*Fake Love

Request: "could you do a fuckboy Eunwoo astro au. i just i-i i... please." - Anon

Pairing: Cha Eunwoo / Reader

Genre: angst/smut

Words: 4.2k


You walked up the three flights of stairs in no hurry as you just ended your morning shift in the bakery. You liked the idea of getting out around noon to have the rest of the day off, but the tragic thought of being there 5 in the morning was a headache.

An even worse headache was having a room at the very top of this apartment and no working elevator. Once you reached your floor the door across yours came open in a rush. A girl came out wearing an oversized man's button down shirt with nothing underneath it. She was looking around the corner outside the room and suddenly made eye contact with you.

"Do you know the guy that lives here?" She asked.

"Sadly yes."

"Do you know where he would be?"

"I'm sorry I don't know his schedule." And you really didn't. You stayed far away from men like Lee Dongmin, but the problem was he didn't stay away from you, unfortunately.

She nodded and went back inside. She looked confused and disappointed.

You finally entered your apartment and threw your things on your kitchen counter. You felt so tired you just wanted to take a quick nap to brush it off. Once you entered your bedroom, you jumped with confusion and anger filling up inside.

"Eunwoo what the fuck are you doing here?" You basically yelled from the fact he was past out on your bed.

"Hmm." He stretched. "What?"

"What are you doing in my bed? And how the fuck did you get in?" You were beyond angry.

"I picked your lock." He rolled over put continued to shut his eyes.

"Get out." You hit him with a pillow.

"Is she gone yet?"

"Who?" You continued to ask.

"The girl."

"Oh, now I get it. And yes she's gone. I saw her pass me on the stairs." You lied and he finally got up.

"You don't want to sleep with me?" He yawned.

"Get the fuck out." You clenched your teeth.

"Ok jeez." He stretched again in a standing position. "You're my favorite neighbor that's all."

"You're my only neighbor on this floor and if you don't like all the girls you sleep with then don't sleep with them. Easy as that." You complained.

"You're funny."

"Stop using my apartment for your escape. If you have a one night stand then go to their house and sneak out. Gosh you're so stupid."

"I can't go their place."

"Why not?" You asked pushing him out to your front door.

"I rather not know anything about them, it's easier to break things off."

"You're unbelievable. Stay out." You opened your door.

Once you closed the door you heard talking. "There you are, I thought maybe you wanted lunch with my parents?"

You laughed to your self. You could just picture his facial expression.


You heard knocking on your door causing your comfort to disappear. You got up slowly and opened the door.

You saw Eunwoo standing there with an unamused glare. "What do you want?" You broke the awkward silence.

"You lied to me."

"About what?" You tilted your head and smiled sarcastically.

"You told me she was gone."

"I saw her leave, that wasn't a lie." You said being convincing. "How was your date with her parents?"

He sighed dramatically and passed you. "Dongmin I'm not sure if you have gotten this through your head but please LEAVE." Your voice turn to anger.

"Why, we're friends." He sat down on your couch and started eating your popcorn.

"Umm.....we hate each other, thought that was obvious." You stood in front of your tv so he couldn't pay attention to your movie.

"I don't hate you." He said it like it was obvious. "I want to sleep with you, I told you before."

You blushed slightly feeling angry again. It was true. Lee Dongmin was what they call it a player? Or fuckboy even more realistic.

Since you became neighbors he has been trying to hook up with you, even when you were in relationships. You showed no interest which somehow attracted him more. It became a game by this point and you wish you could punch him in his dumb beautiful face. Yes beautiful. He was crazy attractive, there was no denying that but you wished he could be a decent guy. That was pretty much impossible in this generation.

Now he just finds humor in all of this and continues to annoy you. "Come on it will be probably the best sex you've ever have." He broke your train of thought.

"Highly doubt it." Your voice was sassy.

"I'll prove you wrong." He ate more popcorn.

"Oh my god, just please get out."

"You're flustered I can tell." He laughed.

