We all rushed immediately into yn room only to be found her talking to someone without wasting any second Jake snatched the phone from her hand


What the hell do you think you're doing huh ??

He angrily shouted at yn making her scared


No please leave me alone I wanna go back

She tried to get the phone from Jake hands but Jake tossed it to sunoo

Sunoo powered it off immediately

Jake pulled her both hands and pinned her to the bed


Trying to escape huh doll ??
Aren't we ??

He smirked tightening his grip


Ahh oppa it hurts please


Oh it hurts well it should be
You didn't knwo where you are how could you escape huh ??

He mocks


We didn't give you any punishment and we're being gentle with you

He spat

But you take our kindness as granted just look what we will do now

Jay said while shooting daggers into her soul


Yn sunno just take few minutes to get water and you did that huh ?

Just when we thought we could trust you you did this ??

Just who did you call your exo oppas

Niki scoffed


Those little losers can't defaet us we are far more powerful then them

When they couldnt save you from treasure how could they save you from us

He said leaning towards yn ears

You can't escape doll

Tears started to fall from her eyes while she give up trying to escape from the grip


They will come to save me they love me really much they will surely come

She said while looking into Jake eyes


Dreaming isn't bad though baby keep dreaming

He chuckled

Just then they heard some gunshots voices outside their mansion

Sunoo rushed to the window to see them coming inside


Shit they are here

They all hurreildy took out their guns from their pocket

Yn started crying feeling scared


Sunghoon Jake Jay keep her away we I'll take care outside

He then wait outside along with others


Don't be so happy princess they will not find you

He said then signalled Jake and sunghoon


Stop crying

He said in his deep voice while caressing yn face with the gun

Yn feels like her breathing will stop any moment she stopped crying but weeps silently

Jake hurriedly tape her hands and sunghoon tape her legs

Jay put a tape over her mouth

Jake and immediately carried her and took her to the wardrobe in the room

Jay and sunghoon ran to help the other while Jake held yn and get into the wardrobe of his room

He held her tightly while pressing the gun still into her head


A single muffle and baby you will see your exo oppas dying infront of you just like Alex

He says smirking remembering Alex crucial death to yn

Yn was praying that exo find her and take her away from here

He then after few seconds he put yn tape figure down and went outside locking the door from outside To help others ignoring yn who was muffling to let her go


Mmh mmh mmh

She cried but no avail as she can't even walk or opened the tape

Just few more chapters and finally the book will come to an end after whole one year 😂
