*Trouble on Set

Request: "Could I possibly request an MJ scenario with the prompt: Other person: "Stop throwing Glitter around!" MJ: "I'm making the room fabulous peasant!"

Pairing: Myungjun (MJ)/ Reader

Genre: fluff

Words: 1.6k


"Thank you for starting so suddenly, but the boys shoot a music video today and we needed someone quick." Your boss informed you.

You were driving over to the set of the location of their music video. You only had one interview, which was yesterday and they hired you right on the spot. They were desperate.

"I'm giving you permission to be hard on them." He laughed. "They can be pretty....hard to handle."

They're grown boys, how bad could they be....


You stared at the chaos before you. They were running around and jumping on each other. Who was the leader again?

"Excuse me?" You cleared your throat.

They all stopped and looked at you for attention.

"We need to get you dressed and ready for the first scene." You sweetly said and they followed you to the dressing room.

You gave the boys each of their costumes and they seemed calm enough with occasional chit chat.

You watched as the director gave them direction.


"Okay cut....very nice boys, take a break."

Those were the worse words as they started to rowdy up again.

"Hey you...." You looked down at your clip board with their profiles. "Sanha.....Stop jumping on the bed."

"Um JinJin? Let....MJ go please."

"Rocky, that's not food."

"You two good job." You said to the last boys Eunwoo and Moonbin for just sitting on the bed causally.

"Rocky!" You followed him. "That's only pretend food."

You felt a pillow hit your back. "Hey." You looked over and saw Moonbin and Eunwoo point at each other passing on the blame.

"(Y/N)." The director called you.

"Yes ma'am." You bowed.

"We are ready to shoot the next scene, get them ready please." Then she turned on her heel.

"Hey." You shouted at the boys. "We need to get dressed for the next scene."

"You too?" The young tall one asked.

"Not me, you guys, come on, hurry." You pushed them as they went on their way.


They all looked perfect in their suits. Almost grown up.

"How old are You?" The leader you finally found out spoke.

"I'm 24....how old are you guys because I'll tell you I have no idea." You said with sass in your voice.

The boys looked amused.

"Come on, let's go." You pushed them out of the dressing room.

"I'll keep them in line noona." The boy winked.

"MJ, it says here that you are the oldest. Had me fooled." You smirked and walked out of the room.

He looked at you shocked but quickly turned devious. He caught up with you before making it back on set.

"You know I'm only one year younger then you."

"What are you saying?" You grew curious.

"Just that I'm not that immature."

"Prove it to me then."


He did, at first but once that director said cut, it was mayhem....again.

You were growing quite angry actually. "Can we have these?" Rocky spoke as he held a balloon.

But before you could answer he was sucking in the helium. "Luke, I am your father."

You rolled your eyes as you helped push the beds together for the next scene. You didn't understand as how young adults act so professional and responsible but can act like daycare children the next.

"Guys look what I found." MJ ran into the room and got everyone's attention. He had a handful of something and suddenly threw it in the air.

"Where did you get that?" You asked.

"Nowhere." Then threw more.

Then he went over and threw some in Jinjins face. "Stop that." You raised your voice but they all clearly ignored you.

Then he went over and threw it on Sanha as he tried to dodge it. "You're getting it all over your outfits." You didn't know why you were wasting your breath.

The boys screamed as they were trying to get away from him. Oldest my ass.

The director came back in The room and you grew more panicked.

"MJ, stop throwing glitter everywhere!"

"I'm making the room fabulous peasant." He stood on the bed.

"Ma'am I'm so sorry." You bowed.

"That's perfect." She smiled.

"Wait....What?" You asked confused.

"Why didn't I think of that, that's perfect for the video." She got excited.


"Yes, thats a great meaning for the video....boys get ready to film."

They stopped in sight and began to get ready.

Great! They listen to her.


The last shoot of the day was watching them fool around dancing. The director loved that as well so she just had them film them goofing off.