"I want to die." You yelled across the room as you entered your bedroom.

"(Y/N) its okay, you can just admit it." He followed you.

"Eunwoo if you don't leave my apartment this instant, I will murder you."

He blushed feeling affected by your anger. "God you're so hot."

You clenched your jaw grabbing a pair of scissors.

"Okay I'm leaving. But try not to think of me."

"Oh I will be thinking of you, with these scissors." You smirked.

He looked down at his crouch, covering it with his hand quickly. "You really do things to me (Y/N)."

"Fuck off." You slammed the door in his face.

"I need to move." You whined and sat back down finishing your movie.


You woke up feeling refreshed as your day off let you sleep in. You stretched not wanting to get up. You looked over grabbing your phone reading the time of 10:15am. You swung your legs over getting up and making your way out of your bedroom. You glanced over the couch not sure of what you were seeing at first and walked closer. Your anger only soon begun once again seeing Eunwoo sleeping on your couch. To be honest you were just glad he didn't make his way into your bed.

"What the fuck now." You kicked him.

"Morning beautiful."

"Dick." You went back to your bedroom and got dressed quickly.

You walked out of our apartment and straight into his seeing a naked girl in his fridge. She saw you and quickly covered her chest.

"Who the hell are you?" You said distraught.

"Sonya." She said timidly.

"He didn't tell you he was engaged?" You started some fake tears.

"No, I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

"I can't believe this." You collapse on his couch doing your best acting.

You startled her enough to quickly grab her belongs and run out the door. You stopped and left his apartment back into yours. He was just getting up once you entered. "She's gone."

"Really?" He asked interested.

"Yes now get out." You heard more knocking at your door.

You groaned answering. Once you seen who it was your attitude changed. "Shit, I forgot. I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Your friend entered your apartment and stoped once she saw Eunwoo about it leave. "Hi?" She greeted unsure of who he was.

"This is Eunwoo my annoying neighbor and he was just leaving right." Your voice was perky.

"Yeah, thanks (Y/N). You're a good friend and it's nice to meet you-"

"Chaehyung." She filled in. She blushed but you didn't catch it.

Eunwoo passed by and left the apartment slowly. "How long you gonna be?" She asked following Eunwoo.

"Just a few minutes." You called from the bathroom. You were just doing your hair and makeup.

She waited outside waiting for you but on the other hand exchanged numbers with Eunwoo.

You left your apartment and saw her outside. "Why are you so smiley?" You asked.

"Nothing, just watching some dumb videos on Facebook."

You brushed it aside and left with your best friend.


Another day of work had you sluggish walking up the stairs. Once you reached your floor you saw Chaehyung leave Eunwoo's apartment. You grew confused and she looked at you startled.

"What the hell are you doing in there?" You said.

"Nothing." Her face was blank.

"Please don't tell me you slept with that fool."

"I- um I."

"Chaehyung why?" You hit yourself in the forehead.

"What's wrong, he's so sweet and funny." She began.

"Let me guess he isn't in there." You said.

"He left a note that he had to go to work." She shrugged.

You saw more clearly of all the hickies up and down her neck. "You believe that? Chaehyung he is not a nice guy. I promise."

"I'll be careful." She was about to leave.

"You met him fucking yesterday, and you had sex with him already."

"I'm an adult (Y/N). Let me have fun."

"Whatever." You sighed. You had a bone to pick with him not her. You entered your apartment being prepared to catch him in your apartment once again but you grew confused to see he wasn't there.

"Well played Dongmin." You thought it would be stupid on his part if he snuck into your apartment after he slept with your best friend. Maybe he wasn't as dumb as you thought.


~one week later~

You left your apartment to make a trip to the store and caught Dongmin entering his.

He glanced at you with a smile like Nothing was wrong.

You warned Chaehyung of how he was and didn't want to listen. He never called her back and hid when she would show up at his apartment. She was hurt but she got over it quickly, at least to your face.


