
Quaritch tells the pilot to put his mask on as he gets out of his seat heading to the AFT as Jake grabs the edge of the weapon pod, his feet dangling over nothing but open space. Quaritch holds his breath as he blows the rescue hatch to lean outside. Jake looks at him to see he’s aiming his massive pistol. Jake lets go when Quaritch shoots a round at Jake hitting next to his head, he plummets into the trees below catching the huge leaves to slow his fall to the ground. Once on the ground, he radios into everyone.

~“Quaritch is gonna tack out the Well of Souls! He’s got a clear shot. Hit him, Anybody that can! Do it now!”~ Jake said

~“On it.”~ Trudy replied

She banks hard pulling g’s, coming around on the Dragon. Quaritch drills a stream of tracers at her. Trudy for some reason grabs a mask and puts it on. Suddenly Jessica’s banshee shows up just when she is about to crash and pulls Trudy out as the Samson goes down. Trudy is then trusted up onto the banshees back and she holds on tight while it rips the dragon apart and then flies off with Trudy.

~“Holy shit!”~ Trudy said

~“What happened?”~ Norm and Jake asked

~“A purple and pink banshee just saved me”~ Trudy replied

~“That’s Jessica’s banshee.”~ Jake said

Philomena then flies back to the Well of Souls where Trudy was checked out by Mo’at and one of the Na’vi took her back to where Norm was at. Jessica pet’s her banshee and gives it chunks of meat, she then tells Acadia to go find Neytiri and help her. Hacadia runs off to find her and helps bring Jake as well as his avatar body. Jake is then transferred over to his avatar boy. Tsu’tey steps down from being the next Tarsem.
