Astrid nestled into me as we walked into the restaurant.

"Why's everyone looking at us?"

"They have nothing better to do."

"Or maybe it's because everyone else is wearing fancy stuff and I'm here in sweatpants and papa's hoodie."

I looked down at her and nodded. "It's clearly because you look adorable. I must hide you."

She laughed and snuggled more into me as I talked to the manager.

"Alright, the private room's not available so we have to sit here," I said turning to Astrid.

She frowned. "You didn't even ask for a private room. You literally just told them to clear that table, which is very rude of you if I might say so."

"Shut up." I pulled out her chair and motioned her to sit. "What do you want?"

"Uh- what's sushi?"

"It's a Japanese thing, it has rice and veggies and fish. And it's usually raw fish, you want?"

She shook her head so hard I thought it was gonna fall off, it didn't. "You want veg sushi then?"

"Is it good?"

"I like it, I mean I've never tried the one with veggies because who likes those but the other are pretty good."

"I'll have the vegetable sushi."

"I'll have the soba noodles." I said returning the menus to the waiter.

"Please," the ever so polite lady butted in with a smile while I just rolled my eyes.

"Adonis is here with his girlfriend isn't he?"

I raised my eyebrow, "what makes you think that?"

She shrugged and kept looking at me.

"Fine," I rolled my eyes. "He's here. But that's not why we're here, we're here to have dinner."

"We could've had that at home." Astrid mumbled.

I was shocked at her behavior. She's always so quiet and shy and scared. It's refreshing to see her talk with so much confidence. "Just shut up and enjoy the food."

"The food's not here yet."

I sighed angrily. Where's the damn food.

After a while of her pestering me with stupid questions the food finally arrived.

I watched as Astrid tried to lift the sushi with her chopsticks. Her cheeks puffed up at the amount of concentration she was giving in this simple task.

"I can't do this," she said slamming
her chopsticks down.

"I'll help. But remind me to teach you how to hold these later."

She tilted her head to the side and opened her mouth like I told her to. "You will not tell anyone about me feeding you, you get me?"

"Adrian," damnit, "what am I seeing? Is it the Adrian King feeding a little girl."

"Hello there lovely lady, I'm Sebastian K-"

"He's Sebastian, my friend." I butt in before he could go ahead and scare her.

Seb raised his eyebrows at me and sat down next to Astrid. "Here I'll help yu with the food and personally I think Adrian's is better. You should try that." He took my plate from me an placed it infront of her while she just looked at him horrified.

"Alright Seb, you should leave. You're making her uncomfortable."

He gasped. "What? But I'm her brother too."

Astrid's head snapped to him at his words.

"Cousin," Seb shrugged at her.

"I have cousins?"

"Yeah," there goes dad's plans of asking her, "and uncles, aunts and grandparents. They all want to meet you but dad wanted to ask you first."

"So, do you want to meet us?" Seb asked hopefully.

"Uh- yes. That would be nice." Then she mumbled something to herself.

"Okie dokie," Sebastian King, the man known for his cruel ways gave her the sweetest smile. "We'll come visit soon."

"What are you doing here?"

Damn it.

"Adonis," Astrid squealed and jumped at him. That was so unexpected.

"Woah baby, are you ok?" Adonis asked.

She blushed. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to do that and Mathew says to always do what you want so-"

"It's ok baby I'm not mad at you," he kissed her forehead and a woman behind him cleared her throat.

"Oh, this is Callista," Adonis hesitated, "my friend."

"You mean your girlfriend?"

"Astrid, how on earth did you know," he raised his eyebrows at me.

I shrugged. "I told her."

Adonis sighed and kissed Astrid's forehead before whispering something in her ear to which she giggled as Callista watched their exchange.

"I'll get going then, I have to drop Callista off first then I be home." Adonis went out saying that.

"Why is everyone ignoring me," Seb asked.

"I'm sorry," my idiot little sister immediately apologized.

"Oh you sweet girl, it's ok," Seb ruffled her hair which made her pout. "I'll get going too, see ya."

"Should we go home too?" Astrid turned to me.

I frowned. "But we didn't even eat our food."

Her eyes went wide open just as her stomach rumbled. "Can you not tell anyone about that please," she looked so embarassed. Adorable.

"How about we tell them to pack our food, it's getting late, we really should head home."

I told the waiter to pack our food and we left after I paid the bill.

"Adrian," Astrid mumbled with a sushi in her mouth.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." This is my biggest pet peeve, I hate it when people talk with food in their mouth.

She quickly swallowed it and said, "a few cars are following us."

I looked into the car mirror to see if it was ours or not. "Don't worry about that. They're for our security."

"Why do we need that?"

"We own a lot of business, we're rich and people like us have enemies. So we need people to protect us front our enemies."

"You can't protect yourself?"

"I can. But you can't. And I might not be able to protect you so they're for you."

She thought for a moment. "Then teach me how to protect myself. Oh and what is your business, I thought you were a lawyer."

Damn she's asking questions. "I am a lawyer, a corporate lawyer. It's like a business lawyer or whatever. And we were thinking of giving you some basic self-defense training, maybe after a few days."

"So what business do you guys do? You didn't answer that question."

"Lots of business. Like we own hotels, industries, restaurants, wineries and some other stuff."

She looked so excited that I felt guilty for not telling her the whole truth.

"That is so cool."

I gave her a sad smile. "It is."


Hey, sorry for the not so great chapter. I promise I'll try to make the next one better.
