Ch 5| Battle field

I made it back to my house and grabbed a small carton of banana milk before heading to my PC

"anyone up for Overwatch?"
"we need someone to play support, anyone up for it?"
"I got a round of Overwatch up and there is room for one more person, any takers?"

I was sick of it, everyone was playing the game I didn't have and no one wanted to play anything other than it, instead, I logged onto WoW and began grinding. Before I knew it, it was a quarter to six so I headed outside to wait on Jungkook.

"took your time"
He said with a smirk while leaning against his alfa which was standing in all its glory.

"Listen, mate, I was playing WoW"
"Oh, well that explains everything"
I laughed at his response 
"you play WoW?"
he gave me a look saying how could you think otherwise??

"Of course I play WoW! who do you think I am??"
I laughed and got into his car

"Before we get to my house, I want to apologize for the stupidity of my hyung, he may act  oddly towards you"

I laughed in response "he can't be that bad"

all I got was a sigh in response before we drove off to his house.

We pulled into a driveway that led to a red brick bungalow with a small garden in front, "Woah, nice place" I said in awe wondering how he could afford a place like this 
"Thanks, hyung pays the majority," he said leading me inside
"you aren't gonna turn around and kidnap me right? I mean I only met you a couple days ago" I said watching him carefully
"Nah, if that was my intention I would have done it ages ago......or would I?" he mumbled the last part and walked ahead of me into what seemed to be the living room.

The room had white walls and a red leather sofa in the middle that sat right in front of a 56 inch TV, seriously how does he afford these things.

"Hyung I'm back!" Jungkook leaned into a room and shouted, not long after a boy around Jungkooks age with dirty blonde hair walked out and made his way over to me

"Hyung this is (y/n), the girl I met at the club the other night" he looked me up and down before biting his lip which made me feel uncomfortable.
"Hello there (y/n), my name is Taehyung but you can call me darling," he said before grabbing my hand and placing a kiss on the back.

"Hi, I'll stick to Taehyung thanks, also this is 2017, you can take your 1823 chivalry back through the time warp," I said before making my way towards Jungkook who was trying to hold back laughter.

"so, Battlefield?" he said before pointing in the direction of his room
"a true gentleman would have bought me dinner first," I said jokingly while walking into his room and he followed behind.

Time had passed by and so had many rounds, "I should probably be getting home now" I said looking outside but it was already dark and raining "how long have we been playing?" Jungkook asked allowing his eyes to adjust to the real world "a long time" I said grabbing my stuff.

"It's really late, if you want to stay the night here you can go in my room and I'll take the sofa"
Jungkook said looking at his watch 
"I dont know, I met you a couple days ago and besides I wouldn't want to intrude on Mr Darling over there" Jungkook laughed 

"He won't mind, he's probably crashed asleep by now anyway but if you dont feel comfortable I'll understand"

Just as I was about to respond a loud crackle of thunder was heard outside before the sound of a lightning strike filled the room, being unexplainably terrified of loud bangs including thunder and lightning, I screamed and ran behind Jungkook to which he was very confused
"(y/n), are you okay?" suddenly another loud crash of lightning was heard and I fell backwards scrambling to the nearest wall holding my hands to my ears in a desperate attempt to block the noise, at this moment I didn't care how stupid I looked, my mind went to so many different places, so many dark memories, I knew why I had this fear but I wish I didn't.

Suddenly I felt my hands being pulled away from my ears and were replaced by headphones, music began to play and the volume was raised. I felt a pair of warm arms lifting me up before placing me on a soft surface, the arms didn't leave me after that, instead they tightened around my waist soon I found myself drifting to sleep because of the comfortable position.

• Jungkook P.O.V •

(y/n) was making her way to the door as I was trying to persuade her to stay the night, not because I wanted to try anything, more because I didn't want to drive in the rain.

Suddenly a loud strike of thunder was heard and (y/n) ran behind me

"(y/n), are you okay?" was all I managed to get out in the confusion, at first I thought she saw someone outside but it only took a second strike to realise she was afraid of lightning, this time however she had scrambled to the wall as if a murderer had broken in. I panicked and ran to get my headphones before placing them over (y/n)s head and brought her to my room, I was about to leave her but I saw tears falling down her cheeks and I felt my heart split in two, I dont know why she reacts this way but it's not a normal fear of lightning.


Woah whats that is that an update? didn't think that would happen, welp, it happened.
