I woke up by the alarm ringing so I turned it off while getting up to see yn sleeping figure snuggled up in me

I smile while pinching her adorable bubbly cheeks

I was going to wake her up when they all come into the room

Serioulsy did someone never teaches these bastards to knock


Atleast knock it before coming inside

I said rolling my eyes while getting up to take a morning shower

Niki scoffed while saying


Saying the one who didn't even knock before dashing into mom and dad room before knocking

He said making everyone laugh


It was only one time niki

He glared at him


Yeah that time was the personal time for mom and dad and you interrupted them

Sunoo said smirking

Jay cheeks turned red while remembering the embarrising scene when he dashed into his parents room without knocking and end up invading their privacy


Shut up idiots there's a innocent kid  here

He says while going towards yn figure who was sleeping peacefully apart from these noices


Wakey wakey princess

He said caressing her stomach making her giggle in her sleep


Ahh oppa let me sleep nah

She says giggling


It's already morning little chick

He said teasing yn


Ahh oppa how many times I have to tell you not to call me chick it's a bad word we shoudnt use bad language okay ?

She says getting up while yawning and crossing her arms

Sunghoon and others giggle at her cute action


Why though you are a little chick cute one Not to mention pretty too

He said winking at yn who was looking at her with cute yet angry face


Even the boys in my school's are not that much flirty that you both are

She says with a sign while shaking her head


So does the boys in your school flirt with you huh ??

He asked in his serious tone making yn gulp


No no they don't

She said suttering


They better not

He said while messaging his fist making yn scared


Stop scaring her

He warned both of them


Oppa you are the oldest of them right
Then you should give punishment to both of them for using a bad word nah or else they will use more bad words in future

My oppa says bad thing should be stopped at the beginning

She says to heesung how was listening to her cute yet inncent babling with whole attention


You see I will punish them now

He said while holding both of the ears of sunghoon and Jay making everyone laugh including yn

They all were happy seeing yn not cry they thought that yn forget about running away but that's what they thought

They all then went downstairs after getting yn dressed up in the clothes they brought for her  after taking shower

The day went really good with no yn crying to run away

They wanted to do two missions today one at night and one at day

They were getting ready for their day mission while yn was sleeping in her room they made her sleep since they have to go

They all went into their missions while telling the guards to keep an eye on yn doings


I woke up in my bed and see my surroundings

There was no one since enhypen oppas say they have to go to their mission

I hope they all not killing anyone like treasure oppas to be honest they are much better than treasure oppas they dont give me punishment and hurt me like them

But still I want to run away I want justuce for my parents

It was a good time to run away since enhypen oppas are not here

I quickly went out of my bed and went down stairs to see no one I take it as a chance to go

But as soon I went to the exit door I saw two guards sitting and talking while drinking something

I don't know what they were drinking but they were looking like one of them  is not in his senses

I tried to avoid them and try to get outside when the one of them grabbed me by my waist pulling me closer to his body

I looked at him in disgust in my eyes
I tried to move him but he grabbed me tighter

Tears started to form into my eyes because of the pain


A pretty little thing huh??
Where to
Can we have some fun huh kitten ??

I tried to push him away but failed as he was too strong

I immediately stopped struggling when I get to know what he was doing

I felt his hands touching my thighs he was rubbing his hands on my thighs up and down

Please stop

I push him away but he gripped me tighter and slap me hardly on my face making me wince in pain he gripped my jaw harshly and said


Don't dare to raise a single voice or else your dead little girl

He said glaring into my eyes

Tears were forming in my eyes but I can't do anything

Suddenly I felt his hands going up to  my skirt and shorts  he started  caressing my bottoms and started squeezing it hardly

I felt really disgusted by him but he didn't let me go

Let me go please

I pushed with at last with my full force when he let me go but grabbed his bottle from which he was drinking and throw it near me causing  it to  smash into pieces

One of the piece get into my legs since I was one the floor

Blood came out from my wound but he just laughed at my poor state while coming towards me and slapping me once again


Don't you dare to tell this to enhypen or else you will be dead meat

Now fuck off to your room before I kill you

I nodded in pain fearfully and tried to
Get up but end up falling

He irritatingtly sign and went back to his place while I attempted to get back up on my legs and went to one of the rooms which was also dark black

I limped towards the bed and sat on it while crying in pain because of the slap and also the blood coming from my wounds

I felt really disgusted by the guards

My eyes started getting glossy while I
Put the blanket over my body covering it in fear and lock the door before curling up in a ball and getting into a slumber I don't know when
