Coffee Stains II

Summary: You know the truth about Moonbin but you were waiting for him to officially tell you the truth.

Pairing: Moonbin/ Reader

Genre: fluff

Words: 2.7k


"Hello? (Y/N) did you hear me?" Your mother said as you zoned out.

"Sorry what?"

"Are you taking your sister to her concert tomorrow?"

"What? No." You asked.

"Alex told me you were."

You felt angry immediately. You told her you didn't want to go. Even though it was before you found out about Moonbin but now you definitely couldn't go. What if he sees you? He will probably think you are some stalker pretending not to know him. You didn't want to risk it.

"I'm not." You shrugged.

"Please, you're sister loves you and she really wants you to go."

"But mom, I don't want to go to a concert where I'm not going to understand what they are saying." You complained.

"You should just want to go to have some fun with your sister, not the music." Your mother gave you that stern look to make you feel guilty.

Maybe you should just go. It's not like he would see you anyway from the seats you'll probably have.

You were curious of the new boy you liked, but on the other hand you were upset that he didn't even mentioned to you that he was a freaking star.

"I guess I'll have to take her." Please....she secretly wanted to go.


You stared at your phone too scared to text him. Just ask if he's busy.

You took a deep breath and grabbed your phone.

To Moonbin: 11:36am
Heyyy are you busy :)

You simply put, you were never clingy when it came to dating and you didn't want to make that impression on him already....even though you only had one date and it was the best date you have ever had.

Maybe seeing him on your sisters wall was all just a dream. Or not.

You haven't received a text from him as soon as you wanted and it was unhealthy to wait around so you just got dressed into your bathing suit and sat on the edge of the pool.

After waiting about a half hour, you decided to lay down peacefully on top of a floaty still dry and you could easily drift off to sleep any second.

You heard your phone ring but you were too relaxed to even answer it.

"Your phone is ringing sweetie." Your mother's voice appeared out of no where. "Who is Moonbin?"

Your eyes alerted open and you saw your mother reach down to grab your phone and you flew off the floaty falling into the pool getting soak and wet as your mother looked at you amused as she answered the phone.

"Hello (Y/N)'s phone."

"Mom." You jumped off the phone.

"Are you the boy from the other-"

"Hi, sorry about that." You finally had your phone into your hand and your mother arched her eyebrows.

"Hey sorry, I didn't text you back I just got out of work."

"That's okay." You just giggled.

"Are you doing anything?" You looked at your mother through the back door to see if she was there.

"No, I'm home."

"Do you want to do something?" It was already past 3 so you weren't sure what he had in mind.

"If you want we can watch movies here or I have a pool."

"Sounds like fun, I'll be right over."

You blushed from his positive attitude. Luckily Alex was sleeping over Brianna's house because she is going to the concert tomorrow with her and my mom. You weren't sure what your mother's plans were but you hoped that she wasn't going to be home. Not that you were thinking of doing anything R rated. You just met the guy but you didn't want your mom clinging onto you and ruin your night.


You redid your hair quickly, since it got wet earlier and you put on a different bathing suit that was a little more exposed and a little more dry then the other one. You placed a cute outfit over it and waited patiently for Moonbin to come over.

"What are you doing?" Your mother asked as she saw you cleaning up the living room.

"Just cleaning up a bit, tired of the mess."

"You cleaned up without me asking....Hum?" Your mother was suspicious and made her way to the kitchen. "You cleaned the kitchen also? What gives?" She crossed her arms.

"Nothing." You thought hard on a lie to get you out of her suspicion. "Dad told me the case you're working on is getting you stressed so I wanted to help out." You smiled.


"Yes, mom." You were hoping she was going to leave soon. "You still have a lot of work to do, don't you." You tried to push her out.

"Yes, I do."

"I'll help you, you go up stairs and finish your work and I'll cook dinner and get you necessary needs when you want them."


"I told you, I feel bad that you have to go through so much so I just want to help out."

"You're a true angel Miss (Y/N) but I know when you're hiding something." She glared at you.

Then all of a sudden you heard a knock.

"Please go up stairs....quickly." You were already pushing your mother past the living room and up the stairs.

"Oh I get it."

