' weapon, and for the girl that brought him back to life." Beckett opened his mouth to argue but Ember sheathed her sword and slung it over her back. "I'm a Defender, Beckett. If things go sideways I can kick his ass, plus, your girlfriend has super cool powers."

Her tone was light and mocking, and I rolled my eyes laughing lightly. She's not wrong, far from it. No offense to Beckett, but it was Ember and I that kicked ass while he was chained up. Not the other way around.

"We can take care of ourselves," I elaborated as we reached the infirmary door as Lendon came out it. I could tell Beckett still didn't love the idea, but I quickly kissed his cheek and left him in the hall as Lendon, Ember, and I went into the infirmary.

He stood by a window, looking out it as he casually leaned against the stone wall. Still in his torn clothes, but standing and alive. The standing shocked me, I'd half expected him to still be on his back.

"He looks like he's healing nicely." I mused, as we quietly walked towards him. The walls were lined with empty beds, cabinets of Lendons brews, but they were rarely used. Nobody really gets hurt anymore.

"I'm good at what I do," Lendon sniffed, snapping his fingers as we passed the bed the stranger had onced laid in. The bed remade itself in just seconds, it was that commotion that caused the stranger to turn to his.

"My heroes!" He exclaimed, a smile breaking out on his face. I shook my head, he was clearly doing better than yesterday. Less feral looking, with his silver eyes filled with joy and a smile showing dimples on his bronze cheeks.

"I suppose?" I replied, saying it more as a question. I couldn't help but feel more than a bit confused.

"A thank you is in order," he said, still smiling. He extended a hand to the two of us, bowing. Ember shrugged as the two of us gave him a hand, both of which he kissed before standing up straight.

"Oh-" Ember gasped, clearly just as shocked as I was. Lendon, I noticed, stayed very close behind us.

"You, madame, are the one who gave me the kiss of life." He said, gazing intimately into Ember's eyes. I could have laughed, it seems Ember had met her match in the flirting department. "And you," his silver eyes flicked to mine in an accusing manner.


"You, are Astra. Star-girl," my heart skipped. Only one other person had called me that, only I hadn't heard from her since a brief letter on my birthday.

"Do we know each other?" I prodded, hiding the shock from my face. What I wanted to say was, do you know my friend that I miss so dearly? But no, I wanted him to share what he knew-not just say yes or no to my questions.

"Of course not," he laughed. That shocked me, I'd expected him to say yes. "But everyone knows who you are, don't they?" Suddenly I felt pretty foolish, the most obvious answer. Of course he knew who I was, when I first came around a year ago everyone treated me as a bit of a celebrity.

"Right," I replied, forcing it to sound light. "But we don't know you." It wasn't a question, but the question was laced underneath it. He nodded, giving us space. The sun shone in the window, creating a halo around his silver hair. He looks like the moon, I mused.

"You're right, you don't." Was all he said, we stood there for a moment, waiting.

"Well, who are you?" Lendon finally asked, jumping me. For a moment I'd forgotten he was behind me.

The stranger smiled sadly, clutching his dog tags. "I wish I could tell you," he murmured. Beside me, I felt Ember shift. She must have felt a threat, because I saw her hand twitch, readying to grab a sword if need be.

"Why can't you tell us?" I asked carefully, shifting my feet as well.

"I cannot tell you because I don't know." He said sadly, but I shook my head.

"You know who Astra is, but you can't tell us your name?" Ember snapped, I noticed now her hand had fully wrapped around the hilt of her sword. The stranger noticed this too, cause he stepped back a few steps warily.

"Please, believe me. I don't understand either. I know bits and pieces, but nothing significant about myself. I know he is a warlock," he pointed at Lendon, whose eyes widened. "I know she is a Defender, I know you are Star-girl, and I know the pretty boy who lingers in the hallway is Parallax's weapon." Suddenly I felt like I was under a microscope, like this stranger knew us entirely.

"He's not Parallax's weapon anymore," Ember snapped, defensive over her brother. "Beckett and Astra killed him-"

"What?" The stranger looked confused now, his eyes wide as he shook his head. "No, because you guys are supposed to be suppressed until you're eighteen."

"I'm nineteen, and Beckett turns nineteen in a few weeks. What time zone are you from?" I demanded, feeling on edge. This guy knows so much, yet so little. It's like he is from last year.

"That can't be right," he murmured, leaning back against the wall. Ember must have not seen him as a threat anymore, because she dropped her hand by her side again.

"So you know who we are, you know about Parallax, but not your own name?" Ember prodded, her eyes accusing. The guy dropped his head, squeezing his dog tags.

"I don't know anything about myself," the guy admitted. "Can you help me?" His eyes flicked up to Lendon who flinched, as though he'd forgotten for a moment that he's a warlock. This feels almost like a trap, but even if it was Lendon did not show fear.