You were done trying to get them to listen to you anyway.

"Great job, today everyone, I'll see you all again tomorrow morning." The director headed out.

"Hey." You jumped as a voice interrupted your thoughts.

It was MJ, once again. He was really hitting a nerve.

"Do you want to go get something to eat with us?" He kindly offered.

"I think I rather go home and to bed." You laid your head on the back of your chair.

"I'm sorry for them."

"Them?" You laughed. "You were no better."

"We're just having fun, you do know what that is right?"

You were annoyed already but now anger was over coming you. "Excuse me, it's my first day on the job and I can't even get you guys to listen to me, it's like I'm babysitting."

"Okay, we're sorry but you need to relax." He smiled.

"I cant have fun because I could get fired."

"You won't, I promise."

"Are you really the oldest member or am I tripping?" You asked once again.

"I promise, please come with us and have fun."

"Fine but I swear if you guys embarrass me-"

He cut you off by grabbing your hand. You didn't know why but the sudden interaction had you feeling nervous.

Was it You? We're you too serious. A control freak. Uptight?

"Guys we are going to Poppies." You weren't even sure where that was.

You all made you way to the van and you sat all the way in the back and you guessed with MJ. He never left your side. Like a puppy.

"We just want to say that you are our favorite artist yet." Moonbin said as he turned around to talk to you.

"Are you just saying that because you drove me crazy?" You asked.

"We drove you crazy?" He asked confused.

"Maybe a little." You smiled falsely.

"It's fine, she's a little uptight, we need to teach her how to have fun." MJ spoke.

"I swear-" You started but he grabbed your hand.

"Fffuuuunnnnn." He mocked.


"You brought me to an ice skating rink?" You asked. "I don't know how." You grew nervous.

"It's easy." Rocky said.

"Hey dancer, it's not easy for everyone." You snapped but the boys found it humorous.

"Why are you laughing." MJ pulled you to get skates.

You got the correct size and sat down on the bench. "How do these work?"

MJ got down on his knees and helped you put your skates on. You blushed embarrassed for not even figuring it out yourself. The gesture was very sweet of him and you couldn't help but smile shyly watching him be a gentleman before your very eyes. A few hours ago you wanted to body slam this guy but now you felt different.

"How they feel?" He asked.

"Heavy." You smiled.

"Good." He helped himself with his own skates.

"Ready?" He held out his hand. You kindly accepted and stood up on your wobbly feet.

You were like a new born calf trying to take its first steps and almost falling in the process. MJ was pretty short when it came to his members but he was still taller then you and he held you up safely with no harm.

"Careful." You were about to step out on the ice. "Its almost like roller skating." He laughed.

He held your arm as he guided you further out on the ice. It felt uncomfortable at first but you started to eventually get the hang of it.

"Look you got it." He said with a bright smile.

"I'm going to let go now." He laughed seeing your mood change.


"It's okay." As soon as he let go, you began to get wobbly once again and you grabbed onto him for support which caused you both to tragically fall to your deaths.

The way you pulled him made him fall on top of you. You opened your eyes and you saw him hovering above. "I told you I didn't have it." You blushed.

"I guess you need work." He laughed.

The butterflies in your stomach were unreal. You blamed him for being so genuine, especially with that smile.

"Get a room." You heard mocks coming and going.

"We should get up." You shyly spoke.

"Right." He stood up and helped you as well.

"Do you want to get frozen yogurt?" He smiled.

"Sure, I can't get used to this." You laughed at your wobbliness. He helped you get off the ice and you both took off your skates.

"Maybe next time we can go to a movie instead." You suggested.

"A movie? Just the two of us?"

"Um I-I." You stumbled.

"A date?" He leaned in closer.

"Don't make it weird, I'm still pretty annoyed at you." You glared. "But yes."

"Okay." He held your hand once again as he lead you to the yogurt stand.

This was the beginning of a weird relationship.

"And no more calling me noona, I'm only a year older then you."