"Mom please I'll do anything. I'll do extra chores or cook dinner anything but please leave us alone."

"Ok fine....I'll pretend I'm not here....but no funny business....I hear one grunt I'll throw you both out."

"Ew mom."

"I was a teenager once to dear.....I know those feelings you can hav-"

"Mom please go hurry." You went to the door.

She went upstairs and you nervously opened the door.

"Sorry.......I the bathroom?" You blushed.

"Are you asking me?" He laughed.

"Um." You stuttered. "I was just cleaning up."

"I should have brought extra clothes." He looked nervous but with humor behind it.

"Stop....I'm not dangerous." You laughed nervously. "You want to go swimming first?"


It was the perfect time as the sun was going down at the moment. You followed him and you saw you mom watching upstairs.

You glared and gestured her to go away. She smiled and left and you were outside with him.

"You okay?" He asked amused.

No....You Just wanted to be alone with him and your mother had to be in the way and you didn't want to tell him that because he might be weirded out.

"Yeah...just thinking."

He smiled and took off his t-shirt and started for his pants.

You couldn't help but stare from.his perfect toned figure that got you in trouble last time.

"You're staring again."

"Am not."

He finally had all his clothes diguared besides his bathing suit of course. "Come on slow poke." He dived into the pool.

You quickly took off your shirt and bottoms and once you looked up it was his turn to get in trouble for staring.

"Stop." You laughed covering your stomach.

"Now you know how it feels." He smiled.

"But you have a perfect body." You whined.

"So do you." He said causing you to blush.

You were on the last step of the kiddy section, too cold to go in. The water was only up to your knees and you just stood there with hesitation.

"Come on." He was talking to you like a baby.

"Its cold."

"Aw." He pouted.

"Don't mock me." You squinted.

He grabbed your hand and tried to tug you in slowly. You winced from the chill but started to get used to it slowly.

"Yay....You did it." He cheered.

"Hey." You splashed water at him and you instantly regretted it from the look he was giving you. "I'm sorry- no"

He splashed you right back and your hair you nicely waved was now drench.

"I'm going to get you." You jumped on him drowning him into the pool.

You felt him grab your hips from underwater and all of a sudden he was right in front of you with a mouth full of water.

"Wh-" You couldn't even get out before he spit all the water into your face.

"Okay, time to get out." You started to turn around but he stopped you and you finally opened your eyes once the water was clear from your face and you saw the deviant looking at you with a look full of innocence. "I swear if you do anyth-"

He cut you off from his lips coming towards yours. You instantly melted into his arms and all your anger was forgiven. That was the problem from these cute guys, can't even stay mad at them. You can't be weak. You cant.

"Oh no." You slightly pushed him away. "You're not getting away with it that easy."

He gave you the cutest look you have ever seen. Like a puppy begging for your attention.


"I'm sorry." He pouted and got closer to you, trying to kiss you again. You quickly covered your mouth to prevent him but you felt shivers once you felt his lips on your neck.

You felt hard butterflies in your stomach, making you queasy and you were frozen.

You couldn't help but tilt your head letting him have more access. You felt his hands around your hips bring you in closer.

You accidently let a moan slip out as you were getting more in depth from his touch. He looked back at you with an amused look. "Does that mean you forgive me?"


"I'll make it up to you."

"How?" You challenged.

"You want to get out?" He asked.


He sensed you were nervous. "We can watch a movie."


Once you got back inside the house smelled delicious. There was food waiting on the kitchen counter that your mother obviously set up. You just hoped she didn't see anything happen in the pool even though it would be a hard sight all the way from the house.

Moonbin looked at you confused as he rubbed the towel through his drenched hair.

"I ordered food for us." You lied.

"They come in your house to deliver it?"

"I maybe hired someone." He arched his eyebrows and you just sighed.

"Okay, my mom is home but she's not going to bother us because she's working."

"That's okay (Y/N) not a big deal." He laughed.

He finished wiping all the water off his beautiful toned abs and you were being overwhelmed in the process.

"Please get dressed."

He smirked. "Okay."


You threw your hair in a bun as it was still damp and you put on nice warm clothing since you were finishing your date on the couch. The food your mom made was delicious and even Moonbin asked if he could hire her.

