
Tsu’tey, the young hunters, and I ride out of the forest to see Jake and Neytiri. Jake is on a direhorse while Neytirir is explaining things about the bond, and she touches her head.

“You may tell her what to do inside. For now, say where to go.” Neytiri explained

“Forward.” Jake said

The direhorse launched forward in a gallop. Jake flops around without a clue on how to sit on the animal and it soon throws him off into the mud landing painfully. Tsu’tey, Neytiri, the young hunters, and I start laughing.

“Again.” Neytiri said

Tsu’tey, the young hunters, and I all ride over to Jake who is still wiping mud off of himself. I try muffling the laugh as I watch Jake smear more mud on his face.

“You should go away.” Tsu’tey said

“I knew you could speak english.” Jake replied

“Have you never ridden a horse, Jake?” I laughed

“Well not all of us are raised on a farm.” Jake replied

I barely heard him mumble something and I had the direhorse step closer to him. I glare down at him while everyone watches. The smile that I had on my face before is long gone.

“What did you say?” I asked

“I called you a hillbilly.” Jake said with a glare

“I ain’t no hillbilly Jake.” I snapped

Tsu’tey, the young hunters, and Neytiri watch me as I flip Jake off and ride back to hometree. Tsu’tey and the young hunters soon follow after to see a crowd forming, he walks over to see Mo’at and Eytukan standing next to me, I look down when I feel small hands on my leg. I see a small Na’vi child looking up at me, the child holds its hand up and makes a grabbing motion with its tiny hands. I pick the child up smiling as the whole clan is watching me. I hand the child over to Mo’at who gives it back to its mother.

–OPS Center: Night

I hid against the wall again and peek into the room as Jake is giving them information about the hometree.

“You’ve got outer columns, then a secondary ring here, and an in ring. Then a core structure it’s like a spiral, that’s how they move up and down.” Jake said

“I’m going to need accurate scans of all these columns.” Quaritch said

“Roger that.” Jake said

I look up the stairwell, seeing Max leave I quickly follow him back to the bio-lab. I look at Max as he is now at the computer and watches me come in and I nod my head at him which he returns.

"I hope we can stop this or keep them safe." I thought
