"Daemon," Alora whispered after knocking on my door.

"Come in, love."

Astrid poked her head through the door and smiled. "Are you busy?"

"I'm never busy for you love."

She again smiled shyly and came in. "I just wanted to ask you about my dress. What do you think? Adrian and Anubis helped me pick it."

She was wearing a green chiffon dress with flowers printed on it.

"You look lovely, darling," I said kissing her head.

"Thank you."

I placed my hand on her shoulder gently guiding her out. "Let's go downstairs, they'll be here any moment."

We went down to the living room and saw that they were here.

"Daemon," grandma noticed me first, "where's my baby?"

"We're all here mother," uncle Sal grumbled.

Grandma scoffed. "Not you. Astrid. Where is she?"

I turned around to see Alora cowering behind me. I put a hand on her shoulder and assured her that it's going to be okay.

She slowly peeked her head from behind me and grandma gasped. "There's my baby."

Alora's eyes widened as she saw grandma rushing towards her.


The sweet old lady, my grandmother, ran towards me and Daemon and literally pushed him away before crushing me in a hug.

"Oh my baby. I've missed you so much," she said swishing me around in her arms.

"Let the girl breathe Cassandra, you're suffocating her." A man's voice grumbled.

"Or you're just jealous that I got to hug her first," she spoke.

"No no look her face is all red," I heard my father's panicky voice, "let her go."

The lady immediately loosened her hold on me. "I'm so sorry dear, I get a little too excited sometimes."

I just stared at her wide eyed not knowing what else to do.

"I'm your grandmother. So like I'm your father's mother. So I can scold him, come to me if he ever bothers you."

She is adorable.

"Hi." I waved my hand a little and she squealed.

"You're so cute, like a kitten."

I blushed at her words.

"Alright now move," the old man pushed grandma away and knelt infront of me with a small smile. "I'm Nicholas King, your grandpa. It's nice to have you back."

"I'm Astrid," I whispered.

Grandpa chuckled. "I know, dear."

"I sense some favouritism here," another man, Sebastian, said scrunching his face.

"What else were you expecting?" Grandpa said raising his eyebrow.

Sebastian rolled his eyes then turned to me with a smile. "Hey, sweetheart. I'm Sebastian, remember? We've met before."

I nodded telling him that I do remember.

Another man scowled. "What do you mean you've met? None of us was supposed to meet her."

"That rule is for you peasants. I'm special," Sebastian answered with a cheeky grin.

Everyone in the room rolled their eyes, except for me of course.

"Anyways," another man pushed his way to me, "I'm your uncle Salvatore, you can call me uncle Sal like everyone else."

I waved again. He continued, "that's my wife Scarlett." She waved enthusiastically before asking me if she could hug me to which I nodded. She hugged me and kissed my head saying it was nice to have me back.

"Those buffoons are my children," uncle Sal said pointing to some boys. "Boys introduce yourselves."

"I'm Aldric, it's nice to meet you," the one with silver hair like aunt Nicolle said.

"I'm Alexander." He also had brilliant silver hair.

"Atlas," said the one with jet black hair and icy blue eyes.

"We're twins," Atlas said pointing to Alexander. I would have never thought of them as twins. They looked nothing alike.

Another man who seemed a little older than uncle Sal came forward and hugged me. "I'm you uncle Callan," he said kissing my forehead.

"And I'm his wife, Nicolle. It's great to see you after such a long time. You've grown to be so beautiful," a woman with flaming red hair said in the softest voice I've ever heard.

"And you already know me," Sebastian pointed to himself. Then he turned to two other people. "That's Seth-"he pointed to the older one of them-"and that's Xavier-" pointing to the boy that looked to be in his teenage years.

"Alright now move, peasants," another man that seemed younger than my father and uncles came forward. "Myself Julian, I'm your father's youngest brother and my wife Emily," he said hugging me and then letting his wife hug me.

"And those are my sons -" he pointed to some other boys.

"Rome," the oldest of them said.

"I'm Gabriel, this is Xander and Eros."

"Hi, I'm only ten months older than you," Eros said waving at me so I waved back.

"Alright." Papa clapped his hands. "Now that everyone has been introduced let's go have breakfast."

We all walked towards the dining room and everyone started sitting down. It was chaos.

"Here," Adrian called me pulling out a seat for me. I sat down and thanked him.

"So, tell me about yourself." Grandma asked me after food was served.

I shrugged. "There's not much to tell."

"She knows pottery," papa butt in.

Aunt Scarlett gasped. "Really? I love pottery. We should do it sometime."

"Yeah," I whispered feeling shy with all the attention on me.

"So what do you do for fun," Sebastian asked.

"Uh- I like to read."

"You mean like for fun?" Sebastian gasped.

I nodded.

"Girl stop. Really?"

I nodded again.

"Calm down Seb, not everyone's a slob like you." Seth said rolling his eyes.

Sebastian frowned at that. He was going to say something before he was interrupted by grandpa. "So tell me what's new."

"Adonis has a girlfriend," Adrian chimed in.

A lot of 'what's and 'about time's, 'yay's and some other stuff were heard.

"When are you going to let us meet her," aunt Nicolle asked.

"What's her name?" Aunt Emily.

"Let's invite her for dinner," grandma said.

"Can you guys please calm down. We're not inviting her for dinner." Adonis then turned to Adrian. "I'm going to kill you."

Adrian shrugged. "They wanted to know something new."

"Why can't we invite her for dinner?" Aunt Scarlett pouted.

"Because she's not comfortable with many people. I don't want to scare her off. Now can we please change the topic."

My aunts and grandma rolled their eyes and changed the topic to how we should have a girls day out.
