???? POV

we were waiting for our customer to come and give us the money

When he came with his servant with a big bag of money

It this time he tried to decieve us we will directly send him to the hell without a second


Hand the drugs

He said trying to stay cool even though we knew he is scared to death as everyone is because we are the second biggest gang in south korea seoul after treasure

Everyone is afraid of us


Hand the money first

The one with blonde hair said in his cold firm voice


This time you can't fool us you bastard

The other spat who seems to be younger than all of them


No no this time boss give us the money
Look here it is

He says suttering avoiding their deadly gazes while showing the bag but not opening it


Open it first show us the money

The one who seems older than all of them said in his authorative voice


No boss said to get the drug first then we I'll give you the drug

He said while backing away


Why planning to decieve again huh ??

He asked with his gritting teeth

The one with cat eyes went forward and snatched the bag away from his hand

And opens it to see nothing but empty papers in the bag


He showed the Bag to the other while glaring at the customer infront of him


You get the money now give me the drugs

He says confidently to enyphen members

The one with cold visual grabbed his collar while punching him strangling him on the ground


Didn't we warn you huh ??
Not to play games with us

He asked landing another punch on his face


Please leave me what happened you got the money

He said pleading


Where the fuck is the money that we can't see huh ??

He throws the empty bag infront of the beating up man


I swear I don't know about it boss gave me the bag saying the money is inside

He says suttering while pleading


We already warned you but you didn't listen now you will face consequences

He said pulling out his gun


No please I have kids and wive to feed please

He says pleading


None of our fucking busisnes

He said while pulling his gun out also

Jake and niki pulled their trigger at once shooting him multiple time causing the blood to come into their hands and shirt


Clean the bodies away bring his body to the car we have to take it to dad

He said to the younger ones

Sunoo niki and jungwon immediately followed the command of their leader

Enyphen Pov

The mankaes went out to clean the bodies while hyung line went outside to head into their lamborghinis when suddenly a they saw a little girl running towrads them with a teddy bear in her hands

She came towards us and suddenly hug sunghoon

Sunghoon was baffled as to why a little girl suddenly hugged him out of nowhere

Yn Pov

I ran into the alleyway to run away from treasure when I saw four people standing there I immediately run into one of them and hugged him without a second

I was scared to death that if treasure caught me I will be dead

I was crying with a teddy bear in my hands when he pulled away and looked at me

He looks like a cold peron just like treasure oppas


Well well well what a cute chick like you is doing here alone in the dark alley huh ??

He said pinching my nose

I immediately got the idea that they are bad people but now I am stuck I can't run away but maybe they are good people maybe I can ask for their help


Please save me I am lost

I said crying while hugging my teddy


Oh little kitten is lost

He said coming closer to me while I back away he hold my hand pulling me closer to his face


But why did a cute girl like you would even roam around in dark streets

He says looking directly into me eyes causing me to gulp while looking down


You're a bad girl kitten didn't listen to mommy daddy and come out late now you are lost

He says chukling

Enyphen Pov


Can you please send me to my house

She says crying

Jake was saying to say something when suddenly niki jungwon and sunoo came carrying with his dead body

Shit wrong timing

We all looked to see the little girl looking directly at the bloody dead body

She backed away in fear with tears in her eyes which were filled with shock

Luckily heesung was behind her if not for him she wouldve run away

He immediately wrapped his arms around her waist trapping her small body into his arms preventing her to run away


Where to kitten

He asked leaning into her ear with his deep voice


Please let me go I will not tell anyone please

She cried while begging for us to let her go


Isn't the little kitten was lost huh ??
How can we let a little girl go alone who is lost baby girl ??

He asked while smirking


I now remember my adress

She lied with her puffy eyes

She is so damn adorable


Aww so cute you are adorable aff chick if only you will be a little older I would've dated you

He said caressing her cheeks


Don't call me chick it's a bad way to call a girl please

She said while crying and wiping her tears away


I will go to school everyday if I have a cute teacher like her

He said patting her head

Heesung gestured something to niki and jungwon they immediately understood

They brought the injection from the aid kit and come forward

Yn panic seeing injection in their hands


No please no oppa

She says while trying to get out of heesung grip only to get it tighter every minute


Shsh kitten it will not hurt

He says smirking


Just a little sting and you will be sleeping peacefully

He says while rubbing the swap into her thigh since she was wearing a mini skirt

He injected her while she was crying

Soon after few minutes of crying the alley fell into complete silence

They all smirked while sunoo carreid her unconscious body into the car with the dead body of the customer and his boss which they killed earlier