"I could try," Lendon offered, stepping forward. His black combat boots sounded heavy on the stone, and his blue floor length coat swished at his feet. He flicked his fingers releasing his silver power, it swirled around the stranger's head before embedding itself into his skull.

The stranger's eyes rolled back into his head and gasped, his head falling back and hitting the stone. "I can feel them..." Lendon murmured, pushing the energy deeper into the stranger's head. "They're locked up?" It was asked as a question. Finally, with a defeated groan, Lendon pulled his power back and the stranger's eyes looked back towards us.

"Well that didn't tickle." He muttered, chest heaving.

"What did you find?" I asked, looking away from the stranger. Lendon sighed, shoving his hands in his coat pockets.

"The truth. He knows everything, just like every other person that exists. But, his personal thoughts; the ones about his life, are locked up. Someone has taken his thoughts from him." The stranger looked grim, a little scared.

"Well, can I get them back?" He asked, mirroring what I was thinking. Lendon shook his head.

"Not from me, at least. The warlock that locked up your memories has to be the one to give them back." Lendon sounded sympathetic, but his bored face didn't show it.

"Well where can we find this warlock?" I asked Lendon, who looked back at me with a bit of unease.

"This stranger is from the Umbra Realm." He explained, as if that alone was an explanation. I waited for an explanation, there wasn't one. Silence hung over us, heavy like a blanket, before Ember spoke.

"What do the tags say?" Ember asked, her tone sympathetic. I knew that tone, it was the same one she had for me when I first learned about being a weapon. She's good with people, what can I say? The stranger sighed, twisting them around and looking down at the tags.

"Jaxon Malum." He said, his eyes turning hopeful as they met ours. "Do you think that's my name? Jaxon." I shrugged.

"It could be," but we can't know. He doesn't even know. Lendon can't tell us. "But this doesn't explain why you have no memories of last year, you didn't know about the Bellum Corda."

Jax cocked an eyebrow, pushing his silver hair off his face. "I don't speak great Latin-"

"The War of Hearts. That's what they call the battle where Astra killed Parallax." Ember explained, cutting him off.

"So, Parallax really is dead?" Jax asked, his eyes shocked.

"Is that a good thing?" I asked carefully. We're not sure what side of the war he was even on. If he was on Parallax's side...

"Of course! He wanted everyone dead who didn't agree with him." Jax exclaimed, his face lighting up with the same joy it had when we'd first come in. "That was a very evil man."

"Well, we can all agree to that. Lendon, could you maybe set Jaxon up with a room? I'm sure he'd like clean clothes and rest." The warlock blanched looking at me a bit exasperated.

"Are we sure we want to do that? He's healed now he can take his leave-" my stare stopped Lendon cold. I wasn't about to throw this stranger out, as much as I maybe should. He seems harmless, besides the airy unknown vibe he gives off. I remember being him, confused and unaware, a warlock taking something from me. But Ember and Beckett took me in, now I feel like I owe it to him to do the same. He reminds me of my past, the parts of me I can't forget, the parts of me I need healed. He reminds me of an old friend.

"Lendon, are we not a court that walks into the future? Umbra Realm or not we take care of people." Sure, it may have been rude to throw the meeting back into his face. If they were all for inviting the Umbra Atrium's into our home for a party then surely we can do it for one stranger.

"Of course, but we don't know anything-" Lendon pushed, his tone rising slightly.

"I'm right here guys..." Jax said, looking between us all. "I didn't mean to cause issues, honestly. I can leave-" I shook my head, I wasn't backing down on this.

"No, you can stay. Do you have any place to go?" I countered, challenged. "Do you know where home is?" Jaxon said nothing, and neither did Lendon, but I could see embarrassment on the warlock's cheeks.

"Star-girl, you are-" Jaxon started again.

"Offering you a place to sleep, as my guest. Lendon, please show him to a room." My tone was harsh, final. Jaxon bowed again, Lendon nodded. I didn't leave room for argument after that, I turned on my heel and stalked from the room.

Ember was quick by my side as we left the infirmary and entered the hall, where a nervous Beckett waited. "Astra, are you ok? What was that?" Ember asked, confusion reading on her face.

"What was what?" I snapped, not slowing my pace. Beckett and Ember followed on my heel, supportive as always, but I just wanted space.

"I don't know, you got pretty protective over the guy..." Ember explained calmly despite my snapping. Beckett's eyes were accusing as they looked at me, I could feel them in the back of my head.

"Protective?" He asked, but I turned on them both, facing them finally. Their eyes were wide with shock, I don't blame them.

"I don't know! Ok? I don't know why I defended him. Can't we just drop it?" I snapped, staring fiercely at them both.

"Sure, Astra." Ember soothed, reaching for me. But I just turned around again and took off at a light jog. I didn't need comfort, I needed to be alone. 
