
–Mountain Trail: Day

Tsu’tey leads four direhorse riders up the trail --  two teenage hunters, Jake, and Jessica. The horses clop right to the sheer drop into the misty Canyon. Tsu’tey signals everyone to stop. Jessica and Jake look up to see thick vine-like trees that have trapped large floating boulders of unobtanium in their gnarled grip, they all dismount from their direhorses. Tsu’tey, the young hunters, and Jessica swarm up the base of the beanstalk.

“We’re doin’ this?” Jake said

Jessica looks down at Jake and laughed, he is still pretty far down the beanstalk. Jessica looks back up and starts climbing again. Tsu’tey looks down to see Jessica pass the young hunter, he sees the large smile that’s on her face as she keeps climbing.

"Mo'at was right she is different from the other dreamwalkers" Tsu'tey thought

–Grotto/Banshee Rookery: Day

Neytiri soon joins them, she is sitting on her banshee and then gets off and joins the group while her banshee waits docile on the cliff. Tsu’tey glares at Jake the smirks.

“JakeSully will go first.” Tsu’tey said

Neytiri glares at Tsu’tey before leading Jake to the ledge. Jessica looks at them then walks to stand by Tsu’tey, as Neytiri talks to Jake. 

"You can do it, Jake!" Jessica thought

They all watched Jake as one of the banshees hissed and tried to attack him. He fights with it for a while and almost gets thrown off the cliff, finally Jake can connect the bond. Neytirir then yells at him to take flight. Neytiri looks over at Jessica and smirks at Tsu’tey.

“JessicaWard is Next.” She said

Jessica walks out after Tsu’tey talked to her. She looks around and watches as the mountain banshees either ignore her or fly away, Neytiri and Jake flew away long before she went out. Jessica then spotted a slightly taller banshee sneaking toward her while hissing at her, she doesn't pay attention to the color of the banshee as she hisses back at it, and the banshee then lunges at her. Jessica rolls away and quickly wraps the bolo around its beak. Jessica almost gets the queue’s connected when it snaps the bolo off its beak, Jessica finally gets the queues connected and flies off, she then lands on the edge of the cliff as the two younger hunters also get their mountain banshee. Jessica and Tsu’tey fly together then he signals for Jessica to follow him and they dive. Jessica looks over to see Neytiri and Jake flying with each other.

–Flight training(montage)

Tsu’tey and Neytiri are showing Jessica and Jake flight principles using their hands to explain the flight better to them like one fighter pilot to another. After they taught them Jake walked off somewhere in the forest, while they see Jessica walk to where the Mountain banshees are kept, they follow her up there and watch her pet her banshee. The two finally got a good look at Jessica’s banshee, it is slightly bigger than the other banshees that were there they also noticed the skin color of its body was all purple with a little bit of faded pink in the mix.

"I still haven't given you a name." Jessica said

The banshee made a purring sound in the bottom of its throat and rubbed its head against Jessica and looked up at her as she thought of a name. Jessica looked down and the banshee looked her in the eyes, Jessica smiled.

"Your name is Philomena which means frind of strength and loyal." Jessica said

The next day Jessica and Jake look down a sheer cliff, then ~swoosh~ they both follow Tsu’tey and Neytiri. Jessica and Jake laugh as they play hide and seek in the clouds with Tsu’tey and Neytiri. Tsu’tey then looks at Jessica with a catch me if you can look, she then dives after him.

–Another day

Tsu’tey and Jessica fly abreast, soaring easily. He then points and Jessica sees a bizarre geological formation, arches of magnetic rock form rainbows of stone above a deep Caldera. In the middle of it is a single, enormous willow tree, gnarled and ancient.

“That -- is the well of souls.” Tsu’tey said


Jessica flies with Tsu’tey along a forested ridge while Jake and Neytiri fly below them, they are teaching them How to hunt from their banshee, they all have their bows at the ready when a huge shadow covers all four of them. Jessica and Jake look up to see the Leonopteryx in a delta-dive straight at Jessica, she moves out of the way only to be knocked off the back of her banshee. Tsu’tey is about to dive after her when her banshee shoots down after her, it catches her but she doesn’t have time to reconnect the bond.

“Lead us to a safe place” Jessica shouted to her banshee

Jessica’s banshee screeches at Tsu’tey’s, Neytiri’s, and Jake’s banshee and they follow Jessica as they swerved and dived around vines and trees, then they all fly through a gap between two huge branches and watch as the Leonopteryx has to make a quick break, then flies away. Jake, Neytire, and Tsu’tey all look to see Jessica reconnect her bond.

“You were not bonded that whole time we were being chased!?” Neytire asked

“No, I was not.” Jessica replied

As everyone is catching their breath Neytire and Jake start to laugh which makes Jessica laugh along with them and Tsu’tey soon joins in with the laughter.
