Jihoon POV

I woke up due to the sunrays hitting my eyes because of the curtains that were opened a little

I looked up to my side to see Yn sleeping while her body was wrapped around my and Hyunsuk hands .

I dont know but a smile made up to my face but I immediately turned back to stone cold remembering today is the funeral of those bastards

Finally they can rot in hell

We have already planned everything for the funeral

Seems like exo and stray kids are still un heard by the news of Yn parents death

It's good we will not have to care about them then

Hyunsuk POV

I woke up seeing Jihoon already waken up but in thoughts while Yn was squirming in sleep


What am I saying I shouldnt love her
We should hate her not care for her

I shrugged the thoughts away

Jihoon seems to notice me


Good morning


I am going to shower

I said unwrapping my hand away from Yn who was still sleeping unaware of everything

With that I went to the shower


I woke up to see Jihoon oppa scrolling through his phone

He notice me staring at him

My breath hitched

He smirked and pulled me closer to him

I ignored his stares


Aww is little kitten scared huh ???

He said teasing cold tone

I gulped looking down

Jihoon oppa grabbed my chin pulling my face facing him

I still didn't looked him into his eyes
I didn't dare to


Look at me

He said icy tone


Look at me i said Yn

He said in more scary tone

I looked up to meet his emotionless eyes

Jihoon POV

I stare into Yn innocent bambi eyes

I see nothing but pureness in her eyes

Her eyes are filled with innocene but still that doesn't change the fact that she is the child of those fuckers


Be ready to meet your parents dead parents

He said mocking scary tone

Tears escaped my eyes

He wipes my tears with his thumb


No no don't I don't wanna hear your crying early in the morning


He said kising my cheeks warning me to stay quiet

Hyunsuk POV

I was down showering so I came back from the wahsroom only wearing my jeans no shirt on as my upper body was still wet

I came out to see Yn and Jihoon talking more specifically Yn seems like she was crying


What happened

I asked them while taking my shirt out of my closet to wear



I took out my shirt and was going to put it on when i saw Yn face

She was shocked and immediately put she hands on her face

She was blushing seeing my abs

Aww so adorable

I smirked at her reaction


Enjoying the view huh baby ??

I teased her

She shake her head while Jihoon chuckle


Stop teasing her

I wore my shirt while drying my hairs

You can go shower now

I said to Yn in my cold tone

I will give you clothes

Yn nodded obeditenlt and went to shower while there was a knock on our door

I looked up to see Asahi with a bag from last night


It's her clothes that's were inside the bag when she comes back from shower give it to her

I took the bag and put it to the bed while Jihoon went into his room to shower and change

When she will come out and change then we will go to the breakfast

This is what she wear


Wear the clothes when you will come out
They are on the bed

I said in my cold tone while exiting out closing the door
