Chapter Eight: a Random Day During Summer Before Junior High

"Shhhh. I don't wanna get caught." Sebastian said to Ciel.

"Dude, live a little and besides, my parents aren't even home." Ciel smiled. He grabbed Sebastian's hand and lead him into the house.

"You didn't tell them did you?" Sebastian looked at Ciel before entering the house.

"If I said I did would come in?" Sebastian shook his head no. "Then I didn't." Sebastian smiled.

"Okay. But, come here for a second. I wanna tell you something." Ciel looked at him puzzled as he closed the door. He walked to Sebastian and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"I love you." This was the first time those three words were said. Not ever. If you looked at their texts between the two, you would see the three words. This is the first time 'I love you' was ever said in person. Ciel's cheeks grew red and he stood on his tip toes.

"I love you, too." Sebastian smiled and kissed the bluenette. The bluenette let out a small moan and took his arms away from Sebastian's waist, and wrapped them around his neck. Sebastian put his arms underneath Ciel's plush rump and lifted him up. Ciel subconsciously wrapped his legs around Sebastian's waist.

Sebastian, being on hell of a boyfriend, got him and Ciel, still in his arms, up the stairs and into Ciel's room.

"Seb- Ah!" Sebastian began to suck and nip on Ciel's neck. Sebastian and Ciel had no fucking clue what they were doing, and it was obvious. But, so cute too.

"Ciel!? Are you okay?" Rachel rushed into Ciel's room and saw the two boys.

"So I think that's what you are doing in math in 6th grade." Sebastian said pointing at a piece of paper.

"Hey! Why are you here? Didn't you and Dad have a party?" Ciel looked at his mum.

"Because I forgot my, yes we do, and does your mother know you're here Sebastian?" She looked at him with suspicion.

"Yep!" Sebastian smiled.

"Okay. Be good you two." Rachel closed the door and walked out of the house.

"Oh. My. God. That was way too close." Sebastian said, laughing hard.

"No shit!" Ciel punched Sebastian's arm and tackled him; lips locked.
