Jessica Ward

(Na'vi-Bold or Bold italic/ Thoughts- Bold, italic, and underline/ Speaking on mic- ~"mic"~)
I woke up from Cryosleep and looked around. My Cryobed slid open as a doctor came over to undo the straps that were keeping me in the bed. I got out and went to my locker to get my clothes and other things, then I heard someone announce to everyone. I blocked out what was being said and went to get on the ship, everyone had gotten on the ship and the only open seat was next to me, a man with a wheelchair wheeled over and hauled himself out of the chair to sit down. It didn’t take long for us to get close to Pandora. I watched a man coming down the walkway

“Exopacks one!” He shouts

I got mine on pretty fast and then looked over to see the gut next to me having trouble, I quickly showed him how it was supposed to go on and he tried again.

“Remember people, you lose your mask, you're unconscious in 20 seconds and you’re dead in four minutes. Let’s nobody be dead today, it looks bad on my report.” He stated

He stopped in front of the man next to me, I looked to see he was still trying to get it on properly. I looked up at the man.

“Exopacks on, let’s go.” He barked

I quickly helped him as the ship landed and we all stood up while the man next to me got in his wheelchair, we all waited for the doors to open.

“Go directly into the base! Do not stop! Go straight inside!” He yelled

As soon as the doors opened everyone jogged out, while I walked out and the main in the wheelchair wheeled out. I look at him and see that he is close to me as I walk. I chuckle to myself.

“Man, I walk slowly.” I thought

As we head to the base, I look around and see some guys talking to each other and watching us walk by.

“Check it out, man. Meals on wheels.” Man 1 said

“That is just wrong.” Man 2 replied

I stopped when a large tractor that was taller than any house or building roared past on its muddy wheels. I notice a large arrow sticking out of the tire. We start to pass the two men that were watching us before, the man in the wheelchair sees them giving him and his chair the hairy eye.

“What’re you two limpdicks staring at?” He shouted

“Seen a lotta guys leave this place in a wheelchair. Never seen anybody show up in one.” He replied

We then headed into the base. I stand at the doorway to one of the rooms to see a man telling everyone that they're not in Kansas anymore. I sit on the floor in the hallway and pull out the book I’ve been reading. After the people left the room the man wheels up next to me as I put my book away and stand up. I walk beside him as we try to find our rooms.

“I’m Jessica; Jessica Ward, what’s your name?” I asked

“Jake Sully.” He replied

We then hear someone shouting down the hall at us, we turn to see an eager man running over to us. When he finally gets past all the people he stops in front of us to catch his breath.

“Hey, you’re Jake, right? Tom's brother and you’re Jessica Ward?” He asked

I looked over at Jake and saw the wary look on his face when this man brought up his brother. The man then holds out his hand and we both shake it.

“Sorry, I’m Norm Spellman, I went through avatar training with him.” He said

We started following Norm down the hall to the bio-lab. Jake and Norm start talking, but I stay quiet.

“He was a great guy -- funny. It was a big shock to all of us.” Norm said

“Yeah.” Jake replied

I watch Jake pump the wheels of his chair, rolling next to me. Norm walks on the other side of him still talking up a storm.

“And duh -- obviously you look like him. I mean, if you weren’t genetically identical, you wouldn’t be taking over his avatar.” Norm said

“That’s why I’m here.” Jake replied

We stop in front of the bio-lab, Norm puts his hand on the door handle and looks back at us with a big grin on his face.

“So -- you want to check it out?” Norm asked

“Yeah, let’s do it.” Jake replied

“Hell yeah! Let’s do it!” I said

We enter the bio-lab. I walk in and look around at everything. The little kid in me wanted to come out, but I took a deep breath calming myself down. I looked over and saw the tank that was holding my avatar body.

Jake rolls over to his avatar which was going to be his brother and Norm soon comes over to stand by him, I block them out as I continue to look over my avatar.
"This seems like a dream come true." I thought