"Here." You threw down a blanket and you also had a few pillows.

"You're cute."

"Stop." You blushed. You sat down next to him.and grabbed the remote. "Horror?"

"Sure." He cuddle next to you under the blanket. "No evil dolls."

"But Annabelle is so good."


You giggled and put on a different scary movie.

By half way through the movie you accidentally brushed your hand over his lap and blushed from the tension.

He looked over at you sucking on your lips with pure horror. "Its okay (Y/N)." He laughed.

"I touched your-"

"No you didn't." He looked back at the screen. "You touched my sunglasses." He showed you the evidence.

"Oh." You felt even more embarrassed.

You felt his hand brush over your thigh. "Now we're even."

You couldn't even think about the movie at this point. He made you flustered and you felt like your body was gonna shut down.

You felt him sit up a bit more and you looked over at him. He was blushing and you realized their was a heated scene playing during the movie. He looked over at you and you blushed as well.

You grabbed the remote and quickly turned it off. You put on a more pg-13 rated movie causing him to laugh.

You could feel the tension in the air. "That movie was too scary for me." You said nervously.

Another 20 minutes passed by and you felt like there was still tension. You wanted to warm up the environment a little so you slouched farther down next to him again and tried to go back into your cuddle space.

You tried to get more comfortable accidentally brushing up his thigh once again, but before you can move your hand away he grabbed it, interlocking his hand with yours. You gulped from the sudden feeling and felt the butterflies strongly in your stomach.

He looked up at you and you felt the room stop as he leaned in forward. You couldn't get over the feeling of him kissing you. Almost like it was the first time over and over again.

He was lucky because you wouldn't let your last boyfriends touch you this much. There was always a wall between you and them so you always wanted to take it slow, but Moonbin was different. You felt jittery and excited around him, like you wanted to explore.

You fell farther back against the couch cusions as he kissed you deeper. You felt your heart rate picking up quickly and your breathing was becoming hard to steady. He could sense your struggle and moved down kissing your neck for the second time that evening. His hands wandered up your shirt and you felt something stab your thigh, it it wasn't his sunglassess this time.

His lips went back towards yours and you moaned feeling him rock against you. This was the farthest you have ever gone on a date so you weren't experienced and never felt more nervous in your entire life.

Your curious hand wandered down in between your legs and you felt up his clothes member. He grabbed your hand stopping you and placed it over your head.

You moved your left hand this time and did the same thing causing him to laugh against your lips.

"Not yet." He stopped. "Not when your mom is home." He blushed.

You stared at his down and started moving your hand up his shirt, feeling his abs. He starred at you with a hint of humor as you were being touchy.

He sat back and you followed quickly. "No." You pouted.

He laughed and brought your lips together for a small simple kiss but it sadly got interrupted as your mother made noise coming down the steps.

"This is a pg house." She walked into the kitchen.

You both blushed and moved farther away from each other. You felt anger boiling up.

"Its getting late-"

"Mom." You warned.

"Okay." She walked back up the stairs.

"Sorry." You slouched.

"I probably should get going."

"You don't have to-" You pouted.

"I have to be up early tomorrow for work." He said.

"Oh....of course." You tried not to sound upset.

"I'm sorry." He pouted. "But I'll see you soon." He kissed your cheek before getting up.

"Okay." You followed him to the door.

"Bye." He gave you his famous puppy dog smile and you couldn't help but blush.

He loomed at you with sadness, not because he was leaving but from something else.

Did he want to tell you his big secret? Was there more to it?

After Moonbin left you ran upstairs and barged into your mother's office. She was typing on her computer and then she suddenly looked up with her glasses right at the tip of her nose.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Can I go to the concert tomorrow?"

"Why from the sudden change?" She arched her eyebrows.

"I have nothing to do tomorrow." You shrugged.

"I figured you would change your mind." She smiled.

"How do you know that?" You asked.

"You have a habit of feeling left out."

"Do not." You argued.

"Hun....yes you do." She looked at you amused.

You rolled your eyes playfully and left her office.

You were just too curious about his career. You just hope he wouldn't spot you.
