Chapter One: the First Day

Ciel was woken up by his mother, Rachel. She gently shook him, telling him he needed to get dressed. Ciel reluctantly opened his eyes and slowly got out of bed. It was the first day of primary school. He didn't know anyone, but he loved being around people. He loved to talk to them and everything about them.

He ran into the bathroom and began to put on the outfit that his mother and father had gotten for him. He pulled the trousers up and pulled the shirt on. He attempted to button it up but failed. His father, Vincent, walked in and chuckled.

"You don't seem like you want to go to school. You're such a good trooper." His father said sarcastically as he helped Ciel fix us shirt. Ciel giggled and grabbed the clip on tie and handed it to his farther.

"I'm so excited to go to school!" he jumped up and down and couldn't stop. His father put his hands on Ciel's shoulders to make him still. He smiled and clipped the tie on the collar of Ciel's shirt.

"You look very handsome, Ciel." Rachel said before taking a picture of Ciel. Ciel smiled real big and ran down the stairs, grabbing his shoes and slipping them on. He ran down to the car and got in, buckling himself into his booster seat.

"Yeah, you're right. He really doesn't want to go to school." Vincent joked.

The two got in the car and drove to the school. Ciel was so cute. His backpack over his shoulders, his outfit, and the cutest smile on his face. He got out of the car and said goodbye to his mum and dad and ran off to find some new friends.

"He'll do fine, won't he?" Rachel said to Vincent as they watched their boy run off to the playground.

"Of course he will." Vincent said with a smiled. And with that they drove off and went back home.

Ciel ran up to a kid who looked to be about his age.

"Hi! I'm Ciel. What's your name?" He said, holding out his hand. The boy looked at the hand and gladly took it, smiling.

"Hello Ciel, I'm Sebastian. It is very nice to meet you." He let go of Ciel's hand and sat on the concrete boarder around the playground. Ciel sat next to him and they started to chat about how the summer went. When the bell rang the two boys got up and ran to the door.

"You know, you are the only person who as actually said hello to me." Sebastian said as they sat down in their desks.

"Really? Why is that? You are a nice person." Ciel smiled and kicked his legs under the desk.

"I don't really know. People have said that my eyes are evil colour, but I seem to really like them." Sebastian looked at the desk.

"They are crazy!" Ciel somewhat screamed. "They don't get to know you. They just judge you based on your eye colour. And you should like the colour of your eyes. It's a rare colour. It's a pretty colour." Ciel smiled at Sebastian. He smiled back turned to face Ciel.

"Well, I mean, both of us have strange eyes colours. I mean, I have my red eyes, and you have your one blue and one purple eye." Sebastian stared into Ciel's eyes. Ciel put his hand over his left eye.

"Yeah, that's true. The doctor said that it was a birth defect, but my mother says, 'It my special power' as if I'm some kind of super hero." Ciel dropped his hand a giggled, looking at Sebastian.

The teacher got up to the front of the room and started to talk.

The first day of school, isn't so bad.
