ch 7 |Mr Wells. cont.

I couldn't stop crying while digging my nails into my knees holding them so tight. A hand brushed back my fringe and I screamed and flinched, "shhh don't worry (y/n), it's me, Jungkook" a soothing tone came from the man as he wrapped his arms around me. I sunk into his warm embrace and wrapped my arms around his shoulders holding on as if for dear life. He rocked me back and forth while hushing me to try calm me down. "Thank you, for coming, I was so scared" I managed to get out before breaking into more tears. "Don't thank me Jesus I got that call and my heart broke I had no idea what was happening to you I just knew I had to find you. I'm just sorry I couldn't make it sooner. I'm so sorry." He spoke with clear pain, he was almost in tears by the end of this sentence. I knew I had to stop crying and just get up for both of our sakes so that's what I done.

*jungkooks POV*

"So, the girl you were with last night, good pull?"
The arrogant words of my hyung angered me slightly.
"I didn't 'pull' anyone, we played videogames then it was too stormy to bring her home. I told you this"
I stated confidently
"Alright alright I'll believe you, I didn't notice anything gone from my protection drawer so I hope you didn't."
I just scoffed. I love Tae with all my heart, he's the family I never had but he's so adiment for me to lose my virginity it's tiring.
"Oh by the way Namjoon is having a party this weekend and you have to co-" my phone rang mid way through Taes sentence. Saved by the bell I thought to myself, "sorry tae I gotta  take this I'll catch up later"

"Hey (y/n), everything alright?"
The call was silent, maybe it was a butt dial? Ill wait anyway
I thought to myself
"MR.WELLS, STO- ahh PLEA- ARG, IM IN ROOM 13 AHH" I heard (y/n)'s voice she sounded terrified. Room 13, room 13 THINK JUNGKOOK. SHIT THATS IN THE ITHER CAMPUS FUCK. I quickened my pace scared of my life of what was happening to (y/n). Mr Wells? Why did she say that? Isn't he a teacher? Maybe she's calling for him to help her. God I hope so.

I kept the call going in case I heard anything else, all I  could here was grunting, moaning... and.. crying. My heart was shattering come on jungkook you can run faster than this. I was almost tripping over myself at this point but I didn't care, I needed to get to room 13.

"you know, girls in this school would kill for me to do this to them" MR WELLS?? FUCK IT IS HIM WHAT IS HE DOING TO (Y/N) "then why dont you do it to them" (y/n), her voice is so broken. I can't take this.
 "who said I already haven't?" That sick bastard WHAT IS HE DOING?? WHAT HAS HE DONE TO OTHERS?? SHIT!! I'm close (y/n) don't worry, I'm coming.
All I could hear was crying and then soft calls of my name. Jesus (y/n) I'm so sorry.

I made it to room 13 and without hesitation I barged down the door. I couldn't believe what was in front of me. Mr Wells had her against the wall he was.... FINGERING HER?? I sprinted using all the energy left in me and tackled him to the ground. Punch after punch I wasn't going to hold back. Many punches later the man was very much knocked out, I went over to (y/n). She was grasping her legs and digging her head into her knees. I felt like breaking into tears but I had to stay strong, for her.
