*Song Lyrics

Request: "Can you make a sanha ff pls. Romance and cute. Non of that."

Pairing: Yoon Sanha x Reader

Genre: fluff

Words: 1k

A/N: I have been getting a lot of Sanha smut request and YES I know he is of age now lol so no worries I have one in the works :)


From Sanha <3: 10:24 A.M
What are you doing today?

You leaned over grabbing your phone seeing the screen light up. You have been awake but still refused to get up. You smiled seeing who the ID was.

To Sanha <3: 10:24 A.M
Probably staying in bed ;)

From Sanha <3: 10:25 A.M
Lazy bum -.-

From Sanha <3: 10:25 A.M
Please I have a surprise for you.

To Sanha <3: 10:26 A.M
No thanks, I learned not to trust your surprises ㅋㅋㅋ

From Sanha <3: 10:26 A.M
I'm dragging you out of that bed, if you like it or not.

To Sanha <3: 10:27 A.M
Fine -.- where to Captain?

From Sanha <3: 10:28 A.M
Han River? @11:00

To Sanha <3: 10:28 A.M
Okey dokey, see ya there :)

You immediately got ready since you didn't have much time. You wonder what his surprise is this time? He would call take out a surprise so it could really be anything. You have been friends with the dweeb for forever and never wasted an opportunity to hang out with him. Most days he was sweet and caring but there was a few where you wanted to push him off a cliff. He never missed a chance to prank you and he better not be dragging you out of bed for some dumb prank because you would be determined to end your friendship.

The park next to Han river was right next to your house so you just walked the whole way. Once you got there he was sitting in the field with his guitar. What was he doing? He constantly played his guitar so that clearly wasn't the surprise.

You couldn't help but giggle as he practiced. "Hey you." You sat down next to him.

"Hey." He stopped and looked down shyly.

He was never shy around you, what was going on? "You alright?" You smiled.

"I kinda wrote you something." He said bitting his lip nervously.

"What do you mean? A song?" He nodded confirming. "Okay." You blushed not knowing what this was about. "Serenade me." You teased.

He began playing his guitar as his honey vocals softly sang along. The song was starting off very sweet when you were just used to him goofing off. You were listening to every word and began to grow more confused as he couldn't even make eye contact with you.

It didn't hit you right away of what he was actually saying through his words. He had feelings for you? For how long? This had to be a prank.

"You really wrote that? Or is that love song from a kdrama." You teased some more but he was still looking down not making a sound. "Sanha? Why are you acting weird?"

"You really did write that song. About me?" He finally looked up at you but shyly. "You like me?"

"I know we've been friends forever and I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just wanted you to know."

"I don't know what to say." You looked around as you felt your heart beating much quicker. You loved Sanha, that was obvious but was it bigger then that. "How about we go for a walk?" You didn't want to ignore his feelings either as he got up not showing any form of excitement.

He dropped off his guitar in his car as you began following the path. "How long have you known?" You asked breaking the silence.

"For a while now." He placed his hands in his pockets.

"But how?"

"Well.....you're the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning, or when my I get a text message and I see It's you, my heart flutters..........It's all the little things really." He shrugged like it was no big deal.

"I know it's stupid." He continued and you couldn't help but smile. His feelings weren't much different yours. He too was the first you thought about when you wake up or the constantly curiosity of what he was doing when you weren't with him.

"It's okay (Y/N), you're not obligated to like me back or anything, I just felt like I was lying to you so I wanted you-" You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and brought your lips towards his. You needed to know how it felt. You wanted to confirm if the feelings were returned and you couldn't help but smile into the kiss as well as him that it felt connected. Like it was meant to be.

You slowly pulled away as a big smile was formed on your face from just seeing how red his cheeks were. He was beyond cute and you couldn't believe it took this long to see that.

"So...." He said awkwardly.

"I've always liked you Sanha, I just didn't realize it until now." He blushed some more as a soft smile began to form. "Shall we do something, to make it official?"

"Like what, a date?"

"Well, I did plan on spending the day in bed remember? I never had a boyfriend to cuddle with before." You shrugged playfully.

"A warm cozy day, watching movies....doesn't that sound fun?" You wrapped your arms around his waist as Sanha was a flustered mess.

You took that as a yes and began walking back in the direction of your home, grabbing his hand interlocking it with yours. Your house was only down the block so it was quick walk but you quickly turned on disney+ as you jumped into your bed. You signaled Sanha to join you as he was still being shy over the whole thing.

"If we're gonna be in a relationship, I don't want it to change us. You will always be my best friend no matter what." You said as you cuddled up next to him.

"I've always imagined this but I didn't expect it to actually happen."

"I kinda wish you told me sooner...." You began. "Because then we could of been doing this a lot sooner." You leaned over kissing him once again and he didn't hesitate to respond. You didn't see the point in putting on a movie since you rather not pay attention anyway. It was the start of a new relationship and you were so happy Sanha dragged you out of bed for the best surprise ever.