"You really still pissed at me?"

"Are you kidding me. You fucked my best friend and blew her off."

"Your point is? You knew about this." He shrugged.

"But she is my best friend." You yelled.

"She came to me first." He smirked.

"Last thing I want is my best friend getting some STD from a fuck boy like you." You sassed.

"I don't have an STD."

"You slept with every girl in this city. I doubt you use protection."

"I do sometimes. And I get tested like the responsible adult that I am." He shrugged again.

"Did you with Chae?" You asked.


"You're an asshole." You stared to walk away.

"If it makes you feel any better. I didn't even cum inside her."

"Ew, I don't want to know." You plugged your ears and went into your apartment with him following.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)." You turned around from the sympathy in his voice.

"Tell her I will-"

"Oh she's over you." You stared with confidence.

"What?" He asked confused.

"She has a new boyfriend already."

"She has a boyfriend?" The jealousy was visible in his face.


"Then why are you assaulting me?"

"Because you're a pig." You folded your arms. "What is wrong with you? You fuck over women and you hate the fact that they are better without you. You just want them to be heart broken over you forever huh? How cold can you be?"

"That's not it." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I have commitment issues. I just can't find a girl I really like."

"Then date like a normal person." Your voice was still snippy.

"You can't really know until you have sex-"

"Please leave." He turned around and head back towards your door. "I'm not just sayin right now. I mean stay away from me and my friend for good." Your voice was harsh and serious.

He just nodded and left.

You wanted him out of your life and that's what you got. Well for a few days.


It was 1:07pm and a sudden knock woke you from your nice sweet nap that you got to enjoy for a too short of a time. Work has been kicking your ass and all you wanted to do was sleep it off and someone decided to ruin it.

Your first thought was Dongmin but you haven't seen him in a few days, nor did you hear him, meaning no girls. Where was he? You knew you shouldn't care or worry but you couldn't help but be curious.

You opened up and saw a face you never thought you would see again. Your ex Jaehoon.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Your voice was perked up but fake.

"I heard you moved and I wanted to catch up." He smiled.

"I didn't move, you've been here before." You smiled painfully.

"Really?" He laughed.

"Wow, you've changed it a lot." He walked in without an invitation.

"Yeah-" You didn't.

"You still live here by yourself?" He kept asking questions.

"Umm well-"

"Hey do you want to go out for dinner later maybe-" He continued But was cut off by another figure.

"Hey who's this?" Eunwoo enter your apartment suddenly.

"Hey Eunwoo-"

"Who's this (Y/N)?" Jaehoon cut you off. You felt like your head could explode at any minute.

"I'm her boyfriend. Who are you?" Eunwoo said.

"You're her boyfriend?" He looked at you. "You're dating this guy?"

"(Y/N)? Did you forget our plans?" Eunwoo came in.

Jaehoon looked at you. "I'm sorry I forgot Eunwoo, let me just get ready." You quickly ran to your room and got ready. You could still over near Jaehoon and Eunwoo talking in the living room.

"Yeah it's our 5 month anniversary." Eunwoo said loudly.

"5 months? We've only been broken up in 4." He said horrified causing you to slap your forehead stressed.

"Eunwoo I think you meant 4." You laughed sarcastically.

"Oh right. It feels longer then it is because I've fallen so hard in love-" He leaned down to kiss you but you covered your face.

"I haven't brush my teeth yet hun." You smiled falsely.

"I don't care about that." He smiled.

"Sorry Jaehoon, we can catch up another time." You said and he looked hurt which made your day. He was a horrible boyfriend and you didn't miss him.

"Nice to meet you Eunwoo. I hope her fake orgasms don't bother you."

You rolled your eyes as he left. Then you turned to Eunwoo. "Um...why did-"

"You are such a bad liar. I could hear your struggle the moment you opened that door." He walked towards your door.

"Thank you." Was all you said as he was leaving. "Hey, are you busy tonight?"

"No, why?" He started to smirk.

