Chapter Fifteen: a Random Day in the Life of a Random Teacher

I'm a science teacher. No, in eighth grade I didn't think I would be teaching brats, but here I am. Doing what I love. Teaching science.

After graduation I went right to college. And I got in and out as fast as I could. I wanted to get and teaching job so badly. And, even better, I took over the science teacher who taught eighth grade science at my junior high school. She was witch if witches were ever really.

College was a drag and was a bore. I passed my classes with flying A's and was on the top of my class. But, I wanted more. I wanted to settle down. I wanted someone to come home to. I loved the feeling of getting the mail each morning. I don't know why. I've always loved it. I mean, as a child, I would get the mail at the same time as he would.

I grabbed to mail one morn and was shocked to see a letter from him. I opened as fast as I could and read it. It was letter from a Mr. Ciel Phantomhive; it said:

"We would be honoured to have you come and join us for your wedding. Save the date for April 16, 2026."

"He's getting married?" I floored. I never thought in a million years that he would marry. I wrote to the return address to RSVP and sent it off as soon as I could.

"Well, fuck. My Ciel is getting married."
