I knocked on Astrid's door and waited for her to open the door or maybe ask me to go in. But she didn't. So I knocked again. And again. I was going to knock again but Anubis came and just barged in.

"Anubis, bad manners," I hissed.

He just rolled his eyes at me and said, "she's not even here."

I looked around and he was right. Astrid's not here. Where is she?

"Probably in the bathroom, we should wai-" I stopped talking as I saw Anubis barging into the bathroom. "What are you doing?"

"Not here either."

"Well you're lucky she isn't here. She could've been naked or something! You can't barge into people's room or their bathroom. Especially if it's a girl, you have to respect her privacy."

He rolled his eyes. Again. "Relax. I saw her going somewhere with Adrian before I came here."

"You could have told me! You didn't need to do all that and nearly give me a heart attack." How are we even related. He's exasperating.

He had the audacity to shrug. I'm going to kill him one of these days.

I followed my twin out of Astrid's room and into the kitchen.

Astrid and Adrian were sitting on the kitchen island looking at something on Adrian's laptop.

"What are you guys doing?" Anubis asked taking a bunch of grapes out of the fruit bowl. He put one in his mouth and offered me one but I refused.

"I'm introducing her to our cousins."

I tilted my head. "She's going to meet them tomorrow anyway."

"Yes but I don't want to be unprepared," Astrid said fixing her hair.

"We've got another nerd in the house," Anubis smirked.

"Is that a bad thing?" Astrid asked looking at me.

I shook my head. "No, I think it's great that you're preparing yourself. They can all be a little overbearing sometimes. Too much testosterone, you know."

Astrid nodded and went back to looking at the screen. I rounded the table to sit down next to her.

"Now this one is Aunt Nicolle. She's nice. This is Uncle Salvatore, we call him uncle Sal. That's -"

Adrian droned on as Astrid turned to me. "I don't like how he's doing the introductions," she whispered.

"I don't like it either."

I thought for a moment before deciding to take things in my own hand. "Hey Adrian. Why don't you go and see what dad wants I'll handle this."

Adrian raised his eyebrow. "I don't know what dad wants."

"Oh sorry, guess I forgot to tell you. Dad asked you to meet him in his office."

"But I'm -"

"He said it's urgent." I widened my eyes a little to make it seem urgent.

Adrian scowled. "Fine."

I took Adrian's laptop started looking for individual pictures of our family members. I didn't find much, it's all either Astrid now or her baby photos.

"That's a cute baby. Who is it?" She cooed.

"That's you."

Astrid gasped.

"You tried to copy me and jump off the bed but you fell and cried," Anubis said pointing to a picture where Astrid's face was all scrunched up and tears streaming down her face.

Astrid frowned. "Who took that picture?"

"Adrian did. He was obsessed with taking your pictures. Always had a camera at hand."

"Now can we please proceed with our previous pursuit. I promise we'll see all your baby pictures later," I said.

Astrid nodded and Anubis rolled his eyes but sat next to her.

The next few hours went away as I explained the thought process, habits and many other things about our cousins. I looked to my side and saw Anubis sleeping with his mouth open and Astrid taking notes. She really is my sister.

She looked at me, questioning me why I stopped. I shook my head and continued with a smile.


I went to bed after Soren and my long study session about our cousins. But sleep was the farthest thing from me. All I could think of was meeting new people.

I lay still hoping that sleep would somehow find a way to get to me despite my obvious anxiety. But it didn't happen. It was just me with my stupid anxiety.

I even tried counting sheeps but that didn't works either. Guess I'm staying awake tonight.

I sighed for the hundredth time when the door opened scaring me. I screamed. Someone else screamed as well. 

"Stop," someone growled.

The lights were turned on and I saw Anubis and Adrian standing at the door.

"You sacred me," I said placing my hand on my chest.

"No, you," Anubis pointed his finger at me, "scared me."

Adrian rolled his eyes. "It's not her fault you scare easily."

Anubis rolled his eyes and came in.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Adrian asked placing his hand on my head. "You temperature seems fine. You feel sick?"

I shook my head. "I'm just worried about tomorrow. I didn't even pick my clothes out."

Adrian chuckled. "Since you're awake you can do that now and utilize the time."

"Uh huh. But what should I wear? Something fancy? Something casual? Something in-between fancy and casual? I don't know!"

"Just wear one of the dresses you wear at home," Adrian said rolling his eyes.

"Okay." I wanted to ask them if they'd help me select the dress but these are my two distant brothers. I'm not sure if they'd appreciate it.

"Why don't you try some out and show us. We can help you pick, right Anubis?"

"Yeah, I'd love that," Anubis said nodding frantically.

I couldn't hold the smile back.


Hey, I have a question. Do you people want me to post pictures of the clothes or stuff or would you appreciate it more if I didn't?

Keep voting and commenting<3