"Just making sure you will be around in case he comes back."

"I'll be next door, like usual." He smiled and finally left.


What were you doing? Why did you even think of him.

You were about to knock on his door until you heard moaning come from into the room. You filled up with anger for the last time and walked back over to your apartment until you heard his door open.

"Oh hey." He smiled and he was fully dressed and nothing suspicious.

"You have company?"

"No." He said.

"I heard some girl." You walked back over to his apartment and he moved to the side so you could see inside.

"I had my tv on." He shrugged.

"Are you watching porn?"

"I don't watch porn I had some romance movie on, and there may have been a sex scene."

"You don't watch porn, that's bullshit." You rolled your eyes.

"Nope. I just think of you." He leaned forward.

"Okay." You turned around annoyed. The old Dongmin was back and you didn't miss him.

"Are we okay now?" He asked following you into your apartment and shutting the door behind him like he was welcomed.

"We were never okay but I don't hate you as much as I hated you before."

You grabbed a few drinks from the fridge. You figured it was your day off tomorrow so you can let loose a little. "So you really dated that prick?"

You walked over to your couch and put the tv on and Dongmin wasn't far from you.

"Aren't all guys pricks, let's be honest." You smiled taking a sip. "Each and everyone in their own special way. He was a clingy, jealous, obsessed weirdo and you are a fuck boy who doesn't care about girls feelings."

"I do care about one girls feelings." He finally sat down next to you.

"And who would that be?"

"Yours." You looked at him. "After what you said, it really tore me up."

"Good. Just testing to see if your soul is still alive."

He smiled gently. "Don't you want to like-"

"What are you saying?" You cut him off. "You ask me to sleep with you one more time I will lose it. I'm probably the last girl on earth who you haven't even touched and I rather not-"

He cut you off by placing his lips towards yours. His lips were soft and moisture from the recent sips of alcohol. It felt nice.

Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop.

Why aren't you stopping?

He leaned you back farther that your back was laying comfortably on your couch. His tongue brush your bottom lip, begging for entry. You instantly granted access, mentally regretting every decision.

He moved his lips off of yours down your neck. You accidentally moaned against his touch causing a cocky grin to appear. "I knew you wanted me."

"I don't."

"Then why aren't you stopping?"

You were at loss of words. "Because-" You felt his hand make their way into your sweat pants. "Because I knew you wouldn't listen anyway."

His hand went deeper inside your panties causing your breathing to pick up. "Explain why you are wet already?"

"Fuck off, you're hard already." You can feel him against your thigh.

"I've wanted you from the day I saw you, I told you that."

"Shut up, no you didn't."

His fingers made their way inside. "I think you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

You blushed from his comment but also felt flustered as he began to pump his fingers in and out of you. Was this just fuck boy talk? Saying what you want to hear but don't mean anything.

"I don't believe that." You closed your eyes tightly.

"I'll prove it to you." He released his fingers and began to remove your sweatpants along with your underwear.

He leaned down kissing up your thigh until he reached your well moisten area. Your fingers grabbed onto the couch cushions tightly as you felt his tongue circle through your core. You have never been touch, not like this. The feeling was almost unreal.

You couldn't stay still and kept clenching against him to the point he pinned your leg to the couch tightly. You bit your lip to stop yourself from screaming but to be honest it would matter anyway.

You felt him replace his fingers with his tongue causing more friction. He leaned up and smiled down at you. He was about to kiss you once again but you moaned finally reaching your high and you closed your eyes weakly.

You felt his presence move away causing you to open your eyes. He was leaning back unbuckling his jeans and you couldn't help the butterflies erupting throughout your stomach.

"Can we move into the bedroom?"

"Sure." He smiled causing you to blush. Why were you giving in? Why?

He picked you up bridal style and carried you to your bed. He ripped off your shirt and immediately began to suck on your chest. You helped yourself out of your bra to stop the uncomfortable tugging of your straps that he wasn't patient for.

