Right now I'm standing in the kitchen trying to convince the chef, Alfred, to let me make breakfast.

"What's going on here?" I heard Adrian ask.


"Sir, Miss Astrid wants to cook breakfast."

Alfred and I reply at the same time.

"Not today. We've to go shopping for you today. Go get ready."

I nodded and went to get ready in one of my brothers hoodies.

After getting ready I went down and saw everyone sitting there. "Good morning,love," papa greeted me as I sat down.

"Good morning," I mumbled shyly.

Soren, who was sitting next to me, put a slice of toast on my plate and gestured for me to start eating. As soon as I finished it, Adonis pushed a bowl of fruits towards me.

I peered into the bowl. It looked intimidating. I don't think I can finish this. As if hearing my thoughts Daemon said,"Eat as much as you can. No pressure."

I nodded and put the green cube in my mouth. It looks like kiwi. It has a tangy taste. I don't like it. Then I put the orange cube in my mouth. I like this. I can't recognize it though.

"That's mango baby." I heard Adrian say, amused.

I blushed knowing he'd seen me staring at it.

Surprisingly, I was able to finish the bowl of fruits. It took me while but I ate it all.

"Come baby," Adrian said standing up, "I'll let you choose the car."

"Can we come along," Anubis asked.

"Please," Soren added.

Adrian rolled his eyes but nodded nonetheless.

"Shotgun." Soren and Anubis yelled at the same time and raced outside.

Adrian shook his head and gestured for me to follow him. He stopped infront of a huge set of doors and put his palm on the board like thing. The door opened.


I didn't even know these many cars existed.

"Which one would you like to take," Adrian asked with a smirk.

"Uh- I don't know."

"Choose baby."

"The red one."

"1963 Ferrari 250 GTO. Nice choice," Adrian whistled.

I wish I could whistle.

Where's Soren and Anubis. I wondered.

"They're outside. Those morons thought I'll take the SUV parked out." Adrian answered my unasked question walking towards the car. I can't believe he's actually taking my suggestion.

"Come baby," he said opening the door to the passenger side. Oh snap! There's only two seats.

"It has two seats. What about Soren and Anubis." I gathered some courage to express my concern.

"We're not taking them. They can come if they want but not in my car," Adrian snorted.

I gasp. That's mean.

"Come on now we don't have all day." He motioned for me to get in, tapping his feet on the floor.

Adrian jogged to the drivers side after I got in. He starts the car with a rumble and drives out of the mansion gates. I can see Soren and Anubis standing with their mouths wide open. I giggle and turn my gaze out of the window.

I imagine a like going through all the lampposts we pass. After a while the car stops and Adrian gets out. He walks to my side to open the door for me. I shyly take his hand and get out.

We enter the mall while I look around and see a lot of people here. I don't like this. I've never seen this many people together.

I don't even realize when my hands start shaking and I can't breathe. I can't breathe. My vision blurs as I gasp for air.

"Baby, what's wrong? Breathe baby, breathe," Adrian says as he picks me up and runs to the car.

"Listen," he says placing my head on his chest," listen to my heartbeat and follow my breathing."

After a while I can finally breathe normally. But I'm still in no condition to let him go.  So I fist his shirt tightly.

"You ok now?"

I nod.

"Alright lets go home. We'll do online shopping," he says placing me on the car seat.


I've never been this scared. When she stopped breathing, I felt like dying. It scared the shit out of me.

At least she's ok now. But she needs a psychiatrist soon.

After reaching home I told her to go take a nice long bath and come to the living room while I went to talk to dad.

"Dad," I barged into his office but stopped when I saw Don DiCosta and his son Mercello sitting there along with Daemon. What're they doing here?

Dad raised his right brow as if asking why I'm being mannerless again. I rolled my eyes and went out closing the door behind me.

I went into the kitchen saw Adonis making something. "What're you making?"

"How are you back so early? I thought you went shopping with Astrid," he asked instead of answering.

"Yeah about that. She had a panic attack as soon as we stepped into the mall. So we came back."

"What why didn't you tell me? Poor baby. Where is she? I'll go check her." Adonis started rambling and walking out.

"No wait. She's taking a bath. I told her to come down after it," I told him.

He nodded, "I'll go wait in her room."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure she's gonna like having an unknown man on her bed as she comes out of the bathroom."

Adonis frowned at me. "But I'm not an unknown man. I'm her brother."

"She doesn't know you. Hence unknown."

Adonis opened and closed his mouth like a fish before he went back to whatever he was making.

"So what're you making?"

"Strawberry smoothie."


"What do you mean why. It's for Astrid. She should have something now," he answered glaring at me.

I watched Adonis make the smoothie for a while before going to fetch my laptop and going to the living room. A moment later Astrid came in. She looks better now.

"Come baby. Let's do some online shopping." I patted the space next to me hoping she'd sit here.

"Now you get whatever you want," I said giving the laptop to her.

I showed her some dresses but she looked so confused. Like she didn't know what to take. My baby's probably never shopped before.

"How about I show you somethigs and you tell me if you like it or not."

She nodded.

"Hey why are you two back so early." I heard Soren ask as Anubis took the seat next to Astrid.

I saw her looking at me, pleading me not to tell. "Yeah we thought we'll just do some online shopping instead. So we came back."

"I'll help." Both Soren and Anubis stated at the same time.

Thus began our shopping. Which took a whole hour.

After placing the oder for the clothes, underwear, accessories and God knows, none of which Astrid chose, we were done. Finally.
