Chapter Ten: a Random Day During Sixth Grade

"Okay. Now, carefully put the eggs on the plates. The person across from you will taste your eggs." Ms. Mey-Rin said. Ciel "carefully" put the eggs on the plate.

"Ah! Fuck!" Ciel shook his hand and put the pan down on the counter. Ciel released that he just swore in front of the teacher. He put his other hand over his mouth.

"Ciel! Are you alright? You need to be more careful." Sebastian ran to his friends side, holding the burned hand.

"I got some ice, yes I did!" Mey-Rin came running through the door with a bag of ice. She gave it to Sebastian and he put it on Ciel's burn. Ciel let out a sigh from the feeling of the cold on the burn.

"I'm sorry for swear Ms. Mey-Rin."

"Oh love. It's quite alright. I would have done the same thing, yes I would. Now, get back to plating."

"Ciel, are you sure you're alright?" Sebastian looked at his friend with worried eyes.

"Mhmm." Ciel nodded his head and finished plating the eggs.

"Okay, now taste time." Ms. Mey-Rin said.

"Here ya go Sebastian." Ciel handed the plate over as he stood next to his partner.

"Thanks. Here's yours." Ciel and Sebastian began to eat the others food.

"Oh my God. Sebastian this is so good!"

"Are you kidding? Yours is seasoned. You should be a chef." Sebastian nudged Ciel's side.

"Well, I have always wanted to be a chef." Ciel smiled and finished the eggs.

"Good." Sebastian smiled and looked down at Ciel. God I love him.