You began pulling up his shirt causing him to stop for a brief second only to pull it completely off. He was thin but he still had a very nice figure not to toned but not to lanky either. It was perfect.

He grabbed your hand bringing it towards his crotch and he helped you rub against his stiffened member outside of his boxers. He leaned up and quickly transitioned to your lips once again.

You hated yourself for getting in this situation. You knew the out come so why fall deeper in this hole. He didn't really care about you. He just wanted sex. You always had the habit of falling hard and you could already tell it's happening with Eunwoo. He blew off your friend and didn't care to even check up on her. She was broken in the beginning. You lied saying she had a boyfriend just to see a reaction and you did. Your friend was better off and that's what you told her.

But here you were know falling for the same damn trick. You couldn't stop yourself, you couldn't stop him. You glanced up seeing him finishing with the condom and lining himself up with you. It was officially to late to put an end to all this and you had nothing but regret.

You felt the pain sting you as he pounded into you quickly. You pushed your thoughts aside and just let the lust take over again. He held your hips, bringing you into him for more friction. You moaned loudly as he moved faster. The room was spinning by this point. He leaned forward giving you a new refreshing angle. He kissed down your neck as you held on to him.

You clawed down his back as you felt your high over come you for the second time for the night. Something Jaehoon could never achieve. "Fuck (Y/N) that hurts."

"Sorry." You giggles. You reached your hand down by his member, rubbing along to push him quicker to the edge. He slowed down immensely once he finally reached the edge. He gave a few more pumps before removing himself completely. He collapsed on the bed next to you and the last thing you remember was him whispering in your ear. You were beyond tired to even recall his statement.


The worst thing once you woke up the next morning, was not the fact that you gave into a fuckboy like Dongmin but the face that you hope he would be different with you. But once you woke up and say he was gone that all soon changed. You actually felt heart broken. You expected it sure but you didn't want to believe it.

You got up and threw on a quick casual outfit browsed your apartment. He wasn't in your bathroom nor your kitchen. He wasn't there completely. He blew you off. You grabbed your coat and decided to go get coffee that was only down the street. You opened your door suddenly and saw Eunwoo on the last step with a brown bag and two coffee cups.

Your heart fluttered once you've seen him not understanding this new form of attraction. "Hey, I wanted to go get breakfast with you but I didn't want to wake you up. I know you get up early for your job and all."

You felt your eyes water and you couldn't hide the smile forming on your face. "What is this?"

"I got you breakfast, weren't you listening?" He said with a bit of sass.

"I mean what is all of this? You run out on girls remember?" You wiped your tears tryin not to be obvious.

"I told you already (Y/N). I like you."

"You want to be in a relationship with me?" You asked.


"I don't know."

"I'm sorry you seen my bad side but I promise, I would never want to hurt you....ever."


"Can we talk inside, my arms are gettin tired." He said with a bright smile.

You nodded and went back inside. "I meant what I said last night." You turned to look at him.

"I don't remember. I fell asleep." You said causing him to give you an amusing glare.

"I said I might be in love with you." He shrugged like it was nothing.

"You're in love with me?"

"We've been neighbors for a long time now (Y/N). I can't help what I feel." He confessed.

"I don't know how I feel." You said and he came up closer to you trapping you in the corner of your counters.

"Please just give me one chance to take you out. I promise I won't hurt you."

"But you hurt so many others." Your voice was soft.

"Because you were the one I wanted all along." He leaned down and you looked him right in the eyes. He was serious and you didn't know how to process anything.

"Please." He whispered as you felt his lips brush up against yours.

You filled in the tight space grasping his soft lips in yours. You rubbed your hand down his back causing him hum in pain. "You Okay?" You asked with a slight guilt knowing what was wrong.

"You were rough last night." He laughed.

"I'm sorry." You bit your lip.

"You owe me." He smirked.

"I want my breakfast first." You moved away and he hugged your from behind. You felt happy but will it last?
